Washington Examiner

New Texas law mandates child support from drunk drivers who cause the death of a parent or legal guardian.

A New Law in Texas Requires Drunk Drivers to Pay Child Support for Victims

A⁣ groundbreaking law has recently​ taken⁤ effect ⁣in Texas, aiming ‍to ‌hold drunk drivers accountable for⁢ their​ actions and provide support for the children left behind. Under the ‍bipartisan House Bill 393, signed by Governor Greg Abbott, any ‌drunk driver ​responsible⁤ for the death of a parent or legal guardian will be required to pay‌ child support⁤ until the child reaches the age⁣ of 18 or graduates from high school, ⁤whichever comes later.

Governor⁢ Abbott ‌expressed his support for the law, stating on ​social media, “Any time a⁣ parent passes ‍is tragic, but a death at the ⁤hands of⁣ a drunk driver is especially heinous. I was proud to sign HB 393 into law this year ‍to‌ require offenders to⁢ pay ‌child support‍ for ⁣the⁣ children of their⁢ victims.”

The specific amount of child support‍ has not been⁢ predetermined in the ‌bill.‍ Instead, the court will determine the monthly payment based on the⁤ financial ⁢needs of the⁢ child and the surviving parent or guardian, as well as the financial resources of ​the driver. If the‍ child is placed with a legal guardian, parent, or ⁣child services instead of a family member, the child support payments will ⁣be directed ⁤accordingly.

It is important to note that the payments will ⁢not begin immediately. If the defendant is⁣ incarcerated,​ the child support payments will commence one year⁢ after their release from​ prison. Additionally, ​the law mandates that all arrearages⁢ must be paid, regardless of ⁤whether the ‍restitution payments were scheduled to terminate during the defendant’s confinement.

This significant legislation, ​known as Bentley’s Law,⁤ is ‍named ​after a Missouri woman who‌ tragically lost her son, daughter-in-law, ​and granddaughter to a drunk driver in 2021. It is crucial to highlight⁣ that this law only applies to crashes that ‍occur after its implementation.

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