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Nine-Foot Gator Attacks Florida Man The Moment He Walks Out Of His Home: Report

An alligator of 9 feet attacked a Florida man Saturday morning at his Daytona Beach residence.

Scott Hollingsworth stated to local media that his wife and he were viewing television Saturday night, when they heard noises at the door.

“I jumped up and headed over and opened the door, stepped out while trying to reach the lights and barely got out the door and got my leg clamped on and [it] started shaking really violently,” He said. “It happened so quickly, wasn’t a whole lot [of time]. It was just total surprise and shock. We see alligators behind our house, it’s a regular thing, but they always keep their distance from us.”

Hollingsworth was astonished to find that the alligator measured in at nine feet and it had a length of 6 feet or 7 feet.

“I really didn’t get a good look at it,” He added. “When I saw what it was, I stepped back in the house and closed the door. Looked down and I had a large gash in the side of my leg. I was trying to put pressure on it.”

Hollingsworth explained that he needed to have surgery on the leg, and that he was thankful that the alligator wasn’t able to grab his knee. Hollingsworth said that he will not be able to ride his bike for quite some time.

This attack occurs just weeks after an alligator of 10 feet attacked. exploded out of a pond Gloria Serge (85 years old) was being walked by her dog at Spanish Lakes Fairways Community Retention Pond, just over 100 miles north of Daytona Beach.

According to local media, the alligator weighed in at 700 pounds and rushed out of water to try to grab Serge’s dog. Serge tried to resist the alligator by grabbing her foot, and it pulled Serge into the water.

According to Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC), alligators still belong on federal endangered species lists, but they are easily accessible throughout Florida.

“Alligators occur in all 67 counties in Florida and can be found in practically all fresh and brackish water bodies and occasionally in salt water,” The state agency stated. “Although exact population figures are not known, Florida has a healthy and stable population of about 1.3 million alligators of every size. This population estimate is based on an estimated 6.7 million acres of suitable habitat.”

Feeding alligators is against the law. They associate food and humans, which makes them less fearful of people. They are not as common, despite their large numbers. Their preference is to attack prey they have control over.

“From Nine-Foot Gator Attacks Florida Man The Moment He Walks Out Of His Home: Report

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