Newsom’s behavior change sparks 2024 presidential run rumors.

Newsom’s Change in Behavior Fuels ‌Speculation He’s Running⁣ for President in⁢ 2024

California’s extreme​ left-leaning Gov. ‌Gavin Newsom has been making a show lately of‌ vetoing some of the more left-wing bills coming out of his state⁤ legislature, and it’s fueling speculation that⁤ he is ⁣trying to fool people into thinking he’s ⁢a⁤ centrist ‍in advance for a run for the White ‌House in 2024.

Newsom entered office in 2019⁤ as one⁤ of America’s most extreme governors, especially with his radical, anti-business climate-change campaign, which included happily pushing the ‍goal to ​phase out gas-powered cars and mandate ⁣all new cars in California be zero-emission by ⁣2035.

Thanks ‍to​ his policies, Newsom has presided over a homelessness crisis that has exploded and a historically unprecedented wave of people and businesses moving out of the state.

But nearly everyone knows he has ​greater ambitions.

Still, in November of ​last year, Newsom stepped ⁢up early ‍to ⁤count himself out of the 2024 race for president‍ by insisting ⁢that ​he had no intention of challenging‌ Biden in the 2024⁤ Democrat primaries.

Playing the part of the good ​Democrat foot soldier, Newsom insisted that he has ​been up front with party ​leaders that he isn’t interested ​in‍ challenging Biden.

“I’ve told everyone in the White House, from the chief of‌ staff to the first lady,” he exclaimed‌ at the time. And as far as he was concerned,‍ he was “all in” for Biden/Harris 2024.

He also spent several months going on the road delivering broadside attacks on Florida’s Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis in ⁣an effort⁤ to damage ⁤DeSantis as much as possible ahead of the 2024 election‌ season.

Despite all his cheerleading for Biden, though, ‍many suspect he is setting himself up to ‍be the consensus candidate when Joe Biden inevitably tumbles and is removed from the Democrat ticket.

In⁤ preparation, the leftist governor has⁢ been doling out a series of vetoes on some of his legislature’s more left-wing bills, likely trying to make himself look more centrist and less left-wing so he can jump into the race for 2024.

One recent veto, for ⁢instance, seemed​ to go⁢ right against his long advocacy for the radical transgender agenda when he vetoed a bill that would have allowed the state to remove children from foster parents who refuse to sign pledges affirming ‍the transgender agenda.

In ​his veto statement, Newsom said that⁣ even though ​he shares ⁤a‌ “deep commitment to advancing the rights of⁢ transgender Californians,” he could not ​sign the bill.

In another case, Newsom ⁢vetoed a‍ bill ⁢that would have mandated that the state’s high schools hand out free condoms to kids.

Newsom characterized‌ that veto as a‍ cost-saving measure, saying that‍ he hopes the‍ legislature will “remain disciplined when considering ​bills with significant fiscal implications, such ⁣as this measure.”

Speaking of financial implications, Newsom also angered union supporters by vetoing a bill that would have allowed union members to receive unemployment benefits while on strike.

“Now is not⁣ the time to increase costs‌ or incur ​this ⁢sizable debt,” he wrote.

Then he vetoed ‌a bill that would have made psychedelic ⁢mushrooms ⁤legal in the state, even though it was supported by‍ veterans who claimed using ​the drug could ⁤help with PTSD.

He also vetoed​ a bill that would have made California the first state in the country to outlaw discrimination based on caste, a bill that would have given legal protections to the Dalit class of lower-caste workers from India, many of whom ⁢are‍ Muslim.

With moves like this, some have begun‌ wondering whether Newsom is trying ⁤to set himself up to knock down ⁢the ⁤“extreme left-wing” label ‍he has worked⁤ so hard to ‌earn thus far in his‌ political career, all⁣ because⁢ he is eyeing the White House and will need to seem less radical to millions‍ of American voters to achieve that goal. And if 2024 ​doesn’t​ pan out, then he is also set‍ up for 2028.

The question remains, how many will he be able to fool with this gambit?

The ‍post Newsom’s ⁢Change in Behavior Fuels Speculation He’s Running ⁢for President in 2024 appeared first on The Western Journal.

What factors should be​ considered when evaluating ⁣the likelihood of Governor ⁣Newsom’s potential ​candidacy ‌for the 2024 elections

P ‌concern for​ the well-being and respectful treatment‍ of‌ transgender‌ and⁤ gender ‌non-conforming youth,”⁤ he felt that the bill ​was overly broad and lacked clarity about the specific circumstances under ‍which child welfare officials could intervene. This veto raised eyebrows and fueled speculation that Newsom is trying to distance himself⁣ from ⁣the far-left agenda in preparation ⁢for a presidential run.

Another ​example⁣ of Newsom’s change in behavior is his recent‌ decision to⁢ veto a bill that would have banned fracking ​in​ California. This decision came as a ⁢surprise to many, ‍considering Newsom’s previous stance‍ on climate change and his⁢ commitment to​ transitioning away from fossil fuels. His veto drew criticism from environmentalists and ‍further⁢ added ⁣to the speculation⁢ that he is positioning himself as a more moderate candidate for ​2024.

It’s not just his veto decisions that are raising speculation ⁤about ‍Newsom’s presidential ambitions. He⁤ has also been making efforts to showcase his bipartisan collaborations and reach across⁤ the aisle. Recently, he teamed up with Republican governors⁤ like Larry Hogan of Maryland ⁣and ​Charlie Baker of Massachusetts to ⁤advocate for COVID-19 relief funds for states. This move was seen as an ⁣attempt to position himself as a unifying figure who can work ​with both Democrats⁣ and​ Republicans.

Moreover, Newsom⁢ has been making high-profile appearances on national television ⁣and delivering⁢ speeches‌ at prominent ⁣events, all of which contribute to his ​national‍ profile. ⁢His actions seem to⁢ indicate ⁢that⁣ he is trying to raise ⁣his visibility and appeal to a broader audience beyond ⁢California.

While Newsom’s recent behavior may suggest that he is planning for ⁢a presidential ​run‍ in 2024, it is important to note that speculation is just that – speculation. Newsom has not ‌made any official ⁢announcements regarding his ⁤candidacy, and it is possible that his actions ⁣are simply part ⁢of his role as California’s governor.

Furthermore, it is still early to ​predict the political landscape of the⁣ 2024 elections,​ and ⁣a lot ​can​ change between now and then. Other⁣ prominent ​Democrats ‌may emerge as strong contenders, and unforeseen events‍ could⁤ impact Newsom’s potential candidacy.

In conclusion,⁤ Governor ⁤Gavin Newsom’s recent change in behavior, including ⁢his veto decisions⁢ and bipartisan‌ collaborations, has fueled⁢ speculation that⁤ he is preparing for a ⁤presidential run ⁣in 2024.⁣ While his actions ⁤seem to indicate a shift towards ‌a more moderate image, it​ is important to approach such speculation with caution and wait for official announcements ​before⁢ drawing any conclusions. Only ⁤time will tell whether ‌Newsom will indeed throw his hat into the ring for ⁢the White House in ⁤2024.

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