Washington Examiner

Key points from the Devon Archer transcript

Devon ‌Archer’s Testimony Reveals Complicated Picture of Hunter Biden’s Business

Devon Archer, the former business partner ⁢of Hunter Biden, recently provided hours of testimony to ⁤the House Oversight ​Committee. The transcript of his ⁤closed-door interview, released on Thursday, sheds light ⁤on a narrow scope​ of topics that were negotiated by his attorneys. ​The transcript has sparked competing summaries from ⁣both Republicans and Democrats, painting a more⁤ complex picture of Joe Biden’s alleged involvement in his son’s business and the motivations behind Burisma’s decision to hire Hunter Biden.

Biden‌ Attorneys Intervened

Prior to the interview,⁤ Archer’s attorney, Matthew Schwartz, informed lawmakers ⁢that he had received a​ warning from “Mr. Biden’s attorney” over ⁤the weekend. ⁣The identity of the Biden family member’s attorney was unclear, but Schwartz mentioned concerns about “Mazars-type issues in the questioning.” This warning referred to ⁣a Supreme Court case involving President Trump and congressional document requests. Schwartz stated⁤ that he would ‍interject ⁤if questions strayed from ‍the agreed-upon topics. The fact that ⁣”Mr.⁢ Biden’s lawyer” was mentioned as⁢ the catalyst for the warning is‌ noteworthy.

During the interview, Schwartz objected to certain​ lines of questioning, including‍ topics related‌ to​ Elena Baturina, a Russian oligarch, ‌and Gabriel Popoviciu,⁤ a Romanian businessman. These ‍objections indicate the ‍sensitivity⁤ surrounding these individuals and their connections to Hunter Biden.

The Value of Hunter Biden’s Connections

Archer acknowledged that Hunter Biden’s value to ⁢Burisma, the ⁣Ukrainian​ energy ⁣company on whose board ‍both​ Archer and Hunter Biden served, ‍was his powerful family connections. Archer stated,⁢ “It’s pretty obvious if you’re the son of a vice president” when explaining why Burisma would be interested ⁤in hiring Hunter Biden. He also discussed emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop, in which Hunter ‌Biden suggested taking credit for arranging a government visit to Ukraine by Joe ​Biden. Archer believed that leveraging ⁣the Biden “brand” helped him and Hunter Biden earn more⁣ through their joint​ venture, ​Rosemont Seneca.

Archer also revealed that Burisma‌ saw‌ Hunter Biden’s presence on their board as a ⁤shield from ​scrutiny. He stated ‌that people would be intimidated to‍ “mess with them… legally” if Hunter Biden ⁢was associated with the company.

Unregistered Foreign Lobbying Claims

Archer’s testimony fueled‍ claims of illegal foreign lobbying ⁤by Hunter Biden. He acknowledged that⁢ Hunter Biden was acting as a ⁤lobbyist for Burisma and that his powerful name played a role in the company⁤ seeking his assistance. Archer discussed various ​actions taken by Hunter Biden on behalf of Burisma‌ that appeared⁢ to ​be lobbying efforts, including helping the chief executive secure a visa using​ government relationships.

Conflicting Answers on Key Ukraine Call

Archer gave conflicting ⁤answers about a ‌crucial phone call involving Hunter Biden,‍ Burisma executives, and possibly Joe Biden. Initially, Archer claimed that Hunter Biden ‌called his father during the call. However, after a break in the interview, Archer changed his answer and stated that he did​ not ⁢know who the call was ​made to. ‌The uncertainty surrounding the recipient of the call is significant because‍ it could contradict Joe ⁢Biden’s‌ claims of‌ non-involvement in ⁤Hunter Biden’s business affairs.

Archer Intentionally Left Out of the Loop

Archer repeatedly stated that he ​was ⁣intentionally left ⁤out of ​conversations involving⁤ Joe Biden and other U.S. government officials. This⁣ limited his ability⁤ to provide​ insight ‍into the full​ extent of Joe Biden’s alleged ‍participation. Archer’s claim suggests that deeper‌ interactions may have ⁢occurred, ⁣but he is not the best witness ⁢to speak about them.

Possibility of Joe ‍Biden Joining the Business

Archer did not dispute a question about whether he and Hunter ⁣Biden discussed the possibility ⁤of Joe ‌Biden joining one ‌of their Chinese ventures as a paid advisor after leaving office. This admission leaves open⁤ the ‌possibility that Joe Biden was considering a role⁣ in Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings after ‌his vice presidency ended.

Scrutiny Led⁣ to Hunter⁢ Biden Leaving Chinese Venture

Archer revealed that Hunter Biden left a board‌ position for ⁣a Chinese investment⁢ vehicle after⁢ conservative​ author Peter‌ Schweizer exposed ‌his involvement in a book. ⁢This suggests ‌that Hunter Biden took public perception into account ⁣when making decisions about ‌his foreign ⁣business dealings.

Bribery Allegation Addressed

Archer discussed an‌ allegation that Hunter Biden and himself received payments from Burisma in exchange‍ for protecting its chief executive and‌ growing the ⁣business. While Archer assumed ​the payments referred to him and Hunter Biden, he did not believe Joe Biden directly received⁢ a bribe. He suggested⁤ that ‌the Ukrainian officials were likely bragging and that such behavior is common in Ukraine and Russia.

Devon ‌Archer Received Immunity

Archer’s attorney revealed⁣ that‌ he testified to a grand jury in Delaware under an immunity order. This‍ immunity ‍suggests that ​Archer was shielded from ⁣prosecution⁣ for illegal⁢ activity in exchange ‍for his ⁤testimony about Hunter Biden’s business affairs. The lack of charges related to foreign lobbying violations‍ or other alleged crimes in this case raises questions about the handling of the investigation.

Read More From Original Article Here: Nine takeaways from the Devon Archer transcript

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