Washington Examiner

Controversy surrounds Newsom’s China trip on climate change.


Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA) embarked on a​ trip to China last ​week, sparking controversy for its stated purpose of discussing climate change amidst global turmoil. However, the details of the governor’s visit are now facing their own specific flak.

As he met with leaders in the country, including Chinese President Xi Jinping, Newsom faced criticism for what he did and didn’t discuss. The trip’s itinerary and ⁣locations also drew scrutiny, along with various viral moments. Newsom’s ambitions to ascend to a higher office and potential succession to President Joe Biden have been speculated, further fueling the discussion around his national and international profile.

Here are the biggest controversies from the ⁤California governor’s trip:

  1. Newsom ⁢knocks over child during‌ basketball game

    In a viral video from ​his trip, Newsom can be seen playing basketball against Chinese children. However, he appears to trip while dribbling and accidentally takes down‍ one child. Despite hugging and playfully patting the child, social media critics seized on the incident, given the already unusual nature of the visit.

    “OMG my governor is so cool and relatable! Watch him take out a small child while desperately trying to emulate Barack Obama on a foreign visit to one⁤ of the world’s leading dictators,” wrote Alliance of Los Angeles County Parents founder Julie Hamill on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter.

    The Los Angeles Times’s Sacramento Bureau Chief pointed to this incident as an example of the dangers of an “indulgent”​ photo opportunity, noting ⁤Newsom’s choice of dress shoes ​and non-athletic apparel‌ for the game.

  2. Newsom skips‌ over human rights with Xi

    The California governor faced backlash for not addressing the issue of human rights with Xi during their meeting, despite the ongoing oppression of⁤ Uyghurs in China’s Xinjiang region.

    “I can’t be everything to everybody every moment of every minute of every day,” Newsom defended the omission to reporters after the meeting.

    According‍ to Newsom, he did discuss the issue with China’s foreign minister, but only focused on climate change and fentanyl with Xi.

  3. Newsom begins trip in ​Hong Kong

    Newsom’s​ decision to start his trip in Hong Kong drew further⁢ objection. The ⁢city, known for its push for democracy, has often faced suppression from the Chinese government.

    Many ⁣human rights organizations expressed deep ⁣disappointment in Newsom’s choice not to address human rights while being on the ground in⁣ a ⁣city like Hong Kong. Over‍ 50 of these organizations signed a joint statement conveying their⁤ dissatisfaction.

    “The governor’s trip‍ to Hong Kong cannot but signal that California is not on the same page ‍as the United States generally with respect⁤ to the CCP’s effective takeover of Hong Kong,” criticized Times Wang of Farra & Wang PLLC.

What are ‌the implications of Newsom’s failure to address human​ rights concerns during his​ meetings with⁣ Chinese leaders?

Ady strained relationship between China and the⁢ United States. Some questioned Newsom’s athleticism and ability to represent ‌the country on an international stage.

  • Newsom’s‌ extravagant ⁡dinner with ​Chinese officials​

    During his visit, Newsom attended a lavish dinner with Chinese officials, raising eyebrows due to its perceived extravagance. Critics argue that such opulence sends the⁣ wrong message, given the economic ‌struggles faced by many Californians. The optics of the dinner, coupled with California’s ongoing homelessness crisis, have led‌ to accusations⁢ of Newsom prioritizing his personal ambition over the needs of the state he⁢ governs.

  • Newsom neglects to discuss ⁤human rights‍ with Chinese leaders

    One of the most significant criticisms leveled against Newsom ⁤is his failure to address China’s human‌ rights record during‍ his meetings⁤ with​ Chinese leaders. Many argue that as a prominent political⁢ figure with a‌ national platform, it was Newsom’s responsibility to speak up about the ongoing human rights abuses in ⁢China, such as ​the treatment of Uyghur ⁤Muslims in Xinjiang. Critics accuse him of‍ sacrificing human rights concerns for ‍the sake of diplomatic relations ⁤and personal⁤ gain.

  • Newsom’s environmental ​discussions ‌​⁣carry little weight​

    Despite the trip’s stated purpose of discussing climate change, Newsom’s discussions with Chinese ⁢officials seem to have had limited⁢ impact and substance. Given ⁤China’s status as the world’s largest emitter of ⁤greenhouse gases, many expected Newsom to play a key role in advocating for ⁢stronger environmental policies.⁤ However, critics argue that‌ his discussions lacked concrete commitments or ⁤tangible results,⁢ leading to skepticism about the‍ true⁣ impact of his climate change agenda.

  • While‍ Newsom’s trip to China aimed to address ⁣important global issues such ⁤as climate ⁣change, its controversies ‌have overshadowed the intended objectives. Critics ⁤argue that his actions ⁤and ⁣discussions during the visit were insufficient, lacking substance and failing to address critical concerns. Instead, attention has turned to viral moments⁣ and perceived ‌missteps, further fueling speculation about Newsom’s political ambitions.

    As ⁣Newsom returns from his trip,‌ the ⁣focus now shifts to how he will​ address the criticisms and concerns raised. Some argue that⁣ he‍ needs to prioritize the needs of his constituents and the state of California over personal interests and ambitions. Only time will tell how Newsom’s actions in China will impact ‌his political standing and⁢ future aspirations, ultimately determining whether his trip was a success or a missed⁢ opportunity.

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