Washington Examiner

NY Republican moves to expel George Santos from House

A Republican Congressman Takes Action to ⁤Expel‌ Colleague Amid Scandal

A New York ⁣Republican has‍ taken a bold step ⁢to expel his ‌embattled colleague, ‍Representative George Santos ‍(R-NY), from the House. This move sets the stage for a highly anticipated vote on ‍Thursday.

Representative Anthony D’Esposito (R-NY) recognized the motion ⁤to expel Santos as privileged on Tuesday night, triggering a two-day window for the House to cast their ‌votes. ⁢While House Ethics Committee​ Chairman Michael Guest (R-MS) initially filed the resolution almost two weeks ago, D’Esposito’s ‌recent action to expedite the process‌ comes in response to two House Democrats who filed their own privileged resolution to remove Santos.

The ⁢Measure That Will Determine Santos’ Fate

Ultimately, the motion filed by Guest and acknowledged as privileged by D’Esposito will ‍be the decisive measure that the House will vote on to expel Santos.

The push ⁢to remove ​Santos has been spearheaded⁢ by New York‌ Republicans, ​particularly D’Esposito, ​who previously attempted to oust him⁤ earlier this year, albeit unsuccessfully.

However, ⁢the‌ recent⁢ release of a report from the House Ethics Committee, which outlined “substantial evidence” of unlawful‍ conduct by the freshman Congressman, has given this expulsion motion much greater momentum.

It is widely expected that this motion, requiring a ⁤two-thirds majority vote in the House, will pass overwhelmingly in light of the damning report.

“This report speaks for itself,” stated ⁣D’Esposito, reflecting⁢ on the conversations he has had over the past few weeks. “Everybody that we‌ have spoken to…many have said that ⁣they were waiting for that ethics report.”

Even Santos ⁤himself has come to terms with his impending fate. “It’s ⁤going to pass,” he ‍resignedly admitted. “It’s ‌a circus;⁤ it’s going to pass.”

Santos is currently facing 23 federal charges, including wire fraud, making false statements, ⁤identity theft, money laundering, theft of public funds, and making⁣ false statements in the House.

During a ⁣leadership meeting, Representative⁢ Kevin Hern (R-OK) revealed that Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) had advised Santos to consider resigning as ⁢”the right thing possibly ‍to do.” However, Santos remains steadfast in his refusal to step down.

If expelled, Santos would become⁢ only the sixth member ⁣in the history of Congress to be removed, and ‍notably, ⁢the first to be expelled​ without a criminal ‍conviction or affiliation with⁢ the Confederacy during the ⁣Civil War.

On the ‍House floor Tuesday night, Santos passionately defended himself against expulsion, warning that proceeding with his removal would establish a‍ “very dangerous precedent” that allows someone to⁢ be ousted from ⁤their job simply because they are disliked.

Click here to read more from The ⁤Washington Examiner.

What potential impact could the outcome of the vote on Santos’ expulsion have on future cases of alleged misconduct in ⁣Congress

Rheaded by the House Ethics Committee, which has been ‍investigating allegations of misconduct against him. The Committee’s investigation reportedly found substantial evidence ⁤of unethical behavior and abuse of power by Santos, including allegations of financial impropriety and misuse of campaign funds.

The decision to expel a sitting⁤ member ‌of Congress is a serious and rare occurrence. It requires a ​two-thirds majority vote in the House, making it a difficult outcome to achieve. ⁣However, given⁤ the gravity of the allegations and the mounting evidence against Santos, many lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have expressed support‌ for ​his expulsion.

This scandal has put the Republican Party in a difficult position, as it has been grappling with multiple controversies and internal divisions⁢ in recent months. Expelling a fellow Republican‍ from the ‍House‍ could further exacerbate these divisions, but many see it as necessary to cleanse the party of members accused of misconduct.

In his remarks on⁣ the House floor, Representative D’Esposito ⁢emphasized the importance of maintaining the public’s⁢ trust‌ in their elected officials and upholding ⁤the integrity‌ of the House. He stated that the ⁣motion to expel Santos was not a partisan act, but rather a necessary step to restore‍ faith in the institution.

The ‌vote on Santos’‌ expulsion is expected‍ to be highly contentious, with supporters and ​opponents of the measure making ⁣impassioned arguments during the debate. Some lawmakers ⁣may argue that expulsion is too severe a punishment and ‍that other forms of disciplinary action should be considered. Others ‌may also raise concerns about the potential precedent ⁤this expulsion could‍ set for future cases.

Regardless of ⁢the outcome of the vote, this scandal ⁤has already tarnished the reputation ⁣of ⁤both Santos and the Republican Party. It serves as a stark reminder of the importance of ethical conduct and the need for accountability in elected officials.

Looking ahead, the House‍ Ethics Committee will continue its investigation into the allegations against Santos and any‍ other⁤ potential wrongdoings. The⁢ outcome of that investigation could⁢ have further implications for Santos’ political career and for the ⁣broader perception of⁤ ethics in Congress.

In conclusion, the effort to expel Representative George Santos from the House is gaining momentum and will reach a critical juncture on ‌Thursday. It represents a significant ⁤test for the ‍Republican Party and its commitment ‌to ethics and accountability. The outcome of this⁤ vote will have ⁤far-reaching implications for both‌ Santos and the political⁤ landscape moving forward.

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