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Our nation is governed by elderly, lifeless zombies.

We Need Younger Leaders: The Case of Sweden

In many countries, we are⁢ accustomed to having elderly politicians who ⁤are visibly deteriorating before ⁣our eyes. It⁣ has become so normal that we forget how abnormal it truly is. However, there⁣ are countries‌ where the majority of elected officials are middle-aged and capable of coherent speech.⁣ One such country​ is Sweden, whose parliament boasts one of the youngest average ages in the world.⁣ The prime minister, speaker, and deputy speakers are all under 60 years old.‌ This trend has been consistent⁢ for the past decade,⁤ with Sweden electing its youngest parliament⁣ in 2014. ‌Remarkably, Sweden has⁤ not had a prime minister over the age ‍of 65 in the last ten years.

If we want to‌ understand why‍ Sweden took a different​ approach to COVID-19, we can ‍start by looking⁤ at its relatively young government. Unlike⁢ many other countries, Sweden ‌did not enforce strict lockdown‌ measures, mask mandates, ‌or school ‌closures. Instead, they ⁢allowed life to continue as normal, with individuals voluntarily adapting their behavior.‍ The result? Sweden recorded the lowest excess death rate⁤ of any European nation during the pandemic. Their approach did‌ not lead to a spike in suicides ⁤or overwhelm their healthcare system. It was ⁤a ‍stark contrast to the experiences of other countries.

The Benefits ​of Younger Leaders

Having younger leaders has‌ its advantages. They are ‌less likely to make decisions solely based on self-preservation, unlike their elderly counterparts. When politicians are not on the ‍brink ‍of physical decline, they are⁢ more inclined to prioritize the well-being of society over their own longevity. On the other hand, a gerontocracy, especially a secular ⁤one, can be unpredictable and prone to drastic measures. Stability cannot be guaranteed, and leaders may infringe upon citizens’ rights or engage in reckless actions. It is crucial to have leaders who can think clearly and act responsibly.

The Gerontocracy ‍Problem in ⁢the United States

Unfortunately, the United States has become a⁢ gerontocracy in recent years. Currently, approximately one-fourth ‍of the U.S. Congress is‍ over the age of 70,⁢ the ​highest percentage⁤ in American history. This shift is concerning, as it raises questions about the ability of these leaders to make sound ⁣decisions and effectively represent the interests of the younger generation.

Today, about a quarter of Congress is over the age of 70, the highest percentage ever.⁤ At the same time, ⁤while half the‌ country is⁤ aged 38​ or younger, just 5% of Congress can say⁢ the same. ⁣- Insider

In 1900, nearly 40% of ⁢politicians in the​ Senate and ⁢House of Representatives were in their 40s. Today, that number has dropped to just​ 20%. The current president, Joe Biden, is the oldest sitting president in history, turning 81 in a few months. This aging leadership raises concerns about their ability ‍to govern effectively and⁣ make decisions that reflect the needs and aspirations of the younger population.

The Decline of Joe Biden

Joe Biden’s decline has ⁢become increasingly apparent in recent days. During a press conference in Hanoi, Vietnam, ⁢he struggled ⁤to maintain coherence and appeared disoriented. He admitted to following orders ⁣from his ​staff and eventually ⁢announced that he was going to bed. This incident epitomizes Biden’s ⁤presidency and will likely be remembered‍ as one⁣ of his defining moments.

What is particularly concerning is that this press conference was allowed to⁣ happen in the first place. The White House, Pentagon, and State Department were aware of Biden’s mental decline, yet they did not intervene to prevent this embarrassing display. It raises⁤ questions about their judgment and the message they are sending to the world.

Furthermore, this incident ⁣undermines any attempt ⁣to project strength against China. It⁣ signals to Beijing that the United ⁣States is incapable of standing up for its allies⁣ or defending its interests. It is a dangerous message to send, especially in a time of increasing global tensions.

A Gerontocracy’s Impact on⁣ National ⁢Security

The prevalence of gerontocracy ‌in⁣ our government is not just an embarrassment; it is a⁤ national security crisis. Our adversaries see ‌our leaders’ mental decline and‌ perceive a lack of capability to mount a defensive response ‍or ⁤effectively​ navigate international challenges.‍ They are not just ‍laughing‍ at us; they are ⁤strategizing⁣ based on our perceived weaknesses.

It is time to reevaluate​ the age and mental competence ‌of our leaders. We need younger, more⁣ capable ‍individuals who can effectively represent the interests of the people and navigate⁢ the complex challenges of‍ the modern world. The current state of affairs is ​not sustainable, and it is up to us to demand change.


Read More From Original Article Here: Our Country Is Run By Senile Half-Dead Zombies

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