Washington Examiner

Palestinian terror-linked group expelled from new online fundraising platform.

EXCLUSIVE: Progressive ‌Charity⁤ Cut Off from‍ Fundraising Amid Terror Connections

A ⁣”progressive” charity,‍ recently exposed for its ties to Palestinian terror groups, has been abandoned by its fourth payment processor this year, according to ⁣a Washington Examiner investigation.

PayPal, Stripe, and Salsa Labs have all ‌severed ties with the Alliance for Global Justice, an Arizona‌ nonprofit organization‍ that has faced congressional scrutiny and legal pressure ​due to its association with the ⁤Popular Front‍ for the Liberation ⁢of Palestine (PFLP) terror group. The latest company to distance itself⁣ from the charity is Deluxe, based in Minneapolis, which had ​been facilitating credit ⁢card and bank transfer donations for Alliance for Global‍ Justice in the United States. Deluxe confirmed its decision to terminate⁣ the relationship, stating that it was unaware of the nature of the organization and thanked the Examiner for bringing it to their attention.

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This revelation ‌deals a significant blow ‍to Alliance for Global ⁣Justice’s ⁣financial stability.⁣ Earlier in September, PayPal informed House⁣ Foreign Affairs Committee⁤ Chairman Michael McCaul that it was ​cutting ties with the charity. Alliance for Global Justice provides left-wing projects with fiscal⁢ sponsorship, offering services such as donations, payroll, ⁤and health insurance. One of the ⁤projects sponsored by ⁣the organization is the Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, which has shared⁣ staff members with the PFLP, as reported by the Washington Examiner.

In 2021,⁣ Israel’s government designated Samidoun as a terrorist group and a “subsidiary” of​ the PFLP. PayPal had previously closed accounts for both Samidoun and its ​coalition member, Collectif Palestine Vaincra, due to their connections to Palestinian terrorism.​ Additionally, Alliance for Global Justice sponsors the Palestinian Campaign for ‍the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel, a pro-Palestinian group that was recently removed from the ‍Democratic fundraising platform ActBlue.

Alliance for⁢ Global Justice claims to sponsor 130 projects, but its website page showcasing them currently displays a “404 error.” Past projects have included supporting the boycott, divestment, and sanctions movement against Israel and the Lajee Center, whose director has ⁤shared videos on social media depicting violent clashes between Palestinian ‍civilians and the Israeli military.

Deluxe closed Alliance for Global Justice’s ‌account ⁣and‍ left a voicemail notifying the charity of the termination. The decision was based on Deluxe’s commitment to its values and doing‌ what is right. Meanwhile, the Zachor Legal Institute, a pro-Israel think tank, ‍sent a letter to Deluxe urging them to ‌review their‌ relationship with ⁢Alliance⁤ for Global Justice. The think tank ⁤also stated‍ its intention to contact the IRS and Treasury Department regarding Deluxe’s processing of payments for a charity allegedly providing material support to terrorism.

CEO Marc Greendorfer of the Zachor⁢ Legal Institute ‌called on the Biden administration to take action against humanitarian groups that exploit loopholes in the terror-financing sanctions system. He specifically mentioned updating the Office of Foreign Assets Control’s Specially Designated Nationals and ⁢Blocked Persons list to include entities that serve as fundraising fronts for terror ⁣groups.

Despite the controversy surrounding Alliance for Global Justice, Samidoun and Collectif Palestine Vaincra have continued to participate in pro-Palestinian rallies since​ the Israel-Gaza war began. Samidoun faced a ban from⁣ Germany’s government ⁤after posting pictures on social media of activists celebrating a deadly Hamas attack in Berlin.

According to the U.S. government, over 1,400 Israelis have been killed in connection to the Hamas attack, ‌while⁤ the⁤ death toll in Gaza, as claimed by the terror group, is close to 3,000. Samidoun posted a message ⁤on‌ social media criticizing Israel’s actions and⁤ accusing it⁢ of upholding‍ colonialism, genocide, and Palestinian death and dispossession.

Alliance for Global Justice did not‍ respond to a request for ‍comment, and the IRS declined to comment on ongoing investigations.


⁤What challenges does ‍the loss of payment processors pose ⁣for Alliance for ⁤Global Justice in its fundraising efforts?

Estinians⁤ and Israeli security ⁣forces.⁢

With the loss of four payment ⁣processors,⁣​ Alliance for ⁣Global Justice will likely‍ face significant challenges⁤ in continuing⁢ its ‍fundraising efforts. The severing of‌ ties by these​ companies not only hampers the‌ charity’s ability to receive donations but also raises serious questions about its financial transparency ‍and the legitimacy of its operations.

The connections⁣ between Alliance ⁢for Global Justice and terrorist groups like​ the PFLP are cause for grave concern. The PFLP⁤ has been designated as a terrorist organization by several countries, including the United​ States, due to its involvement in numerous​ acts of violence and terrorism. By associating with such⁢ groups, Alliance⁢ for⁣⁢ Global Justice not only undermines its credibility as a ‍charitable organization but also puts its ​donors at risk of ⁤unwittingly supporting terrorism.

The actions taken by PayPal, Stripe, ⁣Salsa Labs, and Deluxe to sever ⁣ties with Alliance for Global Justice highlight the⁢ importance of ⁢due diligence in vetting the organizations ​with ​which ‍companies choose to ‌associate. In an era where terrorism remains a global threat,‍ it is crucial for businesses to ensure that⁤ their ‌services and platforms are not being used to facilitate the financing of terrorist activities.

This situation also calls for increased ⁤scrutiny and ‍regulation of nonprofit organizations⁢ to prevent them ⁤from being exploited by terrorist groups. Congress should⁣ conduct a thorough investigation into Alliance for Global Justice and take appropriate action to safeguard ‌the‌ integrity of the ‌charitable sector.

Furthermore, ‌individuals and organizations alike should exercise caution and research ‌the‌ background and affiliations of ⁣the ‍charities they support. Donors have a responsibility to ‌ensure that their contributions are genuinely ‍going towards worthy causes and not inadvertently aiding terrorism.

The exposure of Alliance for Global Justice’s terrorist‌ connections serves as a reminder that⁣ vigilance⁣ and⁤ accountability are crucial​ in the fight ⁢against terrorism. As ​the international‌ community continues to combat extremism, it is ⁣essential ⁢to‍ remain vigilant ⁣in identifying and​ dismantling ⁣networks that‌ seek to exploit legitimate institutions ⁢for nefarious purposes.

By cutting⁣ off Alliance⁢ for Global Justice from‍ fundraising,⁢ payment processors have taken a significant⁣ step in disrupting the flow of funds to terrorist organizations. However, this is just one piece of the puzzle. It is imperative ‍for governments, businesses, and individuals to work together to⁢ implement comprehensive strategies that address the‌ root causes of⁤ terrorism and prevent its financing.

Only through collective and ⁣unwavering efforts can we ⁤ensure a safer and more ‌secure⁣ world, free from the threat of terrorism ⁣and the ⁢exploitation of charitable ⁣organizations‌ for malicious purposes.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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