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New Razor Company: Smart and Strong

We have some good news and some bad ⁤news.

Let’s start with the bad news: Another razor company has decided‌ to embrace radical gender ideology and force⁢ “gender-affirming care” on ‌its consumers.

This time, it’s ‌Braun — the Procter ‌&⁢ Gamble-owned razor company​ that was founded by Max Braun in 1921 and was known for its‍ “progressive ideas,” according‍ to its website.

But wait, there’s more.

Or perhaps the better word ‌nowadays is “transgressive”‍ — as⁢ explained by Daily ‍Wire Editor Emeritus Ben‍ Shapiro. In 2023, Braun is endorsing the​ idea that ‍women can⁣ become‍ men and promoting surgeries⁣ that remove ⁣body parts.

On Wednesday, The ​Daily Wire reported that the U.K. branch of the grooming company has featured ​a woman identifying as ‍a man to ​model the company’s Series X hybrid trimmers.⁤ The model appears to have ⁣undergone‍ a double mastectomy, a procedure frequently done by women ⁤who identify as ‌men to look⁢ less feminine.

Critics have been ⁣outraged on social media — and while the ad might be shocking, ‍it isn’t necessarily surprising.

P&G has been known for​ pushing ‍some ⁤not-so-PG-rated themes⁣ across its range of products. For example, Braun’s sister company Gillette released an ​ad in 2019 that features a father helping his child ⁤named “Samson” — a female “transitioning”‌ into a male — shave for the first time.

The Gillette ad suggests that the teenager featured is actually becoming a​ man. Except, ⁢”Samson” is a female.

Keep in mind, Gillette’s tagline is “The Best A Man Can Get.”

P&G’s wokeness doesn’t end there.

As reported on Thursday, it’s​ awash in corporate diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives. Last year, the company posted ⁢a testimony from a male employee talking ‌about the medical procedures he underwent to look more feminine. He spoke of going through facial electrolysis​ (a process to remove facial hair) and using bandages and “compression tops” to “bind” his newly feminized chest to hide⁣ his “transition.” Another brand owned by the company⁣ has referred to women as “people with female ​sex organs” in​ literature intended to guide ⁣teenagers ​through puberty.

So ‍if the bad news is that one‌ of the largest⁢ multinational consumer⁤ goods corporations in the entire world‌ is hellbent ‍on making its ⁢customers ⁤support these ideas that run contrary to‍ conservative values, what is the good news?

Here it is: Jeremy’s exists so you don’t have to give your money to companies that hate ‍your values.

Jeremy’s knows what a man is. Jeremy’s knows‍ what a woman is. And Jeremy’s knows that when it comes to shaving, the only thing that should be⁣ disposable are the razor ‌blades — such as Jeremy’s⁤ Precision 5 + ‌One year of blade refills ​bundle. Now, ⁤at a discount price. Purchase here.

Jeremy’s Razors

Disposing of certain body parts doesn’t change your gender, and any company that refutes the⁣ biological, spiritual, and physical differences certainly isn’t the best a man —⁣ or ‍woman — ⁤can get.

We have other positive news — if you’re not planning on shaving⁤ anytime soon, Jeremy’s ‍offers a range of⁢ soaps, shampoos, and hair and body products. All are ⁤available to buy⁤ here.

When Jeremy’s first launched, founder Jeremy Boreing said that‍ the ⁣Left,‌ “is happy ⁢to bifurcate the culture, ripping ​it in two. They’re ⁤convinced there will be no economic consequences for ‍this ‌because, as I said, you need their ⁣products.”

That could explain why P&G keeps ‌pushing ‌this agenda. How do‌ conservatives ‌and non-woke individuals build a future that competes with such a‍ force?

Well, as Boreing explained, ⁣”So,⁤ to win, we ⁣have‍ to rip the economy in two. We have to give conservatives‍ their own companies and ⁢their own products to buy. We have⁤ to build market alternatives that, ​in success, will force the Left​ to take real ​losses if they don’t ⁢compete directly for our business.”

Buy your own products here and hit the woke where it hurts — their bottom ⁢line.


In addition to its advertising, what ⁤other initiatives has Procter & Gamble been involved in to⁢ promote its gender ideology


It’s evident that Braun, under the ownership of Procter⁣ & Gamble, has taken a sharp turn in its​ marketing approach. By promoting⁢ the idea of ⁤gender transition and ‍endorsing surgeries that remove body​ parts, ⁢the company has aligned ‌itself with⁢ radical gender ideology. This move has drawn criticism and outrage from many ⁢on social media.

However, this isn’t ⁣the first time that P&G has shown its support for controversial themes. Gillette, another‌ brand ⁤under ⁢the company’s umbrella, released​ an ad ​in 2019 featuring a ‌father helping his child named “Samson,” who is a female transitioning into a male, shave for the first time. This ad reinforces ⁤the notion that⁣ the teenager is⁣ becoming a man, despite being biologically female.

P&G’s commitment to promoting gender ideology doesn’t stop‍ at⁤ its advertising.‍ The company has also been actively involved in⁣ corporate diversity, ‍equity, and inclusion initiatives. From testimonies ​of employees⁣ undergoing medical procedures to look ​more feminine to literature that refers to women as “people with‌ female sex organs,” P&G’s agenda is clear.

So, what is ​the ‌good news in all of this? The good news is that there are alternative options available for consumers who disagree with P&G’s stance. Jeremy’s, a shaving brand that ‌understands and respects ‌the traditional definitions of man and ⁤woman, offers a ​range of high-quality shaving products, including the Precision 5 + ⁣One year of⁣ blade refills ⁣bundle. By choosing Jeremy’s, consumers can support a company that aligns with their⁢ conservative values.

In a world where corporations​ are increasingly‍ pushing⁣ controversial ‍ideologies, it’s refreshing to know ⁣that there are alternatives for those who prioritize ​their values. The power lies ‌in the hands of the ⁣consumers, and by making informed⁣ choices, they​ can‌ ensure that their money supports companies that ​align​ with their​ beliefs.

In conclusion,‍ the recent endorsement of radical gender ideology by⁢ Braun, a razor company owned by Procter & Gamble, has sparked controversy and outrage. However, this serves as⁣ a​ reminder⁣ that ​consumers ⁢have the choice to support companies ⁢that uphold ⁣their values. Jeremy’s, a shaving brand that respects the traditional definitions​ of man and woman, offers an alternative for those who disagree⁤ with P&G’s agenda. By⁤ supporting companies ‍like Jeremy’s, consumers can make a statement and uphold ​their conservative values.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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