Washington Examiner

NRCC jokes at Bowman’s primary loss with suggestion he become a fire inspector – Washington Examiner

The National Republican Congressional Committee humorously⁢ responded​ to Democratic Rep. Jamaal Bowman’s ⁤primary‌ defeat by sending him an “unemployment ⁢packet.” This included a fire inspector application—a ⁣jab​ at Bowman’s past incident where he triggered a fire alarm ‌in Congress—and a Photoshopped image ⁢of him dressed as ​a firefighter. The NRCC shared this gesture on social media, playfully suggesting that Bowman could use his experience with alarms to transition into a role⁣ as ​a‌ fire inspector, and bidding him “good ‍riddance” from Congress.

The National Republican Congressional Committee poked fun at Rep. Jamaal Bowman’s (D-NY) primary loss on Tuesday night, jokingly sending him an unemployment packet.

The packet dropped off at Bowman’s office included an application for a fire inspector, referencing how the New York congressman pulled a fire alarm in September, disrupting a congressional vote on a spending bill hours before the deadline. Another item featured in the unemployment packet was a Photoshopped image of Bowman in a firefighter outfit.

“We hope this unemployment packet finds @JamaalBowmanNY well,” the NRCC posted on X. “Bowman knows the alarms in the Capitol work, but maybe he can use that experience to gain new employment as a fire inspector. Dream big & good riddance!”


We hope this unemployment packet finds @JamaalBowmanNY well. Bowman knows the alarms in the Capitol work, but maybe he can use that experience to gain new employment as a fire inspector.

Dream big & good riddance! pic.twitter.com/gVOrK3i38Y

— NRCC (@NRCC) June 26, 2024

The Democratic lawmaker was censured by the House in December for pulling the fire alarm by a 214-191 vote. Bowman was also charged criminally and reached a plea deal, agreeing to pay a $1,000 fine, write an apology letter to Capitol Police, and serve three months of probation.


Tuesday’s primary election saw Bowman lose to challenger George Latimer, making him the first “Squad” member to lose reelection. The New York congressman has been very vocal about his criticism of Israel amid the war in Gaza. The American Israel Public Affairs Committee donated at least $14.5 million to campaign against Bowman.

In the wake of Bowman’s primary loss, another Squad member, Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO), faces tough competition in her own primary. Wesley Bell, Bush’s challenger, is polling at 43%, 1 point ahead of Bush’s 42%.

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