Obama’s betrayal of Biden exposes the party’s lack of ethics


It feels like the Democrat Party has already forgotten ​the drama⁢ surrounding the race for the 2020 nomination, where senior party leaders claimed that a President Bernie Sanders would not have won a general election, and yet they were picking Kamala Harris to carry ⁢on a Biden legacy after just his first (and‍ only) term.


Now, propping up Kamala Harris over Sen.⁢ Joe Manchin ‌— who actually won a tough reelection bid to remain at the Capitol Hill helm— makes the party look like a total ‌embarrassment.

A long-time Democrat Party operative associated with the takedown is Clinton advisor David Axelrod, who has stated ‍the obvious, that Harris shouldn’t “waltz into the president nomination because President Biden‍ handed it to her.” 

“I do think in the fall, we’ll see clearer judgment on her and we’ll see if ‌in fact she can entrench and substantively get through these challenges that are facing the administration,” said ‍Axelrod. “Because the ‍other side will have something to say about it.”  

“This is a pretty different political environment than it was in 2020‌ where the Democratic‌ electorate was in⁣ terror of another Trump term and so‍ he basically had a​ passive club handed to her,” Axelrod told Fox News’ Sean Hannity last week.

Democrats are confident that Biden’s showcasing ⁤of Harris during the nominating rubble will be enough⁢ to win a second term for the ‍party. Parading around as a virtuous team, orchestrating a coup on the Democrat Party’s presumptive nominee, however, paints a much different picture. It’s not believable that Biden would step aside for his party and come back⁤ to endorse ⁢a​ candidate who no one is particularly excited about securing a win in November 2024.

At some point, former ​President Obama ‍will have to reckon‌ with his own record on endorsements, seeing as he’s ​had some recent failures at maintaining presidential stage endorsements ⁢in the swing-state battlegrounds. Obama merely jumping behind Kamala and refusing to commit to‌ an immediate endorsement ahead ⁣of the Democrat Party’s convention in ⁢less ⁤than two weeks has left party ‌insiders scratching their heads.

Associating older Americans with their political decisions ⁢are not indicative of mental prowess — remember, that’s what Democrats​ have decided. Perhaps that’s ​the reason ​why they ‍don’t⁣ want Biden, who will be 86 in the fall, to stay as president. Remember, Biden is only three⁢ years older than ‍socialite and television personality Caitlyn Jenner, ‌who supported him.


Democrats just spent years grandstanding on “democracy” and then dismissed more than 14 million voters who nominated President Joe Biden for a second term.

On Sunday, the Democrat Party’s presumptive nominee was “deposed in a coup,” as tech billionaire David Sacks said it, at the direction of former President Barack Obama, who was obviously behind the entire operation. Once President Joe Biden cemented his legacy as a one-term leader, Obama celebrated the triumph and refused to immediately endorse Vice President Kamala Harris.

“We will be navigating uncharted waters in the days ahead,” Obama wrote in an online statement.

But if President Obama and the rest of the Democrat Party were genuinely concerned about the incumbent’s health to serve as commander-in-chief, there would be a pressure campaign to oust Biden from the White House altogether — not just to muscle him into declining the nomination for reelection.

Democrats aren’t worried that Biden’s cognitive decline is a real, serious, and immediate threat to national security. They only fretted about Biden’s electoral ability to carry a far-left administration forward for another term. When Federalist Elections Correspondent Brianna Lyman asked 17 Democrat lawmakers who called on Biden to quit the race this month whether they also believed he should forfeit the presidency, nearly all “failed to answer the question and one pointed to his previous comments denying that Biden should resign as president.”

The Democrat Party’s biggest players quickly coalesced around Biden’s No. 2 for the August nomination, including Harris’ most formidable rivals in a potential convention contest; but Obama and key allies were notably absent.

Govs. Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania, Gavin Newsom of California, Jared Polis of Colorado, and Roy Cooper of North Carolina “have all endorsed Harris in the wake of Biden’s historic withdrawal,” according to the Washington Examiner, and Gov. Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan has joined them. But “there are still challenges to Harris’s quest to consolidate control.” She has not yet received support from ringleaders in Obamaland, including Democrat Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California.

Is Biden meanwhile, even cognitively aware of his surroundings right now? Or is the 81-year-old president who was just diagnosed with Covid-19 on his deathbed after isolating at his house in Rehoboth Beach? Virtually no one has heard anything from Biden aside from a bizarre letter announcing his campaign cancellation with no upcoming events scheduled.

His chief-of-staff, Jeff Zients, was reportedly the one to break the news to the president’s cabinet members, not the president himself. Are cabinet officials at all curious why Biden didn’t personally tell them? Would they invoke the 25th Amendment to remove him from office now if the president is incapacitated? Modern presidents who announce their decisions to decline another term usually address the nation, just as Lyndon Johnson and Harry Truman did.

“It’s been over 10 hours since Biden signed the letter,” Sacks wrote on X Sunday night. “If he’s too sick, then he was also too sick to sign away his presidency.”

If Democrats believe Biden is too senile to run for another four years, then the president is certainly too old to remain in the Oval Office.

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