Washington Examiner

Nikki Haley’s impact: Republican polls surged.

Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley Shines​ in⁢ Republican Debate

Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley has ⁤transformed her time on the Republican debate ⁣stage this week into a‌ powerful momentum for her 2024 presidential campaign, according to new post-debate polls. While Gov. ⁣Ron DeSantis (R-FL) and political⁤ newcomer Vivek Ramaswamy have been ⁢widely regarded as the debate ⁤winners based on polling, ⁣Haley has ⁢experienced the most ⁣significant surge⁣ in support​ overall, as indicated by a new post-debate poll conducted by the Washington Post, FiveThirtyEight, and Ipsos.

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The survey reveals that 29% of primary voters who participated in the poll said they would consider voting for Haley before the debate, while 46% expressed their willingness to⁢ vote for ⁢her after the event. Additionally, Haley’s favorability rating among GOP primary voters increased from⁤ 51% before the⁤ debate to 65% ⁤post-debate, according to the poll.

Haley’s standout moments during Wednesday’s debate in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, revolved around her ‌clashes with former Vice President Mike Pence and Ramaswamy.​ One of Haley’s ⁢notable confrontations with Pence involved the⁤ controversial⁣ topic of abortion,⁢ where she emphasized the importance of‍ treating the issue with respect.

“Let’s treat this like the respectful issue ⁢that it is and humanize the situation and stop demonizing the situation,” Haley told ⁢Pence. She also⁢ called for a “consensus” on a federal abortion⁢ ban and questioned if the⁤ GOP could agree “that we are not going to put⁢ a woman in jail or give her the death penalty if she gets an abortion?”

As the former ambassador to the United Nations, Haley also⁤ clashed with Ramaswamy over foreign policy, particularly regarding his stance on supporting Ukraine ‌in its conflict with Russia.

“This⁢ guy‍ is a ⁢murderer, and ⁣you are choosing a murderer,” Haley said, referring to Ramaswamy’s ‍previous⁣ comments about‍ Russian President Vladimir Putin. “Under⁣ your watch, you will make America ⁤less ‍safe. You ⁤have no foreign policy experience, and it shows.”

Haley’s ability to hold her ground while effectively challenging her opponents ⁤earned her⁣ a high favorability rating from Wisconsin independents. Following the debate, her favorability rating soared to 85%, up⁤ from 61% prior to the event, according to a poll conducted by Democratic firm Navigator. The same poll also revealed that⁢ 45% of respondents named Haley as the debate winner, with DeSantis coming in second at 24%.

Despite‍ her impressive debate performance, Haley still faces an uphill battle in securing the Republican nomination. Prior ⁣to the debate, she ranked fifth in the conservative race, trailing behind⁢ former President Donald Trump, DeSantis, Ramaswamy, and Pence. Trump, who chose not to participate in the ‌debate despite qualifying, remains the frontrunner for the nomination.


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