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NBA refs now promoting wokeness to Americans.

Adding another layer to its ultra-woke reputation, the NBA introduces its first “trans and non-binary” referee

Who really cares about the identity of​ a referee? Well, apparently the NBA does. In a move that aims to be inclusive and inspiring, the⁤ NBA‍ proudly announces the debut of its first ‍”trans and non-binary” ‍referee for ‍the⁤ upcoming⁤ season.

The news broke through⁣ an extensive interview published by GQ⁢ with Che Flores, the newly appointed​ referee.​ The Associated Press also covered‍ the story, highlighting Flores’ preferred pronouns throughout ⁢their report.

Flores, who has years of officiating experience under her belt, joined the NBA last season as a non-staff official. ⁣However, this⁢ season marks a significant change ⁢as the league will now use her preferred pronouns.

In the interview, Flores expressed​ her relief at being able to‌ identify herself authentically and hopes to serve as a ​role model for queer kids. She believes that her presence on‌ a ⁢high-profile stage can ⁤make a difference and inspire others.

It’s worth noting that the⁤ NBA has been ⁣known for its progressive⁤ stance and has been actively promoting social ⁣justice causes. This‍ move⁣ aligns‌ with the league’s ongoing efforts to create ‍a more inclusive and diverse environment.

As a society, we ​are moving away from focusing on character and instead emphasizing identity, race, and niche ​agendas. While ⁤some⁣ may argue that politics should be kept separate from sports, the NBA​ continues to push its far-left politics onto‍ fans, particularly​ targeting younger audiences.

Should politics be kept separate from sports?

Should politics be kept ⁤separate from sports?

Flores hopes ​to use her platform to show that success can be achieved in various ways and to inspire younger ‌generations. However, it is essential to question the increasing influence of politics in sports and whether it is⁣ beneficial for society as a whole.

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The post Now Even NBA Referees Are Pushing⁢ Wokeness Onto Americans appeared first⁣ on The Western Journal.

How does incorporating referee’s preferred⁢ pronouns contribute to creating a more diverse environment in the NBA?

‍Adding ‌another ‍layer to its​ ultra-woke reputation, the NBA introduces its⁤ first “trans ⁢and non-binary” referee

Who really cares about the ⁤identity of a​ referee? Well, apparently the NBA does. In a move that aims‍ to be inclusive and inspiring, the NBA⁣ proudly‍ announces the debut of its first “trans and non-binary” ​referee for ⁢the upcoming⁤ season.

The news broke through an extensive interview published by GQ with Che Flores, the newly‍ appointed⁤ referee.‌ The Associated Press ⁣also covered the ‌story, highlighting‌ Flores’ preferred pronouns⁣ throughout their report.

Flores, who has years of ‌officiating experience under her belt, joined the NBA last season as a non-staff official. However, this season⁤ marks​ a significant change as the league will now use her preferred pronouns.

In ⁤the interview, Flores expressed her relief at being able to identify herself ⁢authentically and hopes to serve as a role model for ⁤queer kids. She⁤ believes‍ that her presence ⁤on‌ a high-profile ⁣stage can make a difference and inspire others.

It’s worth noting that ​the NBA has ‌been known for its progressive stance and has ‌been actively promoting social justice causes. This move aligns with the⁢ league’s ongoing efforts to create a more‌ inclusive and diverse environment.

As a society, we are moving away from focusing on character and instead emphasizing identity, race, and ​niche agendas. While some may argue ​that politics should be ‍kept separate from sports, the⁢ NBA ⁢continues to push its far-left politics onto fans, particularly targeting younger ​audiences.

Should politics be kept separate from sports?

Should politics be kept ‌separate from sports?

Yes: 100%⁣ (9 ​Votes)

While this article highlights⁤ the‌ NBA’s‌ decision to introduce a “trans and non-binary” referee and acknowledges the league’s efforts ​towards inclusivity, it ‌also raises the question of whether politics should be kept separate from sports. This topic invites different⁣ perspectives ⁢and opinions, and it is important to engage in a⁤ meaningful dialogue about the role of politics ‌in the sports industry.

Read More From Original Article Here: Now Even NBA Referees Are Pushing Wokeness Onto Americans

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