Not Backing Down: Jesse Watters Further Criticizes Clown Fauci After Doc Demands His Firing

Fox News host Jesse Watters is not backing down from criticism of Anthony Fauci following the doctor’s calls on Tuesday for the host to be immediately fired for encouraging students to engage in Project Veritas-style journalism, using metaphors like “set-up” and “kill shot.”

As Newsweek reported, Watters ripped Fauci, outgoing NIH head Francis Collins, and President Joe Biden’s “scientific brain trust” as “clowns” for botching policy related to COVID and “funding dangerous experiments”:

Watters said despite the increasing numbers of Americans being vaccinated, hospitalizations and deaths are up and colleges are “completely locked down” and that “you can bet blue cities and states will try to shut down schools as well.”

“To top it all off, (Vice President) Kamala Harris just admitted to the LA Times the administration didn’t see any of this coming,” he said. “Gee, you mean Biden’s scientific brain trust and Fauci and Collins couldn’t foresee any of this? Why am I not surprised?

“After all, these are the same clowns who thought funding dangerous experiments on that coronavirus … at the Wuhan lab was a grand idea,” Watters mocked.

Fauci earlier had said on CNN airwaves that Watters should be fired immediately from Fox News. The doctor’s commentary suggested Watters’ metaphors, like when the host referred to a “kill shot” question, were not metaphors at all, but literal.

“The only thing that I have ever done throughout these two years is to encourage people to practice good public health practices: to get vaccinated, to be careful in public settings, to wear a mask,” Fauci said.

The doctor, who is not elected, has been a leading voice in lockdown measures since he began working with the White House on the pandemic threat under President Donald Trump.

“And for that, you have some guy out there saying that people should be giving me a ‘kill shot,’ to ‘ambush me.’ I mean, what kind of craziness is there in society these days?” the bureaucrat continued, suggesting Watters was speaking literally.

“Whatever network he’s on is not going to do anything,” Fauci asserted. “The guy should be fired on the spot.”

Fox News made it clear Tuesday that they are standing behind Watters.

In a statement sent to The Daily Wire, the network said “it’s more than clear” Watters was not being literal, and noted the controversy surrounding Fauci’s apparent ties to gain-of-function research.

“Based on watching the full clip and reading the entire transcript, it’s more than clear that Jesse Watters was using a metaphor for asking hard-hitting questions to Dr. Fauci about gain-of-function research and his words have been twisted completely out of context,” the statement said.

Partial transcript of Watters comments on Fauci can be viewed, below:

You got to ambush a guy like Fauci. OK, this is how you do these ambushes like O’Keefe. You got to be respectful because they’ll turn the tables on you and you can’t have it blow up in your face.

So if you see Fauci out and about and you know he’s coming to town, this is how you approach. First, you identify yourself, you say, My name’s Thompson. I’m from da da da da da address. Do you mind Dr. Fauci if I ask you a few questions? You say No, you were polite. So if he says No, no, no, no. Not right now you say No, no, no. We’re going to address this right now. That’s how you turn the tables and you start with an aggressive posture.

Then you hit him with the first question. The first question can’t be a yes or no question because his answer can just be yes or no. You got to elicit. It has to be a how or why. So what you do with Anthony Fauci is, you say Dr. Fauci, why did you lie? OK? Why did you lie? I love that question. Why did you lie when you said that you didn’t fund gain of function research at the Wuhan lab? Now Fauci, you did, funded it.

So he’s either going to deny it, he can’t deny it because he’s going to lie again, or he’s going to be just going to speak gibberish. You let him talk. Get it on tape with your iPhone or your buddies iPhone. I don’t have time to get this technicality on it, but you let him talk.

And here’s your follow up. Here’s a little trick of the trade. Keep a little document in your pocket. All right. This is the grant that funded the research. It’s in your pocket and you can print it out. It’s on the internet. You know what it is, or if it’s a blank sheet of paper, you hold the sheet of paper up for effect. You said, I have your grant right here, Dr. Fauci. You wave it in his face. You wave that in his face for the camera,

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