Conservative News Daily

NY Times panics as Trump’s victory looms

The New York Times’ Trump Derangement Syndrome

The New York Times is once again succumbing to Trump Derangement Syndrome, as evidenced by their⁢ outlandish ⁢claims about a potential‌ second term for‍ Donald Trump. Recent polls ⁢have shown Trump leading President Joe Biden in crucial swing states, causing panic among liberal media outlets.

In a ⁣lengthy article written by three ⁣of the paper’s top ‌political ⁣reporters, the Times rehashes the ⁢same complaints about ‌Trump’s first term in ⁣office. They even go ‍as far ‍as quoting a throwaway line ⁣from a 1989 interview to argue that Trump ‍has totalitarian tendencies.

But let’s not forget that during his presidency, Trump took strong actions against⁤ Russia, China, and North Korea. He imposed sanctions, tariffs, and spoke out against ‌dictators. Under his ​leadership, there‍ were⁤ no new wars, the Iranian​ government was brought to its knees, and the Islamic State group was obliterated.

On the other hand, President Biden ​has been⁢ soft on⁢ these dictatorial regimes, allowing them to grow⁤ in ⁣power. The record ⁣is clear that Trump was much more forceful toward​ America’s authoritarian foes than his successor has been.

And let’s not ⁤ignore ⁣the hypocrisy of the Times.⁢ They claim that Trump’s vow to use the ‍Justice Department against his adversaries ⁣challenges democratic values, ⁢but conveniently forget the actions of the Biden administration. The Obama-Biden DOJ⁤ launched an investigation into Trump’s 2016 campaign, and now Biden’s⁤ DOJ is trying⁣ to put the⁤ former ⁤president​ away for the rest of his life.

The Biden⁢ administration​ has also tried ⁣to equate the Jan. 6 Capitol incident with the Confederacy, but the ‍truth ⁤is that no shots⁢ were fired‌ and it was far from an insurrection. Most of the protesters ‌were peacefully exercising their⁣ right ‍to free speech, as Trump had encouraged them‌ to do.

Despite all this, the ‍Biden DOJ has launched an unprecedented investigation into the incident, arresting and charging over 1,000 ​protesters. This is​ a ‍clear challenge to democratic values.

It’s clear that ⁣the New York⁢ Times is once again ‌letting their bias cloud their⁢ judgment. Their ⁤fearmongering and ‍distorted narrative only serve to further divide the country.

Intimidation and Persecution: The Double Standard of the DOJ

Let’s call‌ it what ⁤it really is: intimidation and ‌persecution of ⁢political opponents. The New York Times recently published an article expressing panic over the ​potential victory of former President Trump in the next election. But their claims are nothing more than Democratic propaganda.

The ​article highlights⁤ the actions of‍ the Department of ‌Justice (DOJ) under both Trump and Biden. It’s clear that⁤ Biden’s DOJ has ⁢shown a ⁣tendency to target political​ foes, while Trump’s DOJ did not engage in​ such behavior.

A Tale‍ of ‌Two Protests

The article compares the response of the DOJ to ⁣two different protests: the “Disrupt‍ J20” protests during Trump’s Inauguration Day in 2017 and the “social justice” demonstrations in the summer of ‌2020.

During ⁢Trump’s inauguration, violence erupted​ on the streets of Washington, D.C. with people smashing car and‍ store‌ windows, clashing with⁢ police, and even‌ torching a​ limo. ⁣More than 200 arrests‌ were made. However, the DOJ later​ dropped ⁤all charges⁢ against those⁢ who engaged in violence, without even requiring community service.

In ​contrast, the DOJ’s response to the 2020 protests was different. Secret Service agents had to rush then-President ‍Trump to a bunker when rioters broke ‍through the outer security barriers at the White House. Many agents were injured, and property was vandalized. Yet, only 17 people were arrested, most of⁤ whom were charged with rioting. And even ​then, ⁣the charges were dropped by ‌prosecutors in​ most cases.

The Double Standard

It’s⁢ clear⁤ that⁢ there is a double standard⁢ when it comes to the DOJ’s treatment⁢ of political opponents. Trump’s ⁢DOJ did not engage in a massive round-up of protesters or target political foes. But Biden’s DOJ seems to have no⁤ problem with intimidation and persecution.

The article concludes by stating that if Trump were to clean house⁤ in the⁢ DOJ, no one would be able to rightfully‌ criticize ⁤him. Freedom and opportunity were the touchstones of Trump’s⁢ first term, and there is no reason⁤ to believe the ‌same‌ would not be true in a second.

Source: The Western Journal

In⁤ what ways does the article conveniently ‌forget the actions of the Biden administration and the Obama-Biden DOJ, and ⁢how ‌does it ⁤demonstrate a clear double standard ‌when​ critiquing Trump’s alleged threat to ⁢use the Justice Department ⁣against his adversaries

E Times’⁢ allegations of Trump’s totalitarian tendencies, ​citing a⁤ random remark from a 1989 interview. It conveniently⁣ ignores the strong actions that Trump ‌took against authoritarian regimes during​ his⁢ presidency.

Under Trump’s leadership, there⁢ were⁤ no new wars, and⁣ he successfully dealt with the⁤ Iranian government and ‌the Islamic ‍State group. His sanctions, tariffs, and ⁣tough stance against Russia, China, and North Korea sent ⁤a clear message‌ that‍ America would​ not tolerate‍ the‍ actions of dictators.

In contrast, President Biden has⁤ taken a softer approach towards ⁤these regimes, allowing them ​to gain power and ⁣influence. The Times fails ⁣to acknowledge this stark difference in their piece.

The article also criticizes ⁤Trump’s alleged threat ​to use⁢ the Justice‍ Department ‌against his ‌adversaries, claiming that it challenges democratic⁢ values. However, it conveniently forgets the actions of the‌ Biden ‌administration and the Obama-Biden DOJ. The investigation into Trump’s 2016 campaign and the current attempt ‌to prosecute him by ⁣the Biden DOJ demonstrate a clear double standard.

Additionally, the‍ Biden administration has tried to equate the Jan. 6 Capitol incident with the Confederacy, despite the fact ‍that no shots were fired⁣ and it was far from an insurrection. ‌Most⁢ of the ‍protesters ⁣were peacefully exercising their⁢ right to free⁤ speech, as encouraged by Trump. Yet, the Biden DOJ‍ has launched an unprecedented investigation ‌into the incident, arresting and ​charging⁢ over 1,000 protesters, which poses ⁢a threat to democratic values.

It⁤ is evident that the‌ New York Times is allowing its bias to cloud⁤ its ‍judgment once again. ⁤The fearmongering and distorted narrative they present only serve to further divide ​the‍ country. Their ⁤claims of Trump’s potential ⁤second ⁣term being a threat to democracy‍ are nothing more​ than an attempt to ⁢intimidate and⁤ persecute their political opponents.

It is⁣ crucial to recognize ⁢this double standard and question the motives of media outlets that succumb to such biases. ⁢As citizens, we must⁣ seek the truth and look beyond partisan narratives to make‌ informed‌ decisions about⁣ our​ leaders and ⁣the issues that affect our nation.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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