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Obama refuses to take sides in Israel conflict, acknowledges no one is blameless.

Obama Makes Telling⁢ Move, Won’t Pick a Side in ⁣Israel ⁢Conflict: ‘Nobody’s Hands Are ⁤Clean’

As a case for⁣ moral bankruptcy,‌ it was airtight.

When former ⁤President ‍Barack Obama decided to weigh⁣ in on Israel’s war⁤ against the⁢ terrorist group⁣ Hamas, the man who established a ⁢record ‌of appeasement for global terrorism proved he hasn’t changed ⁣a‌ bit.

And he proved once again⁣ why‌ he never should have ​been in ⁣the Oval Office⁤ in the first place.

A portion of Obama’s‌ interview on the⁣ “Pod Save America” podcast was ‌posted on Saturday — four weeks to⁣ the day ⁢after Hamas ⁣unleashed a ​ massacre on southern Israel that left more than 1,400 dead and⁤ more than 200 hostages in hostile hands.

For most Americans,‌ the​ military ⁢assault the Israel Defense Forces have⁣ launched against Hamas in the terrorist haven of Gaza is ⁢more than‍ justified by the blood of murdered civilians ⁢and raped ‍women.

For Obama, though, it’s a hand-wringing situation, summed up in four words of damning ⁢condescension:

“If there’s ⁣any⁣ chance of‌ us being able to act, constructively ‍to do something, ⁤it will require an admission of complexity,” Obama said, with the preening, professorial air that liberals swoon over but makes the teeth grate for sane individuals.

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“And maintaining what ⁣on ‌the surface may seem​ contradictory ideas: That what Hamas did was horrific, and there’s no ⁤justification for it. And what is also true ⁢is that the occupation and what’s⁤ happening‍ to Palestinians is unbearable.”

While acknowledging a history ⁤of the “madness of anti-Semitism,” Obama‌ said, “there ‌are people ⁢right now who are dying who have nothing to do with what Hamas did.”

“If you want to solve the problem, ‍then you have to⁣ take⁣ in the whole truth,” he said. “And you then have to admit, nobody’s hands are clean, that all of us are complicit to some degree.”

First of all, ‍exactly what “occupation” ⁣is Obama talking about? Israel pulled out of Gaza in 2005, leaving its governance in the​ hands of the Palestinian people, who promptly chose a tyrannical⁢ terrorist group in Hamas as their government. (Since‍ Islamists don’t⁤ exactly do⁢ democracy, the 2006 election‍ that installed Hamas is an ‍exercise that hasn’t been repeated since.)

Second, there are people dying in Gaza right now who might have ⁤“had nothing to do”‌ with the Oct. 7 attack,‌ but ​their deaths are ‌as much a part Hamas’ plans ⁤as ⁢those of‍ the Israeli young people murdered at a music festival. The terrorist group makes a practice of headquartering ⁢itself among civilians, hiding ‌behind⁣ human shields of its own population and relying on Israeli reluctance to ‍kill ⁣the innocent. (Don’t expect to hear Obama or any other leftists mentioning that stomach-turning cowardice.)

More ⁣to ⁣the point of Obama’s statement,‍ though, as an example⁣ of the painfully obvious,⁣ it was‍ unparalleled. In a world ⁢full of imperfect ⁤humans, it’s‌ blindingly true that nobody’s ‍hands are‍ clean. It’s ‌also blindingly true that some‌ hands are stained‍ red with the blood of innocent victims.

And moral men understand that sometimes, something needs to be⁤ done about that.

That’s not an⁣ argument ⁢that’s going to be coming⁢ from Barack Obama. He was a president ‍dedicated to pursuing a ruinous nuclear deal ‌with Iran,⁢ the globe’s​ most powerful state sponsor of terrorism and⁤ a fanatical‌ enemy of both the United States and ⁢Israel. (The deal was torpedoed in 2018 when then-President Donald Trump ⁢had⁤ the sense to ‌ walk away from it.)

The fact that Iran is a ​top ⁣source of funding for the Hamas killers — and therefore complicit in ⁣the Oct. ​7 carnage — doesn’t appear to have occurred⁢ to him.

But ⁤his open hostility to Israeli‌ Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who was also in office for Obama’s second term⁣ and an ​ outspoken opponent ‌of the nuclear deal, clearly hasn’t budged.

Social media criticism surged:

What makes Obama’s statement⁢ particularly telling is that Obama remains the ⁤de facto leader of the Democratic Party.

President Joe Biden might be‍ the man in the White ‌House,‍ but when⁢ it comes‌ to real political pull — especially⁣ in the leftier ‌fringes⁣ — Obama’s ​is the voice that counts. There’s a reason his wife​ is still talked about as a​ potential presidential contender.

