Oregon Task Force Aiming to Roll Out Universal Healthcare Plan In 2026

Oregon hopes to once again take the lead in implementing progressive policies—this time by being the first state in the nation to roll out a universal, or “single-payer” healthcare system.

For the past two years, the 20-member state-appointed Oregon Joint Task Force on Universal Health Care—comprising four legislators, public officials, tribal members, and healthcare and community advocates—has been outlining the details of a system in which all Oregonians would be covered by a health insurance plan funded by new individual income taxes (up to 15 percent for high earners) as well as a new payroll tax paid by employers.

If approved, the plan would be implemented in 2026.

Under the Universal Health Plan Proposal, all people living in Oregon would be covered by a plan that “would be more generous than most current plans,” according to the task force’s summary.

Including Primary Care

“The plan would cover, at the least, services now offered to people on a Medicaid, Medicare, or Affordable Care Act plan.”

“The Universal Health Plan would not require patients to pay when getting care,” the proposal states. “So, there would be no co-pays or deductibles. Instead, people would pay new taxes based on their ability to pay. Under the plan, medical debt for covered services would no longer exist.

“This is because all covered services would be fully paid by the plan.”

Participants could see any participating healthcare professional and benefits would include primary care, dental, vision, prescriptions, specialists, hospitals, behavioral health practitioners and more.

Long-term care would be provided by the Department of Human Services for those eligible for Medicaid.

The plan would provide free health care regardless of immigration status.

Out-of-state residents who work for Oregon-based employers, as well as their dependents, would also be eligible.

One source would pay all claims with amounts based on

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