Patrick Warburton Hilariously Talks Taking Broom To Gavin Newsom Pinata, As Adam Carolla Crushes Kaepernick On Latest ‘Truth Yeller’


Patrick Warburton hilariously talked about taking a broom to a piñata of Governor Gavin Newsom (D-CA) — which he later revealed was a joke as Adam Carolla crushed Colin Kaepernick on the latest episode of “Adam Carolla Truth Yeller.”

During the latest episodeCarolla spoke with Warburton — 57-year-old actor and former star of “Seinfeld” — about everything from the ridiculous move across the country to take down statues of our former generals and presidents to how CNN anchors scared everyone with each new COVID variant and more.

Carolla told the crowd how it had first started with Civil War generals like Robert E. Lee and eventually had come down to the Theodore Roosevelt statue.

“Bronze Teddy on top of bronze horse in front of the Natural History museum in New York and I was thinking about it, like I thought alright some of these generals may have been on the wrong side of history,” Adam shared. “But what did the horses do?”

“Could we at least leave the horses?” he added. “They weren’t slave owners, they’re just horses. And also it would be interesting because like when future civilizations studied our ruins they’d be like ‘they were a violent, glutinous, greedy people who loved horses.”

At the 12 minute mark the “Family Guy” star came out and the two hashed out all the major moments from the actor’s life like meeting his wife Cathy Jennings, doing weddings now, and including a weird story from Warburton that happened when he went camping one time in the High Sierras with his dad.

The mention of camping quickly turned into a dispute after Carolla claimed that after hundreds of camping trips, he had never seen a pretty woman — and Warburton wholeheartedly disagreed.

Patrick also talked about how his mom would pass out pamphlets in his neighborhood about the “sins of masturbation” when he was 13. Adam also talked about his childhood and shared whether his parents were supportive of him creatively.

The two superstars then played a game called “Problematic” which is a game designed to determine which “piece of woke nonsense people are complaining about now.”

Carolla got three out of three right after picking soy beans, the Jedi, and office air conditioning. It starts at the 27:56 minute mark and you can check out the episode to find out why.

The two took turns also taking a ball out of pit with words on it and that was the bit the two had to do. One of the balls picked was “Omicron.”

“Thank God we dedicated a week to getting our panties in a bunch about this one,” Carolla shared. “And I love seeing all these blowhards on CNN sitting there. You know my least favorite person on TV the last twenty months is not the doctor who’s waxing hard doom and gloom about the what  next variants going to be. And the kids, the kids, the kids and masking up two-year-olds and getting 5-year-olds vaccinated.”

“It’s not that guy,” he added. “It’s the CNN anchor who just looks and nods. I would jump in so many times if some blowhard just went … ‘let’s see in South Africa there’s three people who’ve gotten mild symptoms …’”

Warburton later talked about going to his sister and brother-in-law’s house, where he joked about how there was a piñata of Newsom at their house and he took a broom to it. The comments drew cheers from the crowd.

Later, Carolla called out former San Francisco 49ers’ Colin Kaepermick for making a comparison of the NFL to slavery in a truth-telling take down of the former QB. It starts at the 51 minute mark.

“You can’t find racism everywhere,” the former host of “The Man Show.” “You’re ruining our society by trying to find racism everywhere. Please, Kaepernick, just get your checks from Nike and get your checks from Netlfix and just zip it, would ya?”

“You’re ruining black kids because you’re convincing them that they live in a society where they have a target on their back,” he added.  “So, this thing you’re getting rich on is poisoning the next generation of young black people who could be, who could be flourishing in the best society in the world for all races.”

“Truth Yeller” was filmed before a live studio audience. The comedy show first aired in November 2021. The episode starring the “Seinfeld’ star will be available on on Wednesday, March 23.

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