And⁣ if Obama is saying this now, it’s a good bet it‌ won’t be long until the country is hearing it‍ from other⁣ Democrats — some ​of them who are still in office.

Obama and his fanboys⁣ on⁣ the​ progressive left and in the establishment media might call Obama’s pronouncements “nuance,” the kind of take a ⁤morally superior being might have on a situation that seems so murky to the‍ rest of us mere mortals, but the opposite ⁣is actually true.

The world can debate the‌ Israeli-Palestinian question ​going back to before the Balfour Declaration,⁢ but ⁣that doesn’t ‌change the reality Israelis are living‍ now — faced with a ⁣murderous enemy, literally on their ‍border, who makes no bones about aiming to exterminate the Jewish state⁤ — and⁤ the Jews along with it.

No people on earth should ‍be asked to make an ‍accommodation ​with their would-be‌ murderer, and⁢ no moral human would even suggest it.

Yet Barack ⁢Obama, whose ​pursuit of a ⁤nuclear deal with‌ Tehran ⁣arguably played a key role in making Iran the ⁤malevolent power it ‌is in the world ⁣today and who spent eight years undermining the United States’ friendship ​with its closest ally in the Middle East, has gone public with a statement all but declaring⁢ that Israel bears part of the blame⁣ for the slaughter of ​its⁢ own ‌people.

As​ a case⁤ for moral bankruptcy, it was airtight.

And Barack Obama proved once again‌ that​ a man with his blinkered moral ⁣vision, and his perverse political agenda, should​ never⁤ have been president ‌in⁣ the first place.

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The​ post Obama Makes Telling Move, Won’t Pick a ‍Side in Israel Conflict:​ ‘Nobody’s Hands ⁣Are Clean’ appeared first on The‌ Western⁢ Journal.

Xample of the Palestinian people’s choice, not an occupation by Israel.)

Secondly, the attempt to equate the actions of Hamas, a terrorist ‌organization that deliberately targets civilians and uses ⁢them⁢ as human shields, with the actions of the Israel Defense Forces, who take all possible measures to minimize civilian​ casualties, is not only morally bankrupt but

In what ways can the international community support the Palestinian people’s choice while understanding the ‍complexities of the conflict and ​promoting a peaceful resolution

There are several ways in which the international community can support the Palestinian people’s ‍choice while understanding the complexities of the conflict and promoting a peaceful resolution:

1. Promote diplomatic dialogue:⁢ The international community ‍can actively support and facilitate diplomatic negotiations between Israel and Palestine to reach a ‍peaceful resolution. They can encourage all parties to engage in meaningful and constructive dialogue, emphasizing the⁤ importance of compromise and⁢ mutual understanding.

2. Provide economic assistance: Economic stability and development are essential ‌for creating a conducive environment for peace. The international community ‌can provide financial aid, investment opportunities,​ and technical expertise to help improve⁤ the Palestinian economy and living conditions. This can help⁣ address the socio-economic grievances that fuel⁢ the conflict.

3. ​Advocate for human rights: The international community should⁤ strongly advocate for the protection of human rights and the rule ‌of law in the occupied Palestinian territories. This can ⁣involve pressuring ‌both parties to respect international humanitarian law, ensuring​ the protection of Palestinian civilians, and holding ⁢accountable those involved in human rights abuses.

4.⁢ Support UN ⁤resolutions ⁣and international ⁤law: The international community‌ should⁢ reaffirm its commitment to ⁣international law, UN resolutions, and the principles of the peace process. It should encourage all parties to ‍abide by these principles and take steps towards implementing the relevant agreements, ensuring the rights and aspirations of both Israelis and Palestinians.

5. ‌Encourage dialogue and reconciliation: Efforts should be made to encourage dialogue and reconciliation between Israeli and ‌Palestinian civil⁢ society groups. This can involve facilitating people-to-people interactions, supporting grassroots reconciliation programs, and promoting mutual understanding and⁢ empathy.

6. Address root causes‌ of ‌the conflict: The international community should address the underlying‍ causes of ‌the conflict, including issues related to borders, settlements, refugees, and the status of East Jerusalem. By⁤ addressing these core issues, long-lasting peace can be​ achieved.

7. Engage regional and global stakeholders: The international community should engage with regional and global stakeholders, such as neighboring countries, the United Nations, the European Union, and the ​Arab League,⁢ to build a broad ‌consensus on the issue. ​Cooperation among these ​stakeholders can help ⁤foster a more comprehensive and ‌sustainable peace⁤ process.

It is crucial for the international community to approach this issue with sensitivity, respect for all⁢ perspectives, and a commitment to achieving a just and lasting resolution.

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