Washington Examiner

Newsom brushes aside calls after debate for Biden to step aside – Washington Examiner

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California Gov. Gavin Newsom brushed off a question about President Joe Biden stepping aside from the Democratic ticket following Thursday night’s presidential debate, calling such speculation “unhelpful” and “unnecessary.”

An MSNBC anchor noted that “panic has set in” among some in the party and among strategists following Biden’s lackluster debate appearance and asked Newsom if that fear is unfounded.

“I think it’s unhelpful and I think it’s unnecessary,” Newsom responded. “We’ve got to go in and keep our heads high, and as I say, we’ve got to have the back of this president.”


“You do not turn your back because of one performance,” the California Democrat continued. “What kind of party does that? It has been a master class, 15.6 million jobs … this president has delivered. We need to deliver for him at this moment.”

Some have floated Newsom as a viable replacement for Biden at the head of the ticket. But Newsom hinted that the poor performance could have been a fluke and said he still supports Biden participating in the next debate, which is scheduled for September.


“Absolutely,” Newsom said about Biden taking the stage against Biden in a few months. “I mean, we’ve all had those nights. All of us. Not one person watching hasn’t had those nights.”

“You have good moments; you have bad moments. You wake up the next day, you dust it off and you move forward,” he added.

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