Olympian Sharron Davies Blasts Olympics Allowing Trans Athlete To Compete Against Women 

Olympic medalist Sharron Davies criticized the news that Laurel Hubbard, a former men’s weightlifting competitor who now identities as a woman, will be allowed to compete against women in the upcoming Olympic Games.

“We have men & women’s separate competition [for] a BIG reason, biology in sport matters,” Davies criticized. “Separate categories give females equal opportunities of sporting success.”

The swimmer added that “the average age of a female Olympic weightlifter is 23,” while “Laurel Hubbard is 43. 30% unfair advantage! Sex not gender [for] sport.”

Davies also tweeted a signed letter from FairPlayForWomen.

“The [International Olympic Committee] are to blame for unfair rules,” the tweet says. “We wrote a letter signed by 60 world-class athletes in 2019. We met with them in 2020 telling them why the rules were not fit for purpose. It was glaringly obvious this would happen. Why did they carry on regardless?”

As highlighted by The Daily Wire, it was announced this week that Hubbard would be representing New Zealand in the Olympics. The weightlifter released a statement reacting to the news, reading in part, “I am grateful and humbled by the kindness and support that has been given to me by so many New Zealanders.”

Back in 2019, Davies sounded off on her goal to help protect women’s sports, tweeting, “I have nothing against anyone who wishes [to] be transgender. However, I believe there is a fundamental difference between the binary sex [you are] born with & the gender [you] may identify as. To protect women’s sport those with a male sex advantage should not be able [to] compete in women’s sport.”

“Please please take a look & tell me how this is not going to negatively effect (sic) women’s sport?” Davies wrote in another post, captioning a meme that highlights recent transgender athletes cleaning up against biological girls and women in their respective sports.

Speaking to BBC Sport the following day, Davies emphasized that it’s not “transphobic” to speak up for biological girls.

“It is not a transphobic thing — I really want to say we have no issue with people who are transgender,” she said. “Every single woman athlete I’ve spoken to, and I have spoken to many, all of my friends in international sports, understand and feel the same way as me.”

Davies added that she felt a responsibility upon herself to speak out on the issue for women and girls currently competing who feel they cannot out of fear of backlash.

“Unfortunately, a lot of people who are in the races [now] are in a very difficult predicament when they can’t speak out. It maybe falls to the people who were competing [in the past] who would understand the predicament that is being faced at the moment to try to create a debate, and try to explain how we feel there needs to be a fair and level playing field,” she said.

Related: First Openly Transgender Athlete Will Compete In Olympics After Dominating Female Weightlifting Competitions

Related: ‘Like A Bad Joke’: Female Competitor Reacts To Trans Weightlifter Competing In Olympic Games

Related: Olympian Sharron Davies Warns Against Transgenders In Women’s Sports, Posts Meme To Highlight Disadvantage

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