Obama’s betrayal of Biden exposes the party’s lack of ethics

D Gretchen ‍Whitmer of⁤ Michigan all rushed to back Harris for president post-Biden, leaving the sitting vice president embattled just ⁢as former President Bill Clinton‌ eyed a refined role in ‌the 2024 campaign.

While former President Donald ⁤Trump kept‌ pounding the drums to promote election integrity, ​Obama effectively hijacked a​ Democrat nomination ceremony and, within hours of Biden’s​ exit, hinted at his ‍own return to⁣ the ballot box.

“God willing,‍ when President Biden signs⁤ the bill​ in ​the background, and the‌ dignity with which ​Vice President Harris succeeds him⁣ [setting his legacy back on course],” Obama wrote in a throwback Medium post.

What a fall from grace for the Democrat Party. In the summer‌ of‍ 2008, Obama⁤ accepted the Democratic‍ nomination​ for‌ president. Sixteen ‌years later, his rejection of Biden’s White​ House bid will‌ surely⁢ be viewed as a turning point ‌that exposes⁢ the​ moral bankruptcy of the Democrat‌ Party elite.

The ousting of a party’s own sitting president for the⁣ sake of a vice president⁣ barely missed from office is a dangerous precedent. ⁣The act coordinated by Obama suggests that Biden’s performance ​in ⁤handling two wars, a pandemic, two justices and education litigation,⁣ opening closed schools,‍ repealing⁣ the Mexico ⁢City ‌policy, fighting⁢ climate change at the border, passing BBB out of committee, freeing an American hostages and maybe one or more‌ historic appointments will be deemed enough of an accomplishment for Harris to​ walk into the ⁢Democrat nomination ‍unopposed.

The Democrat Party is not even​ pretending​ to care about the ⁤American⁣ people any longer. Faced with the⁤ reality that the former president ⁣can easily usurp power back from‌ a sitting vice​ president with a stroke of the sword, President Biden may have no ⁣choice but to depend on the⁢ wheels of justice‌ to ⁢hold the Democrat elites accountable for their illegal, subversive ⁢treatment and theft of⁢ Biden’s democratic mandate.‍

The demotion of President Biden is more than just⁤ a story‍ of political⁣ betrayal in​ the highest‍ and most cynical order; ‍it is also a cautionary ‍tale about what happens ⁤when citizens empower lifelong ‌politicians to consolidate power.

Putin’s⁣ got nothing on Obama, ​who just‌ yesterday demonstrated he is ⁤the stronger⁢ of‍ the two.

Article Tags:⁢ Barack Obama, campaigns,‍ democrat ‌party, elections, Joe Biden, ‍ political strategy, Pres. Obama, ‍ presidency, Vice President Biden

July 22, 2024



Democrats just spent years grandstanding on “democracy” and then dismissed more than 14 million voters who nominated President Joe Biden for a second term.

On Sunday, the Democrat Party’s presumptive nominee was “deposed in a coup,” as tech billionaire David Sacks said it, at the direction of former President Barack Obama, who was obviously behind the entire operation. Once President Joe Biden cemented his legacy as a one-term leader, Obama celebrated the triumph and refused to immediately endorse Vice President Kamala Harris.

“We will be navigating uncharted waters in the days ahead,” Obama wrote in an online statement.

But if President Obama and the rest of the Democrat Party were genuinely concerned about the incumbent’s health to serve as commander-in-chief, there would be a pressure campaign to oust Biden from the White House altogether — not just to muscle him into declining the nomination for reelection.

Democrats aren’t worried that Biden’s cognitive decline is a real, serious, and immediate threat to national security. They only fretted about Biden’s electoral ability to carry a far-left administration forward for another term. When Federalist Elections Correspondent Brianna Lyman asked 17 Democrat lawmakers who called on Biden to quit the race this month whether they also believed he should forfeit the presidency, nearly all “failed to answer the question and one pointed to his previous comments denying that Biden should resign as president.”

The Democrat Party’s biggest players quickly coalesced around Biden’s No. 2 for the August nomination, including Harris’ most formidable rivals in a potential convention contest; but Obama and key allies were notably absent.

Govs. Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania, Gavin Newsom of California, Jared Polis of Colorado, and Roy Cooper of North Carolina “have all endorsed Harris in the wake of Biden’s historic withdrawal,” according to the Washington Examiner, and Gov. Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan has joined them. But “there are still challenges to Harris’s quest to consolidate control.” She has not yet received support from ringleaders in Obamaland, including Democrat Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California.

Is Biden meanwhile, even cognitively aware of his surroundings right now? Or is the 81-year-old president who was just diagnosed with Covid-19 on his deathbed after isolating at his house in Rehoboth Beach? Virtually no one has heard anything from Biden aside from a bizarre letter announcing his campaign cancellation with no upcoming events scheduled.

His chief-of-staff, Jeff Zients, was reportedly the one to break the news to the president’s cabinet members, not the president himself. Are cabinet officials at all curious why Biden didn’t personally tell them? Would they invoke the 25th Amendment to remove him from office now if the president is incapacitated? Modern presidents who announce their decisions to decline another term usually address the nation, just as Lyndon Johnson and Harry Truman did.

“It’s been over 10 hours since Biden signed the letter,” Sacks wrote on X Sunday night. “If he’s too sick, then he was also too sick to sign away his presidency.”

If Democrats believe Biden is too senile to run for another four years, then the president is certainly too old to remain in the Oval Office.

Read More From Original Article Here: Obama's Biden Backstab Demonstrates Party's Moral Bankruptcy

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