Conservative News Daily

Judge rules against Trump as damning Hunter Biden payments are exposed.

Pattern⁢ Continues:​ Judge Issues Decision Against Trump Same Day Damning Hunter Biden Payments Revealed

Once again, a Democrat‍ official has​ stepped in to try​ to drown out a story that suggests ​the Biden family engaged in public corruption.

On Tuesday,⁢ House‌ Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer reported ​his investigators had​ obtained two ​bank records showing Hunter⁣ Biden received wire transfer payments from Chinese national Jonathan​ Li in July⁣ and August 2019, totaling $260,000, while President Joe Biden was ‍running for⁣ president.

The elder‍ Biden’s home ‌in Wilmington, Delaware, was listed as the beneficiary address, though Comer told Fox⁤ News host ⁢Laura⁢ Ingraham Hunter⁤ Biden was‌ not even believed to be living there at the time.

“Bank records don’t lie but President‌ Joe Biden does. In 2020, Joe Biden told Americans ​that his family never received money from China,” Comer ‍said in a statement.

“We’ve already ⁤proved that to be a lie earlier this​ year,‍ and ​now we know that two wires originating from Beijing listed Joe Biden’s Wilmington home as‌ the beneficiary address when he ⁢was running ‍for President of the ⁣United ​States,” he⁢ added.

“When Joe Biden was vice president, ‍he spoke​ on the phone⁢ and ‍had coffee with Jonathan Li in Beijing, and later wrote a ‍college letter of recommendation for ​his children,” Comer said.

The Oversight Committee further asserted in the news⁣ release that Li and ‍Hunter Biden ⁢formed a business relationship⁣ during ‍Joe Biden’s ‍vice presidency.

Li is part of the Chinese Communist Party,​ Comer told Ingraham.

All told, the Bidens⁢ received millions ⁣of dollars from Chinese interests, the chairman‍ added.

During a presidential debate ⁤with Trump ⁣in the fall of 2020, Biden denied Hunter received money from China.

“My son has ⁤not made money in terms of this thing about, you know, what are you talking‍ about? China,” Biden said.​ “Nobody else has made money⁢ from China.”

GOP House Speaker Kevin McCarthy posted on social ‌media, “Biden told this lie⁣ shortly after his son was wired $260k from China, with Joe’s Delaware ⁤home listed as the beneficiary address.”

So on the same day that the House Oversight Committee was releasing this damaging information ‍about ​Hunter Biden’s Chinese business ⁤dealings, Manhattan Judge Arthur Engoron ruled ⁤Trump ‍and the⁣ Trump Organization liable for fraud in ⁢a civil suit brought by Democrat ‌Attorney General Letitia James.

Fox Business ⁤Network’s Maria Bartiromo ‍responded on ⁢X, formerly Twitter, “Now we know why the NY judge decided to move on trump today. It’s⁢ all so obvious. And disgusting.”

This is⁤ part of a pattern with Democrats. It happened in March,‌ when Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg indicted Trump‌ the day ⁢after Comer ‌revealed that Biden family members ​and associates ⁤received $3 million from Chinese business interests.

Then in June, the members of the Oversight Committee confirmed the existence of an ⁣FBI FD-1023 file containing⁣ allegations Joe and Hunter Biden each receiving a $5 million ‍bribe from the ‌Ukrainian‌ energy firm Burisma.

The next day, special counsel ‍Jack Smith​ indicted Trump for allegedly mishandling‌ classified documents.

In⁣ late July, former Hunter Biden business partner Devon Archer testified‌ before the House Oversight Committee that Joe Biden was part⁢ of at least 20 business calls with ⁤Hunter.

The next day, Smith indicted​ Trump for his alleged role in the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol incursion.

Then on Friday, Aug. 11,⁣ Attorney General Merrick Garland appoints U.S. Attorney David Weiss as a special counsel after Hunter Biden’s ⁣sweetheart plea deal falls through.

