Washington Examiner

Nikki Haley blasts Joe Biden after he ‘begged’ Xi Jinping to meet

Former ⁢UN Ambassador Nikki ‌Haley Criticizes President ​Biden ⁢Ahead of Meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping

Former United ‍Nations ambassador Nikki Haley voiced her​ criticisms of President Joe Biden as ⁢his meeting with ‌Chinese President Xi Jinping ‍was ⁤announced. Haley appeared ​on Fox and Friends on Friday, just days ‍before the president is scheduled to meet with his Chinese counterpart in San Francisco, ⁢California. The Indo-Pacific forum of the‌ Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation is set to take place next week. ​During the interview, Haley speculated on the ⁤topics ⁢Biden could discuss with Xi and offered some suggestions.

“Well, I think you’ve seen Biden has begged for this meeting, right? He sent four Cabinet members to China to go⁣ and try and court the Chinese. And ‌so now they’re going to grant him a meeting,” ​Haley ‌said. “What he should talk about in the meeting is the fact that they have to stop murdering Americans⁣ by sending fentanyl. They have to⁢ stop stealing our intellectual property so that they can build up their military. They have‌ to tell us why they’re putting a military and spy ⁢base in Cuba just off our shores.”

However,⁣ Haley predicted that Biden would avoid bringing up any tough topics during the meeting. This will be⁣ their ‍second in-person meeting since Biden took office.

“There’s a lot of questions we need to talk about, but the ⁢one thing I can promise ⁢you is going to come out is they’re going to have a conversation about the​ weather and talk about the environment and talk about how they’re going to work together on that,” Haley said. “He’s not going to​ call them out on anything else. That’s why President Xi is willing to meet with them, is they’re not scared of Joe Biden. They don’t worry about ⁢what he’s going to do.”

Haley served⁤ as ⁣the U.S. representative to the United Nations from 2011 to 2017.‍ She is​ currently running for the Republican presidential nomination in 2024,​ trailing behind former President Donald Trump. Other candidates vying for ‍the nomination include ​Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL), Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC), Gov. Doug Burgum (R-ND), entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy, former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, and former Arkansas Gov. Asa ⁣Hutchinson. Former Texas Rep. Will Hurd, who dropped out of the race, endorsed Haley.

What are the specific areas of‌ concern that Haley believes President Biden should prioritize in the upcoming meeting with ⁢President Xi Jinping in order to protect American ‌interests and values?

Nk Juan in a pivotal summit.

During her appearance on the popular morning news show, Haley did not hold back‍ in expressing her ‌discontent with President⁣ Biden’s approach to China. She accused the current administration of being weak on China and failing to stand up against the Chinese Communist Party’s human rights abuses and aggressive behavior.

Haley, who served as the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations under the Trump administration, emphasized the importance of ​maintaining a strong stance⁤ against ‌China, especially ​on issues such as Hong Kong, Taiwan, and the ongoing genocide against Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang. She argued that⁤ the Biden administration’s reluctance to hold China accountable for its ‍actions sends a message of weakness and allows China to continue its ‌authoritarian practices unchecked.

“The Biden administration needs to understand that China only respects strength,” Haley asserted, ​claiming that President Biden’s policies towards China have been ⁤inconsistent and insufficient in tackling the challenges presented by the rising global power.

Haley’s criticisms reflect a growing sentiment among conservative lawmakers and pundits who perceive the Biden administration’s approach to China as overly conciliatory. They argue that this ‌perceived‍ softness will not only fail to address China’s disruptive actions but also undermine American interests and global⁢ stability.

In addition to her criticisms of President Biden, Haley also addressed the upcoming meeting between‌ President Biden and President⁤ Xi Jinping. She ‍expressed concern that the⁣ meeting might turn into a diplomatic win for​ China, ⁣as she believed that President Biden’s actions thus far have given ‍Xi Jinping the upper hand.

Haley urged President Biden to approach the meeting with firmness and clarity, emphasizing the need to prioritize⁢ the protection of American interests and ‍values. She ‌recommended that the administration clearly vocalize its position on critical⁢ issues, such as the‌ South China Sea ⁢disputes, intellectual property ⁤theft, and cybersecurity threats posed by China.

As a prominent Republican voice with a strong ‍foreign policy background, Haley’s criticism carries ⁤weight within her party and ⁢among conservative circles. ‍Her remarks serve ⁣as a reminder of the ongoing‌ debate surrounding the United States’ approach to China⁢ and highlight the challenges President Biden faces in navigating the complex U.S.-China relationship.

It remains to be seen how President Biden will address these ⁤concerns and whether the meeting with President Xi Jinping will yield concrete ⁤results ⁢or further strain the already tense bilateral relations. ⁣However, Haley’s remarks serve as ‌a stark reminder that ⁤the U.S.-China relationship will ⁢continue to be ⁢a significant issue for the Biden administration and beyond.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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