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Oakland NAACP condemns city leaders on crime, demands state of emergency.

The Oakland⁤ NAACP Calls for State of Emergency ⁤Over Crime “Crisis”

The Oakland chapter of the NAACP has strongly⁣ criticized city leaders⁣ and ‌demanded⁢ a‌ state of ⁢emergency in response to the ‍city’s ⁣escalating crime rates. In a statement released on Thursday, the liberal California city’s NAACP chapter, a black civil rights ⁣organization that tends to lean⁤ Left, specifically blamed⁤ the ​”defund the police” movement as a contributing factor to the surge in⁤ crime.

The statement, ⁣issued by Oakland NAACP President Cynthia Adams⁢ and Bishop Bob Jackson of the Acts Full‌ Gospel Church, expressed frustration ‌with the ​city’s leadership and the District Attorney’s ⁣failure ⁤to prosecute individuals involved in serious crimes. They ⁣also highlighted the negative impact of anti-police rhetoric on ⁣public​ safety in Oakland.

“Oakland residents are sick‌ and tired of our intolerable public safety crisis that overwhelmingly ⁣impacts⁣ minority communities,” the statement​ continued. “Murders, shootings, violent armed robberies, home⁣ invasions, car⁢ break-ins, ​sideshows, ⁤and⁢ highway shootouts have‍ become​ a pervasive fixture ⁢of life in Oakland.”

The NAACP⁣ chapter called on elected leaders to declare a state ‍of emergency and ‌allocate significant resources to address the public safety crisis. They emphasized​ that the exodus of residents from Oakland due to ⁢fear ‌and the resulting ‍economic decline further exacerbate the conditions that contribute to‍ crime.


The group argued that ⁣Oakland needs an additional 500 police officers to ⁤effectively combat crime, as the current 911 system is⁢ inadequate and⁣ criminals are aware of this. ⁢They emphasized that prioritizing public ⁣safety is​ not racist ⁤or unkind, but a​ fundamental right for all ⁢residents.

Alarming ​Crime Statistics

According to police data, violent crime in Oakland has risen by⁢ 11% this year. The city has⁤ already experienced over 3,300 incidents‍ of violent ‍crime in 2023.

Robberies have ‌increased by 14%, with over 1,500​ reported cases, while rapes ‍have risen by 16% ​to​ over 90 incidents. Strong-arm robberies account for more than 470 cases, and nearly 600 robberies involve firearms.

Car thefts have surged by 33%, surpassing ⁣6,200 incidents, an increase ‌of ​over 1,500 compared to the previous year.

Oakland residents have been expressing their concerns about the escalating violent crime for months. ‌In May, hundreds of‌ angry residents attended⁢ a⁢ town hall meeting to address the issue.

Stories of victims, such as⁤ a woman in‌ her 50s ​who was brutally attacked by teenagers in front of ⁣her⁣ home, and a 63-year-old woman assaulted in broad daylight, highlight the urgency of the situation.

Business owner Adam Stemmler, who has experienced multiple armed ⁢robberies ⁢at‌ his pizza shop,​ accused the city of ⁤enabling such behavior by failing ‍to take​ action.

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