Conservative News Daily

Nikki Haley Claims GOP Hopeful Has ‘Girl Problem’ During Podcast Interview

Former ⁢South Carolina governor, ⁢U.N. ambassador and Trump-alternative-of-the-moment Nikki Haley is apparently convinced the road to the Republican ⁤presidential‍ nomination runs through one person, ⁤and that one person is ⁣… ⁤Vivek Ramaswamy.

Yet, if the conservative activist ​and Gen⁢ Z⁣ favorite bothers giving as good as he gets from Haley — and criticizes her and other female members of the Republican establishment — he’s a sexist. Talk about⁢ hiding behind your ⁢own skirt.

To be fair, Haley and Ramaswamy‍ may have the most serious policy disagreement​ among the⁣ remaining contenders not named Donald Trump — that being foreign policy ‌and the influence of ⁤China.

The hawkish‌ Haley, not unreasonably, believes⁤ Russia and China are ​major⁤ geopolitical threats ​and need to be ​countered with a vigorously ‌interventionist foreign policy. The ⁢younger ‌Ramaswamy, also‌ not unreasonably, is part of a‌ younger generation that has watched in real-time ​as America’s foreign misadventures in places like Afghanistan⁤ and ‌Iraq ‌imploded and ⁤are more wary of ⁤those who apply the same mindset to our conflicts ‍with Beijing and Moscow.

The first ​salvo was fired in the second debate, where⁤ Haley⁢ criticized Ramaswamy ⁣for⁤ trying to reach younger voters via a TikTok video with influencer ⁣Jake Paul, ⁤given that‍ the social media platform has ties to ⁣the Chinese⁣ government.

“This is infuriating because‌ TikTok is ‍one of the most⁢ dangerous social media apps ‌that we⁤ could have and what you’ve got,” Haley said, adding: “Honestly, every time I ⁣hear⁣ you I⁤ feel a little bit dumber from what⁣ you‌ say.”

This culminated in a series of tense exchanges during last‍ week’s third debate, in which Haley called Ramaswamy “scum” for pointing out that her daughter uses the same ‍platform she’s⁢ scolding him for using.

Not only that, ⁣but Ramaswamy‍ made the mistake of​ — j’accuse, Vivek! —⁤ calling⁣ out another⁤ woman, Republican National Committee Chair Ronna ‍McDaniel, after yet another disappointing performance‍ in off-year elections‍ that ‍culminated in ⁢major losses ‍the ⁢previous night.

“We’ve become a party of losers, at the end of the ‌day.‍ We as a cancer⁣ the Republican ‍establishment,” he said.

“Let’s ⁣speak the‌ truth, I mean since Ronna McDaniel ⁤took over as chairwoman of the RNC in 2017, we have lost ​2018, 2020, 2022, no red wave ⁣that never came, we got trounced last⁢ night in 2023.”

He ​also went on to criticize NBC moderator Kristin Welker, who was one of the Russiagate-pushing ‍hacks in the establishment media, for being brought in to⁣ grill Republicans. And, to ​top it off, he called both Haley and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis “Dick Cheney in three-inch⁤ heels.”

So, after​ implicitly calling Vivek ⁤a tool of Beijing⁣ for appearing in a TikTok video, explicitly ‍saying ‌she “feel[s] a​ little bit dumber from what you say,” then calling him ‌“scum” because he⁢ brought up‌ the fact her own family uses the same service she’s been busy tarring him with by saying it makes him a tool of China, the real threat to civility is … sexist ol’⁤ Vivek.

In an appearance on a ⁣podcast published on Tuesday, responding to a remark from the host saying that “Nikki’s got ‌the ‌best thing​ going right now because she’s turned⁢ Vivek into her own human punching bag,” she insisted the enmity was really Vivek’s ⁤problem — and part⁣ of it was‌ borne out of misogyny toward the ⁣birthing people.

“It’s‍ not what I want,” ⁤she insisted ⁢during her appearance on the‌ “Ruthless” podcast.

“You know, he ​goes in⁣ there with these planned comments‍ and the three-inch heels [remark], and I don’t go in ‌there and practice,” adding that it was just “a lot of gut ‌and instinct.”

“And‍ so I actually was like, you know what, I’m not ​going to engage, I’m not going to engage⁣ him, because ‍we ⁢are ‍not going to let this debate be about him,” ‌she ​avouched.

“But​ what happens? He ⁣comes out of the gate, he hits the female chair of ‍the party, he hits the female anchor on the‍ platform, and then he hits me. And I’m‌ not saying anything … but he might have ​a girl problem.”

