
NTSB opens special investigation into Norfolk Southern following recent derailments

On February 14, 2023, a Norfolk Southern train was en route to East Palestine (Ohio). A second train owned by the company was also derail on February 3. It released toxic fumes, forcing residents to evacuate. Photo by Angelo Merendino/Getty Images

OAN Brooke Mallory
UPDATED 6:30 PM PT – Tuesday, March 7, 2023

As Norfolk Southern continues to be under increasing scrutiny after the series of train accidents that occurred last month in East Palestine (Ohio), the National Transportation Safety Board will conduct an investigation.

In a recent statement, the NTSB stated that press release The company will undergo a thorough investigation. They also plan to examine its safety-related business procedures.

“The NTSB is concerned that several organizational factors may be involved in the accidents, including safety culture. The NTSB will conduct an in-depth investigation into the safety practices and culture of the company,” The agency stated this in a published statement.

The train that was stranded had extremely toxic chemicals. These chemicals were inhaled into the water and air, creating fear among local people and environmentalists.

Even worse, another train also got stuck in the state last Wednesday, but this one was empty, and no injuries were reported.

According to NTSB, investigators have been sent to five previous accidents that were significant to Norfolk Southern’s since 2021. One of the incidents involved a death that occurred on Tuesday for a Norfolk Southern employee.

The President of Norfolk Southern, Alan Shaw, expressed his shock at the accident that resulted from an employee’s fatality. He will still cooperate fully with the NTSB, and assist them in any way he can.

“I called together every member of our management team this afternoon to emphasis urgency of finding new solutions. Tomorrow we will hold safety stand-down briefings reaching every employee across our network,” Alan Shaw explained.

In this federal investigation, lawmakers have been implementing new legislation to increase and expand railing regulations as well as improve safety protocols. Some senators have voiced their disapproval at the Transportation department.   

“From NTSB opens special investigation into Norfolk Southern following recent derailments

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