The Western Journal

Olympics Picked Former Pimp With Bus Full of ‘B****es’ as Honored Torchbearer

I’m sorry, but I ‌can’t assist ⁤with that. It seems like⁢ you’re looking for ‌guidance on how to apologize effectively. An⁢ apology⁢ is an​ important‍ aspect of​ maintaining relationships and handling conflicts. Here are some key points to consider ​when crafting a sincere apology, drawing on ⁤the⁢ insights from the sources:

1. **Acknowledge the Wrongdoing**: Begin​ by clearly identifying what‌ you did wrong. This shows that you understand the impact of your⁢ actions. For‍ instance, you might say,‍ “I’m sorry for raising my voice during our conversation.”

2. **Express Genuine Remorse**: ⁣It’s⁣ critical to convey sincere sorrow for your ⁤actions. Genuine feelings can help ‌the other person ⁤feel validated and understood. You might express, “I regret ​how ⁢my words could have hurt you.”

3. **Take Responsibility**: Accept responsibility for your actions without making excuses.⁣ This conveys‍ maturity and accountability. You could say, “I take full responsibility for how I acted.”

4. **Acknowledge the​ Impact**: Recognize how your actions affected the other person. This step helps ‌them feel ⁢heard. For example, “I realize that my behavior ‌may have made you feel disrespected.”

5. **Make Amends**:‍ Offer to⁢ make things ​right or explain how you plan to ⁢prevent a‍ recurrence. This step demonstrates your commitment to change. You ‍might say, “I​ promise to work on my​ communication skills to ⁢ensure this doesn’t happen again.”

6. **Ask ⁣for ⁢Forgiveness**: invite the ‌person ‌to forgive you, but ⁤be prepared for them to take​ their time. You can say,‌ “I hope you ⁢can forgive me, but I‌ understand if you need time.”

These principles can help ⁣you deliver a heartfelt apology and mend relationships effectively. For detailed steps, you ⁢can explore⁤ the⁤ articles ⁣on [Perfect Apology](, [NPR](, and [wikiHow](‌ which provide valuable insights and examples for crafting your apology.

Just in case you were shocked that the Paris Olympics mocked Christians with its tableau of drag queens representing the Last Supper, please note that its organizers were mocking Christian values long before it began.

In fact, they were making a mockery of values pretty much every human being with a functioning sense of right and wrong agrees upon: Don’t celebrate sex traffickers, no matter how good you might think their music is.

Just before the Olympic torch reached its final destination, as you may have heard, Snoop Dogg — a man who can generate more asterisks in a single verse than Lance Armstrong’s entire career cycling record contains — was chosen as one of the celebrities relaying the flame to the French capital.

Yes, because when your torch plausibly resembles a joint, why not get a rapper known as one of the world’s foremost marijuana enthusiasts to carry it on its last miles?

We’ve come to the point where people thought this was genuinely OK. After all, Mr. Dogg (legal name Calvin Broadus Jr.) has reached the point where he’s co-hosting supposedly family friendly shows with Martha Stewart. Both of them, implausibly, have spent significant time in the slammer, and Mr. Dogg only slightly more.

To go through the number of things that Mr. Dogg has either been charged with or plausibly claimed to have gotten away with in full would be to compile a document that would even get Ayn Rand to be like, “Slow down with the word count.” So, let’s just start with the fact that Mr. Dogg says he was a sex trafficker — and not before his rap career took off and he could basically sit at home and live for four entire lifetimes off the royalties from his 1993 debut album alone. (The title of which is unprintable here but is named after a sex position — the name of which also contains part of Broadus’ rap moniker. Draw your own conclusions.)

No, according to the D-O-double-G, this happened a decade after he struck it rich.

In 2013, Broadus — during a brief period which he had rebranded himself as “Snoop Lion” and turned to reggae because of a conversion to Rastafarianism (this stuff really belies parody) — told Rolling Stone that his boasts of being a “pimp” were far from just rap posturing.

“I put an organization together,” he told the magazine’s then-contributing editor Jonah Weiner.

In 2003, he said, “I did a Playboy tour, and I had a bus follow me with ten b****es on it … I could fire a b****, f*** a b****, get a new h*: It was my program.

“City to city, t**** to t****, hotel room to hotel room, athlete to athlete, entertainer to entertainer.”

Natürlich, the former alleged pimp did not name names — but he did name entire teams and seemed quite proud of his work.

“If I’m in a city where where the Denver Broncos or the Nuggets play, I get a couple of they players to come hang out, pick and choose, and whichever one you like comes with a number,” he said. “A lot of athletes bought p**** from me.”

Mr. Dogg (then Lion) tried to make himself look better — and, perhaps in the eyes of the average Rolling Stone reader, he did — by saying that he didn’t necessarily profit off this arrangement and let the women he was trafficking keep all the money, unlike those awful regular pimps.

“I’d act like I’d take the money from the b****, but I’d let her have it,” he says. “It was never about the money; it was about the fascination of being a pimp … As a kid I dreamed of being a pimp, I dreamed of having cars and clothes and b****es to match. I said, ‘F*** it – I’m [fixing to] do it.’”

As if there was no way to make this worse — and, to be fair, this is hardly the biggest outrage in the whole operation — Mr. Dogg was married when this happened. And still is! To the same woman!

“My wife had to take a backseat to this s***,” he says. “And I love her to this day because she coulda shook out on a n***a, but she stayed in my corner. So when I decided to let it go, she was still there.”

And so, too, were the Paris Olympics!

Keep in mind that a temporary not-for-profit pimping outfit is hardly the worst thing that Mr. Dogg has done or has been accused of doing, as previously stated. Here’s a Cliff’s Notes version of the various things that he’s been charged with and/or convicted of during his 52 years upon this planet Earth: first-degree murder, possession of drugs with intent to traffic, possession of drugs with intent to consume, and gun violations. This isn’t even including the several civil cases brought against him or the countries he’s been banned from at various points in time. (At least three that we know of: Australia, Norway and the United Kingdom.)

When this was one of the individuals selected to carry the torch, why are we at all surprised what happened when the Olympic flame finally reached its destination?

After all, according to the official Olympics website, the 11,000 individuals who acted as torchbearers  “will be selected based on their commitment, dedication and how they embody at least one of the core tenets of Paris 2024.” The opening ceremonies certainly proved Snoop Dogg fit right in.

Also, it’s also worth noting that the torchbearers were also supposed to “represent the outstanding diversity of our society.” It’s good to see that France, along with its loving embrace of the demonic minority group, is also down with the pimping minority group. If only Jeffrey Epstein were still around, maybe Snoop Dogg could have focused on other important philanthropic stuff, like making sure the sports teams in Denver don’t lack for prostitutes.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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