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No Labels selects 2024 Presidential candidate in a month.

A Third-Party Candidate for President Could Shake Up the‌ 2024 ⁤Election

A third-party candidate for president could be in the running by the spring of ​next year, according to a⁢ political veteran looking for a viable ticket to ⁤challenge the dominant Republican-Democrat binary.

“We ⁢already have scheduled‍ a‍ bipartisan convention. Think about it: We ⁢haven’t seen that ever ⁢in recent history. A bipartisan nominating convention for Dallas, Texas in‌ April of next year,”

No ⁢Labels founding chairman Joe ⁤Lieberman, a former U.S. senator who jumped⁤ from⁢ being a ​Democrat to an independent and ran an unsuccessful bid for the vice presidency in 2000, announced on Sunday that ‍his group has decided on a ⁣month and location to ⁢hold its ⁤nominating convention⁤ for 2024 — but only if​ the ‌conditions ⁢are ‌right.

Creating‍ an “Insurance Plan” for⁣ Unity

No Labels is⁣ seeking to create‍ an “insurance ⁤plan” that would allow a “Unity ⁤ticket” to⁢ run if the two major parties fail to⁣ pick⁢ candidates that a vast majority of ⁢Americans want to vote for in 2024, according to the​ group’s website.

That‍ may very ⁣well⁢ end ⁣up​ being the case ⁣as FiveThirtyEight ‍polling trackers show more than half of Americans​ disapprove of President ‌Joe Biden as​ he ⁣seeks a second term⁤ and former President ‍Donald Trump, who leads the ⁤GOP field,⁢ faces ⁢an “unfavorable” level above 50%.

Potential Collaborations and Speculation

There has ‌been some speculation ‍that​ Sen. Joe ‍Manchin (D-WV) and former Republican Utah‍ Governor John Huntsman could team up after they‍ appeared ⁤together for a No Labels town hall in‍ July.

Although Manchin ⁤appears open to the idea of a third-party campaign for the​ White House,⁣ he has ⁤yet to declare his plans for 2024 — when he is ‌also up for re-election if he chooses to‌ campaign for another term in‌ the Senate. Huntsman ran ‌for ​the presidency⁣ as a⁤ Republican in 2012 before dropping out​ and endorsing Mitt Romney.

No ​Labels’ Ambitious Goals

No Labels announced this​ month that it had secured ballot access in 10 states, a number⁣ Lieberman⁤ said his group‍ aims to ⁤bump up to ⁣all 50 states. By the fall, Lieberman added, the ⁤group⁢ will bring ⁢together a process ⁣to consider ​names for a ticket if the “standards” expected by No ‍Labels are ⁤met.

Lieberman​ said No ‍Labels only intends to run a ticket “if we ⁣think it has a realistic chance to ‌win.” Lieberman also said his group does not intend on running a “spoiler ticket,” which he noted is ⁢generally⁤ defined ⁣as ⁤one ‍that ​”has no chance to win and would‌ take votes⁣ disproportionately from one⁢ of the major party candidates.”

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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