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Biden Admin’s Rule Bans Most Portable Gas Generators

Crackdown‍ comes⁤ as country⁤ faces⁣ increased risk of ⁢power⁢ outages

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Just months after⁣ a Biden-appointed regulator ⁣teased ⁣a‍ ban on gas stoves, the administration ​is working ⁤to ​enact ⁤a‍ rule that⁢ would prohibit‍ the manufacturing of ⁢nearly⁤ all‍ portable​ gas generators on the‍ U.S. market.

A‌ proposed Consumer Product ⁢Safety⁤ Commission rule ⁣limits the​ amount​ of ⁣carbon⁢ monoxide⁣ a product⁢ can emit, ​with the ‍commission⁤ admitting‌ that⁣ 95 ‌percent ​of portable ⁣gas generators⁣ on ⁤the‌ market cannot ​comply‌ with‍ its new standard. ‌As⁣ a result, industry⁣ leaders say, the⁤ rule​ will‌ prompt⁤ widespread⁢ generator shortages,⁤ as ‍manufacturers‌ only have six ‍months​ to design generators ‍that meet the proposed regulation. ‌That process normally⁢ takes ⁢years, Portable Generator Manufacturers’ Association‌ executive⁤ director ​Susan⁢ Orenga ‍told the Washington ‍Free ‌Beacon.

The ​rule proposal comes ⁢just months ‍after Biden-backed ‌commissioner⁢ Richard Trumka⁢ Jr. ⁣teased a ‌similar ⁣regulatory ⁣ban on gas⁣ stoves, ‍which ⁣he called ​a​ “hidden hazard.” It‌ also comes as‍ many‌ Americans ⁢face ‌an​ increased ⁤risk of ‌power ⁤outages as the country ⁣increasingly ⁣relies on ​green ​energy ⁣to produce‌ its electricity. A ⁢whopping ‌two-thirds ⁢of ‌North America ​faces an “elevated ​risk” ​of‌ power blackouts this ⁢summer, a​ leading‍ grid watchdog ⁣found ​in May, a‌ vulnerability ⁢that stems ⁤from America’s increase ⁤in ‍green⁣ power⁣ generation​ and‍ decrease ‍in⁤ fossil fuel⁤ power ⁢plants. California, for example,⁣ saw​ power ‌outages ​in⁣ the‌ summer of​ 2022 ‍as‌ electricity⁣ demand surged.

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Portable‌ gas generators can​ help those who ​experience‍ a power outage ​keep‍ the lights ‌on, and nearly five million⁣ households use them.⁤ Should⁣ the Biden⁣ administration ​finalize​ its rule,​ however, the ‌generators⁢ could become‌ difficult ​to obtain. ⁣The​ commission’s rule​ prohibits manufacturers⁣ from ⁣stockpiling non-compliant generators prior to⁣ the rule’s ⁤enactment.

Beyond the‍ Consumer‍ Product ‍Safety​ Commission, ‍President Joe⁣ Biden’s⁣ Energy ‌Department ⁤has​ unveiled a slew ⁣of environmental regulations ⁢to fight‍ climate change. The department ⁢says ⁤its‍ proposed ​gas stove rule, ‍for example,⁢ would effectively​ ban half of ⁣all ‌models‌ on ​the U.S. market from being sold.⁢ The department⁤ has also proposed or finalized​ energy ‍efficiency rules ‍targeting‍ washing machines, ⁤refrigerators,‌ and ​lightbulbs. “Collectively,” ​the department said​ in February, “these ​energy‍ actions … ‌support ⁣President Biden’s⁢ ambitious clean ⁣energy agenda ‌to‍ combat ⁣the ⁢climate crisis.”

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Many​ portable generator manufacturers ‍already impose voluntary ⁣standards ⁣to keep‍ consumers ⁢safe ​from⁣ carbon monoxide emissions. ⁣The Portable​ Generator Manufacturers’ ‍Association⁢ standard requires ⁤a⁣ generator to‍ automatically shut off when⁣ carbon monoxide concentrations⁤ hit ‌certain​ levels. ‍It also⁤ imposes product ⁢warning labels and ⁢durability requirements for‌ the shutoff ⁢systems.

Still,​ the ‌Biden administration ⁢is ⁤looking to adopt more ‍stringent carbon monoxide emission ⁣caps ‌from ⁤Underwriters Laboratories,⁣ an international ‍product safety ‍company.​ The ​Consumer ⁢Product ⁢Safety Commission ⁤says its rule⁣ is​ necessary due to‍ low⁢ compliance​ with‍ voluntary ‍standards in the gas ⁤generator ‍market—it​ estimates that⁣ just 30 percent of ⁣models ‌comply⁤ with ​the​ Portable Generator ‍Manufacturers’‌ Association ‌standard. ​The association, ‌however, says ‌roughly 75 ‌percent ⁤of ‍the ⁣market‍ is ‌compliant⁢ with its standards.

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Only one⁤ manufacturer, ⁤Techtronic Industries, ⁣certifies its ‌products‌ to a level ‌that ⁤would⁤ mostly satisfy⁢ the ‍commission’s proposed rule. But⁤ none of its⁤ models⁤ appear on best-seller⁢ and top-rated lists​ from‌ Electric Generators​ Direct, ​Popular Mechanics,⁤ or Forbes. Only​ a few of the⁣ company’s‌ models, meanwhile, are⁢ strong⁣ enough⁤ to power a home ⁢during an ⁢outage. The company’s models ⁤are ‍also⁤ more⁢ expensive​ than‍ their‌ competitors.

The⁣ Consumer⁢ Product Safety⁤ Commission says ‌its standards ​will stop carbon monoxide ⁣deaths from⁣ portable generators. ⁤Commission ‍press ‍secretary ‍Patty⁤ Davis, ‌however,‍ could ⁣only point ‍to ​one ‍fatal ⁤incident​ involving a model ‍that complies with ​the ⁣Portable Generator Manufacturers’ Association⁤ standard. But‍ that⁤ incident, ⁢which killed three people⁤ in ⁣Louisiana ‍in 2021, was likely⁢ caused by user error—the users‌ placed ⁣the generator⁤ next ⁣to their house with​ the ‌exhaust port directly in ‌front of⁣ the⁣ door, a setup⁤ that⁤ contradicts ‌generator ‍guidelines.

The‌ public​ comment​ period for‍ the proposed generator‌ rule ended June ‍20, ‍and the commission ⁣will ⁢now draft its final version, which will go ⁤into effect⁤ 180⁢ days after its approval.

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