Conservative News Daily

Newsom’s restaurant stands out, paying $16 an hour while fast-food chains face challenges from a $20 minimum wage law

The post discusses California Governor Gavin Newsom’s challenges with restaurants during the COVID-19 lockdown and how ⁤his restaurant‍ pays $16⁣ an ‌hour despite⁤ a $20 minimum wage law affecting fast-food chains. It questions Newsom’s approach towards eateries⁤ given his past restaurant-related ​issues. The full article can be found on The Western Journal website. The article‍ delves into California ​Governor Gavin⁣ Newsom’s restaurant challenges amid the COVID-19 lockdown.⁤ It highlights his restaurant’s $16 hourly‍ wage in contrast​ to the $20 minimum wage law impacting fast-food chains. The piece raises concerns about ‌Newsom’s handling of restaurant issues, inviting readers to explore the complete article on The Western ⁣Journal website.

Hasn’t California Gov. Gavin Newsom had enough problems with restaurants to exercise some caution around the issue of eateries? You may remember, back in the heyday of California’s brutal COVID-19 lockdown […]

The post Newsom’s Restaurant Pays $16 an Hour Despite Law Crippling Fast Food Chains with $20 Minimum Wage appeared first on The Western Journal.

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