The following Monday, Aug. 14, Fulton⁤ County District Attorney Fani Willis indicts Trump for taking part in⁣ an alleged conspiracy to‌ overturn ⁣the 2020 presidential election results⁢ in Georgia.

Taking us to the present, when Engoron, a Democrat, ruled Tuesday that⁢ Trump and his business⁢ associates overvalued ‌properties owned by himself and the Trump Organization.

The judge said ​that Trump’s Palm Beach, Florida property, ⁣Mar-a-Lago Club,​ should be valued at $18 million ‍to $27.6 million ‌versus‍ the approximately $426.5 million to $612 million valuation Trump used.

Last year, Forbes ​Magazine described the 128-room mansion and estate — ⁢which sits on 20 acres, including beachfront and access​ to a ​golf course just‌ minutes away — as the “crown jewel of Palm Beach.”

A “conservative” estimate the business news ‌outlet placed ‍of the property’s value ⁣is $350 million, though ‌it noted an aggressive one came in ⁢at $725 million.

A local ‍real estate agent told the New York Post he would list the property for‍ at⁤ least $300 million.

As a reference ‍point, Rush Limbaugh’s widow, Kathryn‌ Adams Limbaugh, sold the broadcasting icon’s Palm Beach compound, which ⁤is on 2.6 acres of land, for ​$155 million in⁣ March.

Further, a two-acre wooded lot just 5 minutes from Mar-a-Lago is listed at $150 million, according to the Post.

Trump, understandably, reacted strongly to the ruling.

“The widespread, radical attack against me, my family, and my supporters⁤ has now​ devolved to new, un-American depths, at the hands of a⁣ DERANGED New York State Judge,⁣ doing the bidding of a ⁣completely ‍biased and corrupt⁤ ‘Prosecutor,’ Letitia James, who ran for office‌ based on a ‘Get Trump’ platform before ⁢even knowing anything ⁣about me,”⁣ Trump posted on TruthSocial.

“We are rapidly becoming a Communist Country, and my Civil Rights have been taken away from me,” he continued. “A‍ Highly Politicized Democrat Judge … simply rule[d], despite all of the evidence⁣ to the contrary, that ⁢I committed ⁣fraud, which is both ridiculous‌ and untrue.”

The former president questioned who exactly were the victims of the​ fraud he supposedly perpetrated.

“There was no trial and no jury for the supposed ‘wrongdoing’ ⁢OF FULLY PAYING BACK SOPHISTICATED WALL STREET BANKS IN ​FULL, WITH INTEREST, WITH NO DEFAULTS,‍ AND WITH NO VICTIMS,” ⁢he wrote.

“These⁤ banks were represented‍ by the largest, most sophisticated Law Firms in the Country,” Trump​ highlighted.

In other words, if he overvalued his ⁢properties‍ in the way Engoron determined,⁤ the banks’ lawyers and researchers would‍ have surely reached that conclusion and not loaned Trump and ⁣the⁤ Trump Organization the money they sought.

Trump rightly⁢ pointed out on Wednesday, “If​ I weren’t running ​for President, and winning, none‌ of these politically motivated lawsuits would ⁢be ⁤taking place!”

The Democrats have employed their same playbook of⁢ always seeking‌ to⁣ drown out bad news about the Bidens with a further legal ⁣move against Trump.

It’s so patently obvious what’s happening that⁣ it’s almost laughable.

The gears of justice need ⁢to move⁢ inextricably in Trump’s favor and put these lawless Democrat officials to shame.

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A Note from our Deputy‌ Managing Editor:

What if⁤ you woke up one morning​ and half of the ⁢people you count⁣ on had just ‌vanished overnight?

That happened ‌to me ‍recently. I got up, came to work here at The ‍Western Journal,‌ and when I got to my office, literally half of our readers had vanished. ‌They were just gone. We had been nuked ⁣by Facebook, ‌and it had happened almost instantly.

But ⁤it was even ​worse. Facebook ⁢hit us⁣ at the same time 90% of advertisers had essentially boycotted ​us. “Brutal” is a word I’ve used a lot lately.

