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NYT uncovers shocking evidence of Hamas’ sexual atrocities

Shocking and ⁤Horrific: The Sexual Atrocities ⁣Committed by Hamas

After conducting a two-month investigation, interviewing over 150 people,⁣ and analyzing video ⁢footage and GPS data, The New York Times has​ published a report that exposes the disturbing sexual​ atrocities inflicted upon Israeli women by Hamas‍ on October 7.

The Times report⁣ reveals ⁤shocking and horrific stories that will leave ⁣you speechless.

The ⁢report​ includes photographs that depict a woman’s​ corpse with​ nails ‌brutally driven into her thighs and ⁢groin,​ as well as a video showing two Israeli women soldiers who were shot in their most intimate ⁤areas.

A Barbaric Incident

One particularly barbaric incident documented by The Times involves‍ a 24-year-old female ​accountant. After being shot in the​ back, she sought refuge ⁢under the low branches‌ of a tree, camouflaging herself with dry grass. She witnessed approximately 100 men arriving on motorcycles, cars, ⁣and trucks.⁣ The first victim she⁣ saw was a young woman ⁢with⁣ blood streaming down her ⁢back and her pants​ around her knees. The accountant recounts how ⁢a⁤ man violently yanked the victim’s hair, forcing her to ⁤bend over, while another ‌man repeatedly stabbed her in the back‌ whenever she flinched.

The accountant’s harrowing ​account will send shivers down your spine.

She⁤ also‌ witnessed another woman being brutally assaulted⁢ and mutilated. A Hamas terrorist raped her while ‍another ‍heartlessly cut off one of ‌her breasts with a box ‍cutter. The victim’s breast was⁢ then tossed‌ around callously, like a sickening game, ⁢before ‌being‍ discarded on the‍ road. The ​men further sliced the ‍victim’s face, and she eventually disappeared from sight. ⁤The accountant also saw terrorists carrying three severed heads of other women.

The female accountant, now plagued by insomnia, ‍describes​ how she wakes up drenched in​ sweat.‍ She states, ⁤”That day, ⁢I ‍became​ an animal. I was emotionally⁣ detached, ​sharp, just ⁢the adrenaline⁣ of survival. I looked at all this as if I was photographing them with my ⁤eyes, not forgetting any detail.⁤ I ‍told myself: I should remember everything.”

Meanwhile, The Times‍ highlights the delayed response of the United Nations Secretary-General, António​ Guterres, and the agency U.N. Women, who failed to acknowledge the numerous ​accusations until ⁤weeks after the attacks.

Witnessing Unspeakable Brutality

A ⁢young Israeli ​man recounts a horrifying scene where he witnessed five terrorists dragging a naked young woman. He vividly remembers the men encircling her as they took turns raping her. The​ woman’s screams still haunt‌ him, as one of the ‍terrorists raised a knife and mercilessly ​slaughtered ​her.

The young man’s chilling account ⁣will leave you in disbelief.

The first emergency​ medical⁤ technicians⁣ to arrive at the site of the​ massacre discovered lifeless women ​with their legs spread, no underwear, and ‍some with their​ hands bound by rope and zipties.

A‍ member of ⁤the ⁣rave’s production ⁣team, who⁤ tragically lost two brothers ‌in the massacre, recounts finding a woman ​naked from the waist down with ⁤her⁤ vagina brutally sliced open.

In ​Be’eri, a paramedic ‍discovered two sisters, aged 16​ and 13, with signs of‍ abuse. One had bruises on⁤ her​ groin, ⁣while the other had ⁢her pajamas pulled⁤ down and ⁣semen smeared on her back.

A ⁢female dentist⁤ working at the identification center witnessed several dead women with vaginal ​cuts and another ⁣victim with her fingernails forcibly removed.

A Heartbreaking Loss

One of ⁤the ‌victims, ‍a young⁣ woman, was found with her face burned ‌beyond recognition. ‌A video of her body went viral,‌ with countless people desperately hoping to identify‍ their‌ missing loved ones.

Her name was Gal Abdush, a⁤ 34-year-old mother of two boys, aged 10 and 7.⁢ Tragically, her husband, 35,‍ was ‍also a victim of the massacre. The couple had been ‍in love since their ⁤teenage years. Now, their grandmother comforts the two boys, lying in bed ‌with them until they ​fall asleep. One night, as she tried to slip out ‍of the bedroom, the seven-year-old asked⁤ her‌ a heart-wrenching question.

The grandmother’s response ‌will ⁤bring tears to your eyes.

“Honey,” she said, “you can ask anything.”

“Grandma, how did mom die?” the little boy asked.

What are some of‌ the horrifying ⁢crimes⁣ committed by Hamas on October 7?

E ⁣witnessed the brutal⁣ gang rape of ⁢a pregnant Israeli woman by a group of Hamas terrorists. He describes⁤ how‌ he was forcefully restrained and forced to​ watch the unimaginable ⁤act of violence. The woman’s screams for help echoed​ in his ears as he was unable to do⁤ anything to intervene.

Another witness,​ a shopkeeper in a nearby town, recounts how Hamas militants stormed his shop and ⁣kidnapped‍ two young​ Israeli women.⁣ He watched ‍in horror as they were dragged into a van and driven away. The shopkeeper, feeling helpless, immediately contacted Israeli authorities but ⁤was devastated to learn that the women were never found.

These ⁢are​ just a few of the horrifying stories ⁤revealed by The New York Times’ investigation. The ⁢report⁢ exposes the ⁢⁤brutal⁣ and ⁣⁡sadistic ⁣crimes⁤ ⁡committed by Hamas⁤ on October 7, leaving a lasting impact on the victims ​and their families.

The ⁡⁢survivors of these unspeakable acts now live with deep physical and emotional scars. Many struggle with post-traumatic‌ stress disorder (PTSD)⁣ and face a long road to recovery.

The Need for Justice and⁢ Accountability

It is crucial that these shocking revelations receive global attention and that the international community demands justice for the victims. The ‌crimes committed by Hamas are ‍not only a violation of ‌human rights but also‍ a grave violation of ‍international law.

U.N.‍ Secretary-General⁤ António​ Guterres must take immediate action to address⁣ these sexual atrocities​ and hold Hamas accountable for their crimes. The delayed response of the United Nations and U.N. Women is an⁢ unacceptable display of negligence.

Furthermore, it is vital that the Israeli government‌ works tirelessly to ensure the safety and​ well-being of its citizens. Measures must be taken to prevent further attacks ⁤and to provide support for the victims and their families.

In conclusion, the sexual atrocities​ committed by Hamas on October 7 ⁣are not only shocking ⁢and ‍horrific, but they are also a reminder of the⁤ ongoing brutality and violence in the region. ‍It is imperative that the ⁤international community takes a ⁢stand against these heinous⁤ acts and works ​together to bring‌ justice to the victims and prevent further atrocities from occurring.

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