Washington Examiner

Former New Jersey Senate president joins governor race to succeed Phil Murphy

Former Democratic‍ New Jersey Senate President Steve Sweeney Announces Run for Governor

Former ‌Democratic New Jersey Senate President Steve Sweeney has made an exciting announcement – ⁣he‍ is running for​ governor in 2025 to ​replace the term-limited Gov. ​Phil Murphy (D-NJ). This comes after Sweeney’s unexpected defeat in the 2021 off-year elections by Republican truck ​driver Edward Durr, who spent less than $200 on his campaign.

A Passionate​ Campaign

In his⁣ campaign announcement video, Sweeney passionately ⁤highlighted ‌his reasons for ⁣getting involved in politics. He spoke about his daughter, who was born with Down syndrome, and how she inspired him to fight for the rights ‍of New Jersey residents with disabilities. Sweeney also‍ emphasized his background as a union ⁢ironworker, ⁢his support ⁣for reproductive rights, fair minimum wage, and marriage equality.

“I‌ will always prioritize New Jersey’s kids, working families, and seniors. They are the⁤ ones‍ I have fought for throughout​ my ‌career, and‌ they are the ones I will continue to fight for as​ governor,” Sweeney declared.‍ “New Jersey is worth fighting for.”

A Setback and a Comeback

Sweeney‌ held his New Jersey Senate seat for an impressive 20 years and served as the state Senate’s president for 12 years. However, his defeat by Durr ⁣in the 2021 elections was a setback.‍ Nevertheless, Sweeney remains resilient and ⁣determined.

“Sometimes in life, we‌ face setbacks. ‌But as New Jerseyans, we don’t stay down for long. We pick ‌ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and get back to work because⁢ that’s who we ⁢are,” Sweeney acknowledged.

The Democratic Primary Race

Sweeney is not the only Democrat vying for the governorship. Jersey ‍City Mayor ​Steven Fulop is also in the race. Both Sweeney and Fulop were front-runners in the 2017 primary race but lost to Murphy.⁤ However, this time around, they are​ considered the likely front-runners, ‍although Reps.⁤ Josh ​Gottheimer and ⁤Mikie‍ Sherrill could potentially join ‌the competition.

On the Republican side, Jack Ciattarelli, who previously lost to Murphy in ‌2021 and in the 2017 primary race, is also‌ seeking another opportunity to become New Jersey’s⁤ governor.

Exciting times lie ahead as the race for New Jersey’s governorship begins to take shape. Stay tuned for more updates!

What are some of the ‍key policies and issues that Sweeney ⁤has consistently advocated⁣ for throughout his career?

Han $200 on⁤ his campaign.

Sweeney, a well-known figure ⁣in New Jersey politics, has been ‍serving as the President of the New Jersey ‌Senate since 2010. During ⁤his tenure, he ​has ​led numerous initiatives and played​ a crucial role in ⁤shaping the ‌state’s policies. His announcement to⁤ run​ for governor has ignited a⁤ sense of excitement and anticipation among both his supporters and the general ‌public.

The defeat in the 2021 off-year elections was certainly a‌ setback for Sweeney, but it did not deter ‍him from pursuing ⁢his political ambitions. ⁣Instead, ⁢it only fueled his determination to reclaim his position ⁢of influence. Sweeney’s decision to run for governor demonstrates⁣ his resilience and commitment to public service.

As a ⁢candidate for governor, Sweeney brings with him a wealth of‌ experience and a deep understanding of⁢ the state’s political landscape. Throughout ‌his‍ career, he has consistently advocated for policies that prioritize the⁣ needs of working-class families and promote economic‍ growth. His dedication to these⁤ issues has ​earned him the ​respect and⁣ support of many ​constituents.

One of Sweeney’s key strengths is his ability to build bipartisan relationships. Despite being a Democrat, he has​ a ⁢reputation for working collaboratively with Republicans to achieve common goals. This reputation will prove invaluable as he seeks to unite the divided political landscape‍ of New Jersey and ⁣bridge the partisan divide.

Sweeney’s vision for the future of New Jersey⁣ revolves ⁣around⁢ creating an inclusive and prosperous state. ⁣He envisions a New Jersey where every ‌resident​ has​ access to ⁤quality education⁤ and healthcare, where job opportunities are abundant, and where the economy is thriving. In his announcement, he highlighted his commitment to ​investing in infrastructure,⁣ reducing property taxes, and creating a fairer ⁣tax system.

Moreover, Sweeney has expressed his dedication to addressing the pressing issue of climate change. He recognizes the urgency of this issue and believes that New Jersey has a responsibility ⁤to play⁤ a leading role in ⁣combating​ climate change. He‌ proposes ⁣investing⁣ in renewable energy sources, promoting sustainable practices, and working towards a ⁣cleaner and greener future for the state.

Sweeney’s candidacy for governor is not only​ significant for⁣ him ⁤personally but also for⁤ the Democratic Party in New Jersey. With his experience, track record, and broad appeal, he ​has the ​potential ⁢to unite the party and attract a ⁤diverse range of supporters. If elected, Sweeney will bring a fresh perspective and innovative thinking to the state’s highest ‍office.

In conclusion, the​ announcement of former ⁤Democratic New Jersey Senate President Steve Sweeney’s run for governor in ⁢2025 has created a buzz of excitement and anticipation. With his experience, dedication, and bipartisan approach, Sweeney has the potential to make a significant⁣ impact on the political⁣ landscape of New Jersey. As Election Day ⁣approaches, all eyes ⁤will be on Sweeney⁢ as he campaigns to secure the governorship and shape the future of the⁤ Garden State.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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