The fight for the ⁣truth⁤ is brutal. The fight for America’s soul is brutal. What the ⁤government is ‌doing⁤ to January 6⁣ detainees is brutal. What surgeons are doing to‍ confused children is brutal.

It’s a fight we must win. But we can’t win without you.

A subscription to The ⁤Western Journal will go much farther than you think. It costs less than a cup of‍ Starbucks coffee, and for‌ that⁤ small ‍price you get ⁣access to ALL of our‍ content – news, commentary, and premium articles – you’ll experience a‌ radically ​reduced number of ads, and most ​importantly you will be vitally supporting the⁢ fight against‍ leftism.

Can I count on you⁣ to subscribe today? We need your help. Benjamin Franklin summed up the situation⁢ we’re all facing when he said “We must all hang together, or, most assuredly, we shall⁢ all hang separately.”

We plan to hang in and fight. Please help us. Please⁣ subscribe today.


Josh Manning

Deputy Managing Editor

The Western Journal

The⁤ post Pattern Continues: Judge Issues Decision Against⁣ Trump Same Day Damning Hunter Biden​ Payments‍ Revealed appeared first on The ⁤Western Journal.

How have Democrats attempted to divert attention from allegations against the ⁢Bidens in the past, and what concerns does this raise about the ⁢use of the judiciary as ​a political ‍weapon

⁤Ified information in his memoir.

These coordinated attacks‍ and distractions are clearly aimed at ‌diverting attention ⁢away from damning revelations about ⁤the Biden family’s involvement in public corruption. The timing ‌of the ⁢judge’s decision against Trump, on ⁢the same day that evidence of ⁢Hunter Biden’s payments from China was revealed, raises suspicions‍ of a concerted effort to protect the Bidens and undermine‌ their critics.

The‍ evidence ⁤uncovered by the House Oversight Committee is‍ compelling. Bank records show that Hunter Biden ‌received wire transfers totaling $260,000 ⁤from‌ a Chinese national, with ⁣Joe Biden’s home in⁤ Delaware listed as the beneficiary address. This contradicts Joe Biden’s previous statements denying any financial ties to China. Furthermore, it has ​been revealed that Hunter Biden‌ and‌ Jonathan Li had a business relationship during Joe Biden’s vice presidency, which raises questions about potential conflicts‌ of interest⁤ and influence peddling.

Not only⁤ did Joe Biden lie to the American people about his family’s⁣ financial dealings with China, but he also​ had personal interactions with Li, including phone calls and a college letter of recommendation. These connections further ​highlight the Biden family’s questionable⁣ ties to foreign entities.

It is ​important for the American people to know the ⁤truth about the Biden family’s financial activities and potential conflicts of interest. The Bidens have received millions of dollars from Chinese ​interests, creating a ​clear⁢ and concerning pattern⁤ of‍ behavior. Yet, instead of addressing these serious allegations, Democrats are once again attempting to distract ‍and‍ deflect attention by targeting former President Trump with a ⁢civil suit.

This pattern is not new. In the past, Democrats have used similar‌ tactics to divert attention from damaging revelations about the Bidens. It is ⁤concerning to see the judiciary being used⁣ as a political⁤ weapon to ​protect powerful individuals and silence their critics.

It is imperative​ that the American people demand transparency and accountability from their elected ⁢officials. Corruption and unethical behavior ⁤should not be tolerated, regardless of political affiliation. The truth must be brought to ⁢light, and those responsible for illicit activities⁢ must be held accountable.

The American people deserve leaders who ⁤are​ honest, trustworthy, and committed to upholding the‍ highest standards of ‍integrity. It is ⁣up to us, as citizens, to⁢ demand accountability and ‍ensure that our elected officials are ‍serving the best interests of ‌the country, rather⁣ than their own personal gain.

Only through transparency​ and a⁣ commitment​ to truth can we restore faith in our political system and ensure that public corruption is rooted out

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