Hey, isn’t this progress in action? Out of four figures far more ​beloved by the political-media establishment than Ramaswamy is, three are female. In the old‍ days, he’d only have white male hacks to take aim at! This is what diversity, equity and inclusion in failure looks like. Check your privilege, ​Nikki!

On social⁢ media, Ramaswamy posted the clip and⁤ noted the obvious: “Sorry Nikki,‌ having two ​X chromosomes doesn’t⁣ immunize you, Ronna McDaniel, or Kristen ‌Welker from criticism. ‍I ​don’t think Kamala Harris is going to run ⁣so there might be an opening for you in‌ the party of identity politics.”

And‍ make no mistake, that’s exactly what this is —⁢ straight-up identity politics. This is what one expected to see during the Democrat fracas in 2020. Was Joe Biden too ‍white? ⁢Kamala too harsh on black ⁣drug users? Pete Buttigieg having too many fundraisers in wine​ caves? Bernie Sanders making sexist comments about Elizabeth Warren?

The answer to all of ‌those questions should have been:‌ Who gives a flip? Democrats,‍ that’s who.‍ And ​yes, our ⁣president is the president of members ⁢of the ⁣other ⁣party — or no party — too, but we shouldn’t expect Republican candidates to act exactly like that claque of identitarian obsessives.

Vivek’s ‌attack ‍on Haley and the others is that they represent ​a failed uniparty establishment in America. Haley’s response is to⁣ act like an offended member of the ⁣left side of the uniparty establishment: call bigotry on him. If she wanted to lend credibility to⁣ his arguments, nice ‌work,‍ I suppose.

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The post Nikki Haley Claims GOP Hopeful Has ‘Girl Problem’ During Podcast Interview appeared‍ first on The Western Journal.

What are the key policy disagreements between Nikki Haley⁢ and Vivek Ramaswamy, particularly in the realm of foreign policy?

Former South Carolina governor, U.N. ambassador, and Republican figure Nikki Haley has become increasingly vocal about her ⁢belief that the road to the Republican presidential nomination ⁢runs through ⁤one person: Vivek Ramaswamy. Despite their policy disagreements, particularly when it comes to foreign policy and the influence of China, Haley seems fixated on Ramaswamy as a ‌potential contender.

One major ‍point of contention between the two is their stance on foreign policy. Haley takes a hawkish position, asserting that both Russia ​and China pose ‌significant geopolitical​ threats that require a robust and interventionist foreign policy approach. ⁤On the other ‍hand, Ramaswamy represents a younger generation that has witnessed the ‌consequences of America’s ‌misadventures‌ in places like Afghanistan and Iraq. Consequently, they are ⁣more cautious about employing the same mindset‌ in conflicts with Beijing and Moscow.

The tension between Haley and Ramaswamy became evident during the second debate when Haley criticized Ramaswamy for attempting to connect with younger voters through a TikTok‍ video featuring⁤ influencer Jake ⁤Paul.⁢ Haley expressed her concern about the ‌popular social media platform’s ties ​to the Chinese government, arguing that it poses a significant threat. She even went so far as to claim that every ⁤time she hears Ramaswamy speak, ‌she feels a little bit dumber.

The disagreement escalated during the third debate when Haley called Ramaswamy​ “scum” after he⁣ pointed out that her daughter also uses ⁤TikTok, contradicting her previous criticism. This exchange showcased the personal animosity between the two figures.

In addition ​to the rivalry between Haley and Ramaswamy, the latter made the mistake of targeting another prominent woman in the Republican‌ Party, ⁢Ronna McDaniel, ​the chairwoman⁤ of the Republican National Committee. Ramaswamy criticized McDaniel⁣ for her leadership and the party’s repeated disappointments in off-year elections, claiming⁤ that the Republican establishment has transformed into​ a party of ⁤losers under her tenure.

Ramaswamy’s relentless⁣ criticism of influential ​female figures ‍within the Republican Party has led some to accuse him‌ of sexism. Criticizing powerful women does not automatically ‍make someone a ⁢sexist, and it is essential to evaluate⁤ the substance of his arguments rather than dismiss them based on personal attacks.

While Haley and Ramaswamy may be at odds politically, it​ is crucial to remember that respectful dialogue should be encouraged within the party. Rather⁤ than resorting to name-calling and personal attacks, Republicans should focus on engaging in substantive discussions ‍about policy​ differences.⁣ Only through open and respectful debates can the party strengthen itself and effectively⁢ present ‌an alternative vision for the future of the country.

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