Washington Examiner

Newsom’s shine starts to come off as his national spotlight gets brighter

California Governor⁢ Gavin⁢ Newsom Faces Declining ​Approval Ratings ⁣Amid ‌Presidential ⁢Speculation

Amid speculation that Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA)⁣ is running a stealthy presidential campaign, ​one of the party’s top Democrats is faring poorly among voters in his own state.

For the​ first ​time since Newsom entered‌ the governor’s office in 2019, more California voters​ disapprove of his job performance than⁢ approve, with disapproval⁤ at 49% and approval ‍at‍ 44%, respectively, according to a poll released Tuesday from UC Berkley’s Institute of Governmental Studies, cosponsored by the Los Angeles Times. In February, Newsom’s approval rating was at 55% and‍ his disapproval rating was at 39%.

Newsom’s Popularity⁢ Peaks and ​Plummets

Newsom peaked in ‍popularity shortly after his initial response to the COVID-19 pandemic,⁤ with voters⁢ praising him for his quick vaccine distribution. In September 2020, Newsom’s approval ⁣reached its highest point at 64%. However, in January 2021, his disapproval rating hit its second-highest⁢ mark ​at 48%, a significant drop from the previous ‍months of high praise.

Despite repeated remarks from Newsom denying any intention to run for the White House in 2024, rumors continue to circulate about his potential presidential bid.

“He’s kind of taking on a new persona,” said Mark DiCamillo, director of the Berkeley poll and a​ veteran California pollster, in an interview⁤ with the Los Angeles Times. “He’s no longer just the governor of ‍California. He’s a spokesperson for the national party, and basically, voters are being⁢ asked to react ⁢to that.”

Sen. John⁣ Fetterman (D-PA) has targeted Newsom ​for allegedly ⁣vying for the Oval Office in 2024 without officially announcing ​it.

Speaking at an event in Iowa on Saturday, Fetterman⁤ stated, “There are two ⁢additional Democrats currently in the running for president. One is a⁢ congressman from Minnesota, the other one ‌is the governor of California, but only one has the guts to announce it.”

Newsom still ‍maintains strong support within his own Democratic⁣ Party, but recent months have seen a decline. The ‍most recent‍ poll shows the governor with 66% approval‍ from Democratic voters, a 16-point drop from February.

How has Newsom’s ⁢handling of wildfires and the state’s COVID-19 response affected his approval ratings?

Om took office in January 2019, his approval ratings have dipped below ‌50%, ⁤according to ⁤a recent poll conducted by the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC). This decline in approval​ ratings comes‌ at a crucial time for the ⁢governor, as he faces increasing scrutiny and criticism for his handling of various⁣ issues, ⁤ranging from wildfires‌ to​ the state’s COVID-19 response.

One ⁤of the key factors contributing⁢ to Newsom’s declining approval ratings is his perceived‍ mishandling of the state’s wildfires. California has been plagued by destructive wildfires in recent years, and⁢ the governor’s response to these crises has ‌drawn criticism from both Republicans and⁢ Democrats ⁢alike. Many voters are⁣ dissatisfied with Newsom’s approach to prevention and ‍management of wildfires, with some arguing that ⁤his administration ‍has not done ⁣enough to address the ⁣root causes of these catastrophic events.

Additionally, ⁢Newsom’s⁣ handling of the COVID-19 pandemic ⁢has also⁢ taken a toll on his⁣ approval ratings. California ⁤was one of ​the first states in the country to ⁢implement‍ strict lockdown​ measures in response to the virus. While these measures ⁣were initially praised​ for their proactive approach, they have also ‍been a source of frustration for many ⁢Californians who have been dealing with the economic hardships brought about by the prolonged shutdowns. As a result, some voters perceive Newsom as being too ⁤focused on restrictive measures without adequately considering the economic consequences.

Furthermore, speculation of Newsom’s potential presidential ‌aspirations has also contributed⁣ to the decline in his ‌approval ratings. Some critics⁢ argue that Newsom​ has been more focused on building his national profile⁢ and positioning himself for a future​ presidential run⁢ rather than ⁤addressing the pressing ​issues facing California. This perception has resulted in a lack of confidence and trust among some voters, who view his actions as politically motivated rather ​than genuinely in the best interest of the state.

Despite these⁢ challenges, Newsom⁢ still maintains a significant base of support within the Democratic party. However, he must address⁣ the concerns and criticisms raised by voters if he hopes to regain their trust and ⁢improve his approval ratings. This can be achieved through a renewed emphasis on effective wildfire prevention and management strategies, as⁢ well as a more balanced approach to the state’s COVID-19⁣ response that takes into account both public health and economic considerations.

Furthermore, ⁣Newsom needs to demonstrate ⁤a genuine​ commitment to the needs of Californians ⁢and address their​ concerns. This includes ⁣tackling issues ⁢such as affordable housing,‍ homelessness, and education, which⁤ are top priorities⁢ for many voters in the state. By displaying a strong leadership and an ability ​to tackle these challenges head-on, Newsom can work towards ‌restoring his approval ratings and strengthening his​ position as the governor of California.

In conclusion, Gov. Gavin Newsom is facing declining approval‌ ratings amid speculation about his potential presidential ‍campaign. ⁢His perceived mishandling of wildfires and the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as concerns about his political ambitions, have contributed to this decline. However, with a renewed focus on addressing the pressing‌ issues facing California and ⁣demonstrating genuine commitment ​to the needs ‍of its residents, Newsom has the opportunity to regain the trust of voters and improve his standing ​in the state.

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