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Open AI executive warns that AI is highly addictive and poses a risk of enslaving humanity.

AI Technology: An Existential Threat and an ⁤Addictive Force

A senior ⁢executive at the non-profit Open AI has issued a stark warning about the dangers of artificial intelligence (AI). Mira Murati, the organization’s chief technology officer (CTO) and renowned as the “Most Powerful Woman in AI,” has expressed concerns that‍ AI not only poses ‌an existential threat‌ to humanity but is also “extremely addictive.” During an interview at The Atlantic Festival in Washington D.C., Murati highlighted the ⁤technology’s ability to‌ target users’ preferences ⁣and interests,⁣ making it even ⁤more addictive than social⁢ media and⁢ computer games.

“With this enhanced capability comes the possibility that we design AI in ⁣a way​ that makes⁤ it extremely addictive, leading us to become enslaved by it,” Murati explained.

The Need to Understand and Mitigate the‍ Risks

Murati emphasized the importance of researchers ⁢identifying how people respond to addictive technology to mitigate potential risks. She stressed the need for exploration and⁤ learning, as ⁣there is a significant danger in developing AI that fails to enhance our lives and instead ​introduces more risks.

“I think about it in terms of trade-offs: How much value is this⁣ technology providing⁢ in the real world, and how much are we mitigating the risks?” Murati continued.

The Impact on Jobs and Preparing for the‍ Future

Murati also ‍discussed the inevitable impact of AI on ‌the labor market, with millions of⁢ workers⁣ at risk of losing their jobs due to automation. A‍ study by Goldman Sachs released earlier this year estimated that up to 300 million ⁢jobs could be eliminated. Murati believes that this revolution will​ have a greater impact on ‌jobs than any previous one, emphasizing the need to prepare for this new way of life.

OpenAI: Shaping the Future

Founded in 2015, OpenAI is an ​AI research organization dedicated to ‍developing AI for the ‌benefit‍ of‌ humanity. Its notable product, ChatGPT, is a language model capable of responding to an infinite number ⁤of user prompts. OpenAI’s founding board​ members include Elon⁣ Musk and Sam Altman, although Musk resigned from the board in 2018 due to disagreements over⁣ the company’s direction.

Shaping⁤ Society’s‌ Response to AI Risks

In an interview with TIME magazine, Murati highlighted the unique moment society⁤ is facing in responding to the risks‍ of AI. She emphasized the reciprocal relationship between​ technology and society, stating ⁣that both shape each other. Murati acknowledged‍ the complex challenges ⁢in aligning AI ‍with human intention and ensuring ‌it⁢ serves humanity. She stressed the ⁤importance of involving diverse⁤ voices, including ⁣philosophers, social scientists, artists, and humanities experts, to address the ​ethical and philosophical questions surrounding AI’s societal impact.

What ethical considerations should be taken into account regarding consent and manipulation in the addictive nature of AI systems, and how can transparency and regulation ensure user well-being and autonomy?

Are⁣ being affected by AI and developing safeguards to mitigate potential risks. She stressed the need for a‌ deeper ‍understanding of AI’s addictive ​nature in order to address its impact on society.

One major concern is the potential for AI​ systems to manipulate user behavior and exploit their vulnerabilities. Murati expressed worries that companies could use AI to create personalized content, ads, and recommendations that keep users constantly engaged and addicted to ‌their platforms. This addiction, she warned, could lead to a loss of‍ autonomy and control over one’s own decisions.

The addictive nature of AI raises ethical questions regarding consent and manipulation. Murati argued that users should have the right to control their own AI experience and be made aware of ⁣any manipulative tactics employed by AI systems. She called for greater transparency and regulation to ensure that users are not exploited for profit and that their well-being ​is prioritized.

Addressing the Existential Threat

Beyond its addictive potential,‍ Murati also highlighted the existential ⁤threat posed by AI. She emphasized the​ need for responsible development and deployment of AI technologies to avoid unintended consequences. With the rapid ​advancement of AI, it is crucial to consider its long-term implications for humanity.

One of the main risks ‌lies in AI systems surpassing human intelligence, leading to a loss of control. Murati urged researchers and developers to prioritize‍ safety measures and consider the potential dangers of creating AI systems⁢ that could surpass human capabilities. Without proper safeguards, AI ‌could potentially become a force ⁣that dictates and controls human decision-making, posing an existential threat ⁣to​ our⁤ autonomy and individuality.

Collaboration and Education

To address these threats, Murati highlighted the importance of collaboration between technology companies, researchers, policymakers, and the public. She called for a multidisciplinary approach that takes ⁢into account input from ⁢various perspectives. By ​working together, we can develop ethical guidelines and policies that shape the future of AI in a⁤ way that benefits⁣ society as a whole.

Furthermore, Murati stressed the need for education and awareness. As AI becomes increasingly integrated into our lives, it is crucial ​for individuals to understand its potential dangers and implications. By being informed and equipped with ​knowledge, individuals can make more informed decisions about​ their interactions with AI and actively participate in shaping its development.


The addictive nature of AI technology, combined with its existential threat, calls for immediate attention and action. Mira Murati’s warning serves as a‍ reminder‌ that the⁣ development and deployment of AI must be approached with caution, ethical considerations, and a focus on mitigating potential risks. As AI continues to‍ advance, it is imperative that we prioritize human well-being, autonomy, ‍and control, while fostering collaboration and education to ‍ensure a responsible and beneficial⁢ integration of AI into ​our society.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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