Washington Examiner

Nikki Haley emphasizes ‘depth of support’ with release of New Hampshire delegate list

Former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley Solidifies Second-Place‌ Status in New Hampshire

Former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley, a Republican presidential candidate, has released the full slate of⁢ New Hampshire delegates who will represent her at the Republican National Convention next year in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. This announcement ​comes as Haley continues to gain momentum⁤ and ‍surpass Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL)​ in some early state surveys, solidifying her ‌second-place status in the state.

Endorsements and Support

The list of New Hampshire​ delegates for Haley ⁣includes ⁤officials who have previously endorsed or supported her presidential​ campaign. This⁤ includes Senate nominee and retired Army Brig. Gen. Don Bolduc, Sharon Bolduc, co-chairwoman of the Women for Nikki campaign, Mary Mayville, ‍a former New Hampshire state representative, and former state House Speaker Pro Temp ⁣Kimberly Rice.

“Nikki’s⁣ rise in New Hampshire is real, and our delegate slate shows the depth of support ‌she’s earned throughout the Granite State,” said Rick Wiley, Nikki Haley for President political adviser. “Unlike other candidates that have all but given up on New Hampshire, Nikki’s fighting to ⁢win over every vote. New Hampshire picks presidents, and our delegates are ready to‍ make history.”

Surging in the ‍Polls

Haley, who aims to ‌position herself ⁤as the clear alternative to former President Donald Trump, recently placed second in a CNN poll conducted by the University of New Hampshire. While Trump leads with 42% ​among likely GOP primary voters in the Granite ​State, Haley is at 20%, surpassing former New Jersey Gov.‍ Chris Christie at 14%, DeSantis at 9%, and biotech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy at 8%.

Another survey from Emerson College shows Haley surging to second place at 18%, a 14-percentage-point increase since August, but still behind Trump at 49%. According to a RealClearPolitics poll average, ⁢besides Trump at 58.9%, DeSantis (14.4%) and Haley (10.7%) are the only other candidates polling in the double digits nationally.

Competition and⁢ Strategy

Wiley’s remarks were likely⁤ a jab at DeSantis, who has focused his efforts on Iowa, ⁢which will hold its caucuses on Jan. 15, eight days before New Hampshire’s‌ first-in-the-nation primary ⁤on Jan. 23. DeSantis has shifted staff and ‍resources to Iowa in hopes of winning the caucuses and disrupting the narrative ‌of Trump’s inevitability. However, he now faces growing competition from Haley after her impressive⁤ performances in‌ the GOP primary⁤ debates.

New Hampshire Delegate List

  • Donald Bolduc
  • Sharon Bolduc
  • Alice Cale
  • Bob Cale
  • Jeanene Cooper
  • William Gannon
  • Terri Hansel
  • Raymond Hodgkins
  • Eric Jostrom
  • Rachel Killian
  • Paul Lange
  • Mary Mayville
  • Kim Rice
  • Tim Sheedy
  • Grace Solinsky
  • Ken Solinsky
  • William Sommer
  • Joann Sommer
  • James ⁣Tierney
  • David Tille
  • Melinda Tourangeau
  • Bethene Wuelper

Alternate Delegate List

  • Matthew Bolduc
  • Deborah Casselberry
  • Kelly ⁣Cooper
  • Gregory Cullen
  • Dave Currier
  • Katherine⁢ Davis
  • Justin Davis
  • Thomas Decker
  • George Hansel
  • Ramona Hodgkins
  • Matthew Mayberry
  • Jen Piacentini
  • Megan Puzzo
  • Tom​ Puzzo
  • John Reagan
  • Jason ‌Sank
  • Nikki Sank
  • Victoria Schwaegler
  • Hillary Seeger
  • Timothy Seeger
  • Jerry Sickels
  • Stephen Tourangeau

Haley will be in ⁢the Granite State on Monday afternoon with Gov. Chris Sununu (R-NH), and the two will appear at a town hall ​in Hooksett.

Click here to read ⁣more from the Washington Examiner.

How has Haley’s success‍ in New Hampshire impacted her standing in the Republican primaries?

⁣Digits in New ‍Hampshire.

These poll results and Haley’s growing support in New Hampshire indicate that​ she is solidifying her second-place status in the state, positioning ⁤herself as a strong contender in the upcoming Republican primaries. ​While Trump continues to lead by ⁣a significant margin, Haley’s rise⁣ in the polls demonstrates that she is gaining traction and support among ⁤Republican voters.

Haley’s success can‌ be ‌attributed to several factors. First, her tenure as the United ‌Nations ​Ambassador under the Trump administration ‌has given her valuable experience​ and visibility on the national stage. She is widely ‌seen as a strong and articulate‍ leader who is capable of representing the United States effectively on ‍the international ⁢stage.

Furthermore, Haley’s moderate stance and ability to appeal to a broad range of voters make her an attractive candidate for many Republicans. Her conservative principles coupled with her pragmatism and ability to find common ground with Democrats have earned her respect and admiration from both sides of the aisle.

In addition to her political accomplishments and qualifications, Haley’s campaign strategy in New Hampshire has also contributed to her rising popularity. Unlike some candidates who have neglected the importance of campaigning⁤ in New Hampshire, Haley has recognized the state’s significance in the nomination process ⁢and has dedicated time and resources to win over voters.

Her decision to ⁣release the full slate of New Hampshire​ delegates early on in the campaign shows her commitment to engaging with the state’s voters and building a strong support network. These delegates, ‌which include‍ prominent officials and influential figures in the state, serve as key endorsements that further validate Haley’s ‌candidacy and demonstrate ⁢her broad appeal.

As the race for the Republican nomination heats up, Haley’s solidification of second-place status in New Hampshire gives her a strong foundation from which ⁣to launch her campaign. While Trump remains the frontrunner, ⁣Haley’s⁣ growing support in⁣ the state‌ and her ability to resonate with voters make her a formidable challenger.

With the Republican National Convention approaching next year, Haley’s success in New Hampshire sets the stage for a‌ competitive primary race. As she ⁣continues to gain⁢ momentum, Haley’s campaign will undoubtedly focus on expanding her support base ​and solidifying her position as the clear alternative to​ former President ‌Trump.

As the political landscape⁤ evolves and primary season approaches, all ​eyes will⁣ be on ⁤Haley as⁤ she ​seeks to secure the Republican nomination and make her mark in the 2024 presidential race. Her performance in New Hampshire has positioned her as a serious contender, and only time will tell if she can maintain her​ momentum and emerge as the Republican​ Party’s nominee.

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