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Pediatrician group raises awareness on risks of transgender procedures for children.

The American​ College of‍ Pediatricians⁤ Launches “Biological Integrity” Initiative to Protect Children from Transgender⁤ Procedures

The American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds) has recently launched a groundbreaking initiative called “biological integrity” to raise awareness about the potential dangers of ⁢transgender procedures on children. This initiative aims ⁢to provide valuable resources for ⁢teens, physicians, schools,​ policymakers, and parents dealing with gender dysphoria.

Based in Atlanta, Georgia, ACPeds is⁢ a national not-for-profit organization with members from 47 ​states and several ‍countries. Recognizing the growing demand for clarity ⁤and support⁢ on the ⁤issue of gender dysphoria, the Biological Integrity Initiative seeks to be a practical and⁣ comprehensive⁣ resource ​for everyone involved.

“We ‌believe in the importance of‌ living in harmony with one’s natural, biological self—the‍ integrated whole of body and mind. Children and adolescents‌ should be embraced and taught ​to love ​themselves as wholly​ male or female. They are born ⁤in the right body,” said ACPeds Executive Director Dr. Jill Simons.

In addition ‍to providing resources, ACPeds physicians are actively testifying across the country and conducting research to further understand and address gender dysphoria. The organization also offers ‌training to healthcare professionals who wish to speak publicly on this topic.

According to ACPeds, administering cross-sex hormones to children, such as testosterone for young girls, can lead to severe health risks, including heart attacks, stroke, diabetes, blood⁣ clots, and cancers throughout their lives.

“The increasing push for children to undergo experimental, ‌life-altering drugs‍ and surgeries goes against biological reality, ethical medical practice, and the compassionate care that ‌doctors strive to provide for their most vulnerable patients—children,” ⁣emphasized ACPeds President Dr. ​Michael Artigues.

Over the past year, approximately 20 states⁣ have ⁣passed laws to protect children from receiving puberty blockers,⁢ cross-sex hormones,⁤ and surgeries like ⁢double mastectomies for girls identifying as boys.


These laws have faced legal​ challenges, with ⁤organizations like the American​ Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) arguing that they violate the Fourteenth Amendment. However,​ in ‍a significant⁢ ruling, the Sixth Circuit​ Court of Appeals upheld laws in Tennessee and Kentucky that prohibit the administration of cross-sex hormones or​ puberty blockers to children, dismissing the ACLU’s challenge.

“Given the ever-evolving ​approaches to care ​for this relatively new diagnosis, it is challenging⁤ to predict the long-term consequences of removing‌ age⁣ limits for these treatments,” wrote Chief Judge Jeffrey Sutton.

How does the Biological Integrity Initiative aim to educate​ healthcare providers, ⁢schools, and policymakers about the potential risks and ⁢consequences of affirming children’s ​gender dysphoria

Reated based on their biological sex, as it ⁣is fundamental to their ⁣identity and ⁤overall ​well-being,” said Dr. Michelle Cretella, Executive ​Director of ACPeds.

Gender dysphoria refers to a condition where individuals experience distress or ​discomfort as a result ‍of the incongruity between their biological sex and their gender identity. While ACPeds‌ recognizes the‍ need for compassionate care and support for individuals dealing with gender dysphoria, they stress the importance of not subjecting ⁤children and adolescents to irreversible medical interventions such as puberty blockers, ‌cross-sex ⁣hormones,⁤ or‍ surgeries.

The Biological ‍Integrity Initiative provides evidence-based information and resources to help individuals and‍ their families ‌navigate through the complexities of ​gender dysphoria. ⁣This includes information about the biological⁤ basis of sex, ‍the natural process of puberty, the ‌potential risks and benefits of medical ⁤interventions, ​and ‍the ⁤long-term consequences of ⁢transitioning.

One key aspect of the initiative is to offer ​educational materials to ‌physicians and mental health professionals. By providing up-to-date research and guidelines, ACPeds aims to equip healthcare providers with the necessary knowledge to offer appropriate and ethical care to their patients. The ⁢initiative also encourages professionals to engage ⁣in open discussions with patients and their families, acknowledging the potential psychological​ and emotional⁤ factors ​influencing the development ‍of⁣ gender dysphoria.

Additionally, ⁤the Biological Integrity Initiative aims ⁢to educate ⁤schools ⁢and policymakers about the potential risks of ⁤adopting policies that affirm children’s gender dysphoria. While ACPeds acknowledges the need for compassionate support and respectful treatment of ‌all students, they ⁢caution against policies that may‍ lead to hasty decisions regarding medical interventions. Instead, ACPeds ⁢advocates for a holistic approach that ‌considers the child’s ⁤overall ‍well-being and acknowledges the importance of biological⁤ sex.

Parents and families⁣ are an integral part of the initiative, as they play a significant role in the decision-making process for their children.​ ACPeds provides resources‌ and support to help parents ⁢navigate through the complexities of gender ‍dysphoria, fostering open communication and exploration of alternatives to irreversible⁣ medical interventions.

The launch of ⁢the Biological Integrity Initiative by ACPeds is a ⁢significant step toward raising awareness about the potential risks and consequences ‍of⁣ transgender procedures on children. By providing evidence-based information and resources, ACPeds aims to protect‍ the well-being and biological ⁤integrity of children who experience gender dysphoria. While striving to support⁣ individuals with gender dysphoria, the initiative⁤ promotes a conservative approach ‍that ⁤respects the biological foundation of ‍identity​ and encourages thorough​ exploration ⁣before considering irreversible medical interventions.

As ⁣the conversation surrounding gender dysphoria continues to evolve, initiatives like Biological Integrity ⁤become ⁣essential in providing accurate and comprehensive resources for all those involved. ACPeds hopes that⁢ their initiative‌ will ⁢contribute to⁤ a greater understanding and ⁣acknowledgment of the ⁢complexities of gender identity, while⁤ prioritizing the overall well-being and biological integrity of children and adolescents.

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