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New US citizenship test causing worries among immigrants and advocates – too hard.

Advocates⁢ Fear New US‍ Citizenship ​Test ‌Will Be ⁤Too ⁢Hard

Advocates ‌for​ immigrants are ‍fearful ​that a⁤ new ‌citizenship ⁣test ‍in⁣ the⁢ works​ from the ⁤Biden ‌administration will ⁢be too hard.

The⁣ current test‌ in ‌use is from‍ 2008, according to ⁢The ⁢Associated Press. ‍The Trump administration ⁤revised⁤ the test in 2020, ​which‌ advocates deplored as being too‍ difficult. ⁤In 2021,‍ the ‌Biden administration ⁤tossed out the​ Trump-era⁤ test and ⁢went ‌back⁤ to the one that had‌ been replaced.

The‍ new test‌ is expected⁢ to be​ used ⁤next‌ year. More‌ than 1​ million​ immigrants ⁢became U.S. ⁤citizens in fiscal ⁤year 2022, one​ of the⁢ highest ⁤levels​ since⁤ 1907.

Fears⁤ of ⁢Increased ‌Difficulty

Sara Goodman, a ⁣political ‍science ⁣professor‍ at ‌the ⁣University‍ of California, ⁢Irvine,⁤ told the‌ AP the‌ current test is easier⁣ than citizenship ⁢tests ⁢used by ⁤nations ⁢such as ⁤Germany, Canada, and⁤ the United Kingdom.

She ‍said ​the test ​requires⁢ a “high beginner” ⁤level​ of English, and those‌ taking ⁣it can ‍have ‍access to a ⁣question bank with⁢ answers​ before taking the test.

However, the new test ⁢would ​add a speaking⁢ section in ‌which citizenship⁤ applicants would ‍be shown a picture ⁣and ⁢have ⁢to‍ describe it — in ‍English.

“For me, I‌ think ​it​ would be ‍harder to look at pictures ‌and explain them,” said ⁢Heaven​ Mehreta, who came to‍ the ⁣U.S. from Ethiopia 10 years ‍ago‌ and ‍passed the‍ test⁤ last‍ year, ​according⁢ to⁤ the ⁢AP.

“We should not create additional barriers ‌to naturalization‌ when there are⁢ already​ so​ many,” said​ Jennifer‌ Anzardo‍ Valdes, ‍deputy‍ director at ⁢Miami-based⁤ Americans ⁣for Immigrant Justice, ‍according to Axios.

Helena Coric,‍ the ​National‍ Immigration Forum’s assistant vice ‍president ​of ⁢Business Engagement ⁤& ‍Inclusion Programs, said even the‍ current ⁤English ​requirement ⁣is ⁤a ⁤barrier to⁢ citizenship, keeping immigrants with⁤ low ‌proficiency‍ levels from​ even ​applying‌ for citizenship, ​according ‍to ⁣Axios. A‌ harder‌ version ⁢will⁢ just‍ make that ​worse.

She ​said the federal⁢ government should “have an implementation plan ‍that allows ⁢vulnerable ‌populations⁣ an option ⁣to⁤ take the current version‌ of‍ the ⁢test by request.”

Debate‌ Over⁤ Changes

The current version of the test‍ also includes ‍an oral, ⁣short-answer ‍section about​ U.S.⁢ history and⁢ government. The new‌ version⁣ would make ‍that‍ multiple ​choice.

Some ⁢immigrant advocates questioned that change.

“Though multiple ⁢choice might ‌sound easier‌ to many people,‌ it ‌does ⁤mean ⁤that it’s going from an⁢ oral test to essentially ‌a ‌reading⁢ test,”​ Jessica ‍Chicco,​ director⁣ of⁣ the ⁤New Americans⁣ Initiative at the ⁣Massachusetts⁣ Immigrant ⁢& Refugee Advocacy ‌Coalition,‌ said.

However, Elizabeth Jacobs, ‌director of​ regulatory affairs and‌ policy at the conservative Center for‍ Immigration ⁤Studies,⁤ argued ‍that the Biden⁤ test is​ actually ‌easier than ⁤the current ⁢one, ‌according⁤ to the AP.

She said a concerns-from-immigrants-and-advocates-too-difficult/” title=”New US citizenship test causing worries among immigrants and advocates – too hard.”>multiple-choice‌ format reduces the need for‌ immigrants⁣ to ‌actually ⁤memorize information ​about the country⁤ they ‌want‍ to call home.

She ​said the​ test should ⁢include ‍more material⁤ like American values⁢ such as ⁢religious freedom ⁢and freedom⁣ of ​speech.

Concerns‌ and Statistics

In ​2018,⁤ the​ Institute for ⁣Citizens & Scholars released a survey ​that said overall‍ only⁣ 36 ‌percent ‌of Americans⁤ could ‌pass a ⁣test made⁤ up of​ questions ⁣from ​the citizenship exam.

The group ⁢reported‌ in⁤ 2019‌ that ‍in 49⁤ of 50⁤ states, the majority of respondents ⁤failed⁣ the⁣ test.‍ Vermont was ‌the⁤ sole exception. ⁤No state had⁤ a⁤ double-digit‍ share ​of respondents getting ‍the ​equivalent​ of an A ⁤on⁣ the test.

The post New ​US Citizenship Test Requiring⁤ Greater ⁤English⁢ Skills⁤ Draws Concerns from​ Immigrants⁢ and Advocates – ⁢Too​ Difficult appeared‌ first ⁣on ​The ‍Western‍ Journal.

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