Washington Examiner

New law grants child tax credit to unborn babies.

New Legislation‌ Aims to Expand​ Child Tax Credit and Support Families

A​ new sweeping House legislation introduced on Monday is set to bring significant changes to the child tax credit and provide support for ⁢families, including coverage ​for the time ⁤a baby is in ​the mother’s womb. The package of bills, reintroduced⁤ by Rep. Ashley Hinson (R-IA), aligns with similar legislation introduced earlier this year in the Senate by Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL). This move signals a growing trend within the GOP towards increased government support for families.

Expanding Financial Support for Children and Families

The proposed ​legislation seeks to expand the child tax ​credit, raising it from the current $2,000 to $3,500 for children aged 5⁣ and under, and $4,500 ⁢for those over the age of‌ 5. Additionally, it includes a provision for retroactive benefits ‍post-birth,​ covering the time a child spends in the womb.‌ Rep. Hinson believes ​this provision will help⁤ families manage the financial responsibilities of growing a family.

“The Providing for Life Act charts the policy course for a culture of life in ​America — it is about valuing life at every stage and making critical investments in the long-term well-being ⁢of families,” stated Hinson. She emphasized the importance of expanding the child tax credit for working families and unborn babies, as well as ​ensuring access to healthcare and⁤ resources for expecting ‍mothers. The goal is ⁢to make a meaningful difference for ‍women and children in need and strengthen American families.

Supporting Adoption and Curbing Abortion

In addition to expanding the child tax credit, the legislation also makes the adoption tax credit fully ​refundable. This means that households with no tax liability would receive ​a ​check from the government, benefiting lower-income families who choose to adopt.

Furthermore, the ⁣package of bills aims to enhance paid parental leave and expand eligibility for ‌the Special⁢ Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women,‌ Infants, and Children to postpartum women. It also encourages cooperation with child support for SNAP recipients and incentivizes states to require fathers to contribute to half of a woman’s pregnancy costs.

Addressing the issue⁣ of abortion, ⁢the legislation establishes a federal clearinghouse of resources through the website life.gov. It ensures ​that Title X funding is available to pregnancy resource centers, which offer alternatives to abortion, and supports pregnant women on college campuses by providing information ‍about their rights and ‍access to non-abortion ⁢resources.

A Shift in‌ GOP’s Stance

This legislation reflects a shift⁤ within the⁢ GOP towards supporting ⁤a larger child tax credit and providing more financial assistance to families. While Democrats have long favored an expanded child tax credit, Republicans have been divided on the issue. However, recent years have‌ seen a growing trend towards favoring a bigger‌ benefit.

Sen. Rubio, who introduced the Senate version of the legislation, has long advocated for an⁤ expanded tax​ credit⁤ and frames it as an​ extension of the Republican party’s pro-life and pro-family agenda. He believes that supporting pregnant mothers and their unborn ‍children is crucial for America’s future strength.

Democrats had previously attempted to make the temporary⁤ coronavirus-era expansion of the child tax credit permanent, but their efforts were hindered due to concerns about full refundability. As a‍ result, the​ credit reverted⁤ back to ⁤the levels set by‌ the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs ‍Act, which doubled the credit to $2,000. However, proponents of expanding the credit argue that $2,000 is no longer ‌sufficient given the ​significant increase in inflation since ⁣2017.

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