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Israeli surgeons successfully reattach Palestinian boy’s ‘decapitated’ head using rare procedure.

Israeli Surgeons Successfully Reattach Palestinian Boy’s ‘Decapitated’ Head

In a remarkable and groundbreaking procedure, Israeli surgeons at Hadassah Medical Center in Ein Kerem saved the life of a 12-year-old Palestinian boy, Suleiman Hassan, by reattaching his head to his neck after it had been internally decapitated.

Hassan was airlifted from the West Bank to the medical center after being hit by a car while riding his bike. The accident caused severe damage to the ligaments holding the base of his skull, leaving it detached from the top vertebrae of his spine.

Dr. Ohad Einav, a specialist with Hadassah’s orthopedic department, described the boy’s injuries as a “fracture in the connection between the head and neck, along with a tear of all the ligaments.” The head was almost completely detached from the base of the neck.

Einav, along with Dr. Ziv Asa, performed the complex surgery in early June. The procedure involved reconnecting the skull to the spine using new plates and fixations in the damaged area.

The injury Hassan suffered, known as bilateral atlanto occipital joint dislocation or internal decapitation, is extremely rare and has a high mortality rate, especially among children. According to Dr. Einav, the procedure had a 50-70 percent chance of mortality.

Fortunately, the surgery was a great success, and Hassan’s life was saved. He has been discharged from the hospital but will continue to be observed by the medical staff.

Dr. Einav expressed his satisfaction with the outcome, stating, “Our ability to save the child thanks to the most innovative knowledge and technology in the operating room is immensely satisfying. That’s the goal of all of us in the trauma complex.”

Hassan’s miraculous recovery, with no neurological deficits or sensory or motor dysfunction, amazed the medical team. Dr. Einav emphasized the rarity of such a surgery, especially on children and teens, and credited his training in Toronto for preparing him for the operation.

Hassan’s father expressed his gratitude to the hospital staff for saving his son’s life, acknowledging their professionalism, technology, and quick decision-making.

The successful reattachment of Hassan’s head serves as a testament to the remarkable advancements in medical science and the dedication of the Israeli medical team.

Source: The Western Journal

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