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‘NYPD Blue’ actor aims to reform porn industry with five law changes.

‘NYPD Blue’ ⁤Star Ricky Schroder Takes Aim at Porn Industry, Proposes Five ​Changes to ‌Law

Actor Ricky Schroder,​ known⁢ for his⁣ roles in‌ “NYPD Blue” and “Silver Spoons,” has launched an initiative called the Council on ‌Pornography Reform. ⁣This organization ‌aims to bring about legislative ⁤changes regarding x-rated content in the United ⁢States.

The ‌Council ​recently filed ‌an amicus brief in the case ⁢Free⁤ Speech Coalition v. Colmenero, which is currently being appealed⁢ at the 5th U.S. Circuit‌ Court of Appeals. The case involves a preliminary injunction that blocked the enforcement of a Texas law meant to ⁣prevent ⁣minors from accessing pornographic materials online.

Schroder’s Council argues that‌ the First Amendment,⁢ which deals with political speech, ‍should not be used to justify the distribution of pornography. They believe that the law should require age verification ​for companies producing or distributing ‍explicit⁢ material.

In addition ‍to age verification, the Council proposes ⁣four other changes to the law.‍ They⁣ advocate for explicit material to be separated into a .xxx domain on the internet,​ social media algorithms to block pornography​ for underage users, an “off” switch at the service provider level for all devices, and the development and enforcement of artificial intelligence standards to prevent the creation of life-like erotic ⁢images.

Schroder believes that internet pornography reform is⁢ long overdue and hopes that these proposed changes will lead to positive legislation. Through his Reel American Heroes Foundation, he plans to produce a documentary series called “Erotic Erosion” to shed light on the ⁤issue.

It’s time to take a stand ⁤against the harmful effects of pornography and work⁤ towards a healthier society.

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The post ‘NYPD‌ Blue’ Star Targets Porn Industry With Five Proposed Changes To Law ‌ appeared first on The Western⁤ Journal.

How would‌ the⁤ requirement of age verification ‍for⁢ accessing x-rated content online effectively limit⁣ the exposure of minors ⁣to explicit material?

Be applied ⁢to the pornographic industry. They believe that the⁢ current laws ⁤and regulations are insufficient in ⁣protecting minors from explicit content and are calling for stricter measures to ‍be ​implemented.

In a recent press conference, Ricky Schroder outlined five proposed changes to the law that he believes ​will effectively‍ address the‍ issue of ⁢pornography and⁣ its accessibility⁣ to minors.

The first proposed change is the requirement of ‍age verification​ for anyone ⁣attempting to access x-rated content online. Schroder argues‌ that ⁣this ⁣measure ⁤would effectively limit minors’ ‍exposure to such material and ensure that‌ it is ​only accessible to adults.

The second‍ proposed change is the implementation of stricter penalties for those found distributing⁢ explicit content‌ to minors. Schroder believes that these penalties​ should be severe enough‌ to deter‍ individuals from engaging⁤ in such activities, therefore reducing ​the availability of such content to underage individuals.

The third proposed change is the establishment​ of ‍comprehensive and standardized educational programs on ​the consequences of consuming pornography. Schroder ⁤believes that by educating children and teenagers about the potential harms of pornography, they⁤ will be better equipped to make‌ informed ​decisions ⁣about their media consumption.

The fourth ‍proposed change is the‍ regulation⁣ of the pornographic industry to ensure⁤ ethical practices and the protection of performers. Schroder argues that there should‌ be stricter guidelines in place to prevent exploitation ​and abuse within the industry.

Finally, the fifth proposed⁣ change is ​the increased involvement of‍ parents and guardians in monitoring and controlling their children’s ⁤access to explicit ‌content. Schroder ⁤believes that parents should be provided with the necessary⁢ tools ‌and resources to safeguard their children from harmful material.

By advocating for ​these changes,⁣ Ricky​ Schroder and the Council on Pornography⁢ Reform‍ hope to create a safer environment for ⁢children and​ teenagers‌ online. They believe that the pornographic industry has a responsibility to prioritize the well-being of minors and ⁤that‍ legislative changes are ⁤necessary to enforce this⁢ responsibility.

However, it is important to note that there​ are‍ differing opinions on the‍ regulation of​ the pornographic industry. Critics argue that implementing stricter measures may infringe upon​ individuals’ ‌rights to⁤ freedom of‌ expression and privacy. They believe ⁢that adults⁤ should have the right to access explicit content if they choose to do so,⁤ as long‌ as it is consensual and legal.

The debate⁣ surrounding pornography and its impact ​on⁢ society is complex and multifaceted. It⁤ involves balancing ⁤the protection of minors with individuals’ rights and ​freedoms. ‍As the case of Free Speech​ Coalition v. Colmenero ⁤unfolds, it will‍ be interesting to see how the courts navigate this intricate issue ​and whether Ricky ⁣Schroder’s ⁣proposed ⁣changes to‍ the law will be considered and implemented.

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