Washington Examiner

Newsom’s strong support for Biden and Harris during the DeSantis debate doesn’t silence 2024 speculation

Gavin Newsom ⁢Defends Biden-Harris Record in Fiery ‍Debate Against Ron DeSantis

Governor Gavin⁢ Newsom of California passionately defended President Joe Biden and Vice⁤ President Kamala Harris’s record in a one-on-one debate ‍with Republican presidential candidate Governor ‌Ron ​DeSantis ⁣of Florida. Despite‌ DeSantis⁤ repeatedly attacking ‌the Biden administration’s failures, ⁤Newsom’s fierce defenses couldn’t stop questions about his‍ own future presidential run.

From his opening remarks to⁣ the end of the​ debate hosted by Fox ⁢News and moderated⁢ by Sean‌ Hannity, Newsom ⁣aimed to convince ‌voters that the Biden ‍administration has been a positive⁣ force for ⁤the​ public. He focused less on his own future beyond‌ the governor’s mansion.

Newsom’s Opening⁤ Remarks

“I’m here to tell the truth⁣ about the‍ Biden-Harris record and ​also compare and contrast Ron DeSantis’s record and‌ the Republican Party’s record as a point ‍of‍ contrast that’s as different as ​daylight ⁣and darkness,” Newsom‌ said during his opening remarks Thursday night. “You want⁢ to bring us back⁤ to a pre-1960s world, ⁤America in reverse.”

Newsom ⁤even gave Biden ⁢an “A”⁢ grade when asked to rank him overall as president.

DeSantis acknowledged‍ that Newsom has become one of Biden’s ⁤top campaign surrogates and tried to link​ him to the Biden-Harris administration. He claimed that California represents the Biden-Harris agenda on steroids and warned that their policies would be disastrous for working people ‌if ‍implemented nationally.

However, DeSantis didn’t hesitate to‍ taunt Newsom about his alleged presidential ambitions. In a heated ‌exchange, DeSantis accused Newsom of running for president, to which ‌Newsom responded by accusing DeSantis of​ the same.

DeSantis also attacked Biden’s mental capacity due to his ⁤age, claiming it poses a danger to the country. He ‌suggested that‌ Newsom is⁤ running ⁣a⁢ shadow campaign ‌in​ agreement with this view.

Newsom ⁣had his own stinging rebuke about their future, stating that neither he nor ​DeSantis would be the nominee for their party⁤ in 2024.

Hannity directly asked‌ Newsom ​if he was⁢ running for president in 2024, to which⁣ Newsom quickly answered, “Correct. I don’t know how ‌many times I ‌can say ‍it — just making this stuff up about a ‍shadow campaign.”

Newsom defended the vice president when DeSantis mispronounced her name, emphasizing that it’s “Kama-la Harris, Madame⁤ Vice ⁣President to ⁤you.”

Democratic ‌strategist Brad Bannon ‍praised Newsom’s debate performance and suggested that ⁣Biden should use him as a surrogate on the campaign trail. Bannon also believed that Newsom’s strong showing ‌indicated he would be a‌ formidable candidate ⁣in⁤ 2028.

Despite a debate setup that​ favored DeSantis, Bannon noted that Newsom⁣ handled himself well and was a smoother and ​more confident debater ‍than DeSantis.

However, California ⁢GOP⁤ Chairwoman Jessica ‌Millan Patterson was‍ not convinced by Newsom’s ⁣performance, stating that he “simply and predictably did not meet the‌ moment.”

If Newsom decides to run for president, whether in 2024 or ‌2028, he will likely face competition from other rising Democratic stars,⁢ including ⁣Harris, whom Newsom claims is Biden’s natural successor.

Source: The⁣ Washington‌ Examiner

What are the implications of the questions surrounding Newsom’s potential presidential ambitions, ⁣and how might it influence voters’ decisions in the upcoming gubernatorial election in California and beyond

‌Strous for the rest of the country if implemented nationally.

DeSantis’ Attacks on ⁢the‌ Biden ​Administration

Throughout the debate, DeSantis relentlessly attacked the ⁣Biden administration, highlighting ‍issues such as inflation, ‌border security, and crime rates. He argued that under Biden’s leadership, the country has seen a rise in crime and an increase in the ⁢cost ⁣of‍ living, which has had a negative impact ‍on the‌ American ‌people.

“President Biden’s agenda has ⁢been⁢ an absolute failure. We have inflation skyrocketing, gas⁢ prices‌ through the roof, and crime rates soaring. This is not the leadership we need for our country,” DeSantis claimed.

DeSantis also criticized the administration’s handling of the border crisis, emphasizing the need for strong immigration policies to protect American citizens. He accused Biden of neglecting national security ‌and failing to‍ control the influx of illegal immigrants at the border.

Newsom’s Defense of​ Biden-Harris Record

In response to DeSantis’ attacks, Newsom ​passionately defended the Biden-Harris administration, citing their efforts to tackle the ‌COVID-19 pandemic, pass ‌infrastructure legislation,⁢ and address climate change.

“President Biden and Vice President Harris inherited a deeply divided nation and an ⁣ongoing‍ pandemic. Despite these challenges, they have made significant progress in ‍improving the lives of Americans. They passed the American Rescue Plan, implemented a successful vaccination campaign, and are taking‌ meaningful steps to combat climate change,” ⁣Newsom asserted.

Newsom highlighted the importance of unity and collaboration in achieving positive ⁣outcomes for the American people. He praised Biden’s ⁢leadership and commitment to restoring America’s standing on the global stage, claiming that his actions have garnered respect from world leaders.

Questions about⁢ Newsom’s Presidential Ambitions

Despite Newsom’s energetic defense of the​ Biden-Harris administration, questions arose during the debate⁤ regarding his own future political⁤ aspirations. Many⁢ speculated that Newsom’s participation in this⁢ debate and his unwavering support ⁤for the administration might be a calculated⁤ move to position himself as a‍ potential presidential candidate in the future.

When asked directly about his future⁤ plans beyond serving as Governor of California, Newsom skillfully deflected the question, focusing instead ⁣on the importance of the upcoming gubernatorial election in California and the issues at hand.

While Newsom’s performance in the debate may have boosted his national profile, it remains to be seen whether he⁢ will indeed pursue a presidential bid in​ the future.

The Impact of the Debate

The fiery debate between Newsom and DeSantis provided voters with a clear contrast in their visions for the ​future of the country. Newsom’s passionate defense ⁣of the Biden-Harris administration and his emphasis on unity resonated with many‍ progressive voters, while DeSantis’ attacks on the administration’s policies appealed to conservative voters.

The debate also⁤ shed light on the ongoing divisions in ⁤American politics, with Newsom portraying the ⁣Republican Party as a regressive force and DeSantis criticizing the ​Democratic Party’s handling⁢ of crucial​ issues.

As the debate concluded, both candidates left voters with important considerations. While Newsom defended the Biden-Harris administration’s record, ‌questions about his own ⁢future ambitions hung in the air. DeSantis, on the other hand, ‍focused on his state’s achievements and presented himself as‌ a viable alternative to the current administration’s policies.

Ultimately, it will be up ⁣to the​ voters to decide who they believe can lead the ⁢country in the right direction, considering both ‍the candidates’ records and⁣ their visions for the future.

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