Washington Examiner

Nikki Haley urges censure of ‘the Squad’ over Israel remarks.

Republican presidential‍ candidate Nikki ‍Haley ⁤calls for censure of‌ “the Squad”⁣ over “anti-Israel” comments

In‌ a powerful ⁢speech ‍at⁤ the‌ Christians ⁤United for Israel ‍conference⁣ on ‍Monday, ⁣Nikki ​Haley ‌criticized the ‍Biden‍ administration’s alleged ‍mistreatment​ of Israel and specifically targeted ​the⁢ group ⁤of ‌progressive congresswomen known as “the ‍Squad” ⁢for‍ their direct criticism ⁣of ⁤Israel.

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“[Biden] ⁣has⁣ AOC and the ​Squad in his party,” Haley stated. ​”And just this ​week, ‍a​ leading‍ Democrat called ⁣Israel a ⁣’racist state’.”

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“The Democratic ⁤Party is the‌ definition ​of extreme,” ⁢she‌ continued. ⁢”It’s time⁢ to censure⁢ the Squad and get anti-Semitism out ​of America ⁢– ⁤for good!”

Haley, the former United⁢ Nations ambassador, highlighted ⁣the stark ‍contrast between ⁤her own support ‌for Israel during her ‍tenure ‌and ⁣the​ Squad’s⁢ treatment of the​ country.⁣ She pledged to ⁣continue​ that ⁤support if⁣ elected​ president next year.

Recent comments from House⁤ Democrats ​have ⁤sparked⁤ controversy and raised‍ concerns about ⁤their ⁤stance on Israel. ⁢Representative Ilhan Omar, ‌a⁤ member ⁢of the ​Squad, ⁢compared Israel⁤ to Russia, ⁣drawing⁤ parallels between⁣ the “occupation ‍and⁣ displacement” faced ⁢by ⁢Ukrainians due to⁢ Russia’s⁣ invasion and the⁤ situation in Palestine.

Another member ‍of the Squad,⁣ Representative Pramila Jayapal,‍ made even more ⁣provocative ⁢remarks. She⁣ stated ​at a conference in‍ Chicago that ​”Israel is a ⁢racist state.” ⁣Although⁤ not ‍part of the⁣ Squad,​ Jayapal’s position⁣ as⁤ chairwoman‌ of the‍ House Progressive‍ Caucus ⁤aligns⁢ her⁤ with the ​group’s views. She later ​apologized for ​her ⁤comments,⁣ clarifying that⁣ she‍ does ⁣not‌ believe ⁣Israel​ as‌ a ‍nation is ‍racist.

These⁣ controversial comments⁤ from Democrats emerged ‍just days​ before ⁢Israeli​ President Isaac ⁤Herzog’s scheduled address‍ to Congress. Several House‍ Democrats, including⁤ Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Cori Bush,⁤ and Jamaal‍ Bowman, have‍ announced their​ decision to skip the event.

House‌ Republicans ⁤plan​ to⁤ force ⁢a vote ⁣on ​a resolution ‌affirming congressional support ‌for Israel ahead of ⁤Herzog’s address. ​This⁢ move⁤ aims ​to highlight ⁣the ‌division‍ within‌ the Democratic Party​ regarding ⁣support ⁣for​ the country.

Haley’s⁢ speech was ​timely, as it ⁣coincided with these events. ‍She took ⁢the opportunity ⁢to ​criticize President⁣ Joe Biden for⁤ his treatment of ‌Israel,⁢ asserting ⁤that his policy ​is⁤ a continuation ​of the ⁣Obama administration’s approach⁤ and has‌ weakened the​ United States on the ⁢global ⁣stage.

“For the ⁢sake of America, ​and‍ for ​Israel,​ we need⁤ to make ⁢Joe​ Biden​ a one-term president,” Haley passionately‌ declared. “We need‍ a leader‌ who advances⁤ peace in⁤ the ‍Middle East.”

Throughout her‌ speech, Haley⁤ praised Israel⁢ as a ⁤beacon of freedom‍ and ​democracy in ⁤a ⁣volatile​ region.‌ She ⁢emphasized ⁢that ‍supporting Israel is not only⁢ a matter ‌of‌ faith ⁢but also⁢ a ⁤fundamental test⁢ of American leadership.

“Israel shares ‍our values ⁤and‌ our vision ⁢for ⁣peace,”⁤ Haley emphasized. “She’s a ‍nation ⁤of faith​ and a beacon⁤ of freedom – ‍a democratic ​island in a sea of⁤ tyranny.”

For ‍more information, click here to read more ⁣from⁣ The ‌Washington Examiner.

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