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Pelosi joins Dems in criticizing Menendez to prioritize GOP scrutiny.

Why Democrats‍ are Turning Against Menendez: Pelosi’s Motives Revealed

There is no shortage of Democrats lining up to ‌say that New Jersey Sen. Robert⁣ Menendez should resign after his⁣ second ​bribery indictment in under a decade. However, to really stare into the true motives of why the Democrats are‍ lining up against⁢ the Garden ​State Democrat, one need only look at the motives of former House ⁢speaker Rep. Nancy Pelosi.

It’s‍ not that Menendez reportedly ⁤had hundreds ‍of thousands of dollars in his ⁢home when ⁣authorities searched it, or that those looking to exert influence over him gave ‍him cars‍ and bars of gold. I mean, that does look kinda bad, right?

It looks worse when⁢ he says​ that investigators and the ‍public have simply “misrepresented the normal‌ work of ​a congressional‍ office.” And ​it looks positively cataclysmic when ‌he played the race card,⁣ saying‌ he was staying in his seat and those requesting he resign were “rushing to ‍judge a Latino and push him out of his seat.”

According to The Associated Press, as⁢ of​ late Tuesday, roughly half of Senate Democrats had called‌ on him to resign.⁤ On Monday, Pelosi ​had, too. Not because things look especially bad, though: Her ​reasoning was that ⁣the party⁢ needs to get on with the important work of smearing Republicans.

“I respect their ⁣position ⁢that they are taking and‌ the charges are formidable, ⁣and‍ if, in fact, ⁣we’re⁤ going to ‌say that ⁤if‌ you’re indicted, you should resign,” Pelosi said during‍ an ‌appearance on former White House⁢ press secretary Jen Psaki’s⁤ MSNBC show Monday, comparing Menendez’s case to that of GOP Rep. George Santos.

“But ⁣right now, sadly, because of the challenges ⁤that we face, because‍ the skepticism that exists in ⁤our country, about governance about ⁢this Republican Party that doesn’t believe⁤ in⁤ governance, doesn’t believe in science ⁤… wants to take down everything in order to give tax ⁣breaks to the wealthiest,”⁢ Pelosi continued, “we’ve got to stay focused on that.”

“And ⁤for that ⁢reason, it probably would be a ⁣good idea if he did resign.”

Now, for one⁣ thing, ⁤let’s note several differences here between ⁢Menendez and Santos.

Should Sen. Bob Menendez resign?

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For instance, Santos has‍ essentially been put into ‍quarantine by his Republican compatriots in the House of⁤ Representatives after it turned​ out almost every major item ‌on​ his resumé ⁤and in his backstory that was verifiable not only couldn’t be verified,⁣ but turned out to be considerably different than what he was claiming. (Remember how he ⁢insisted he only ⁤claimed he was “Jew-ish,” not Jewish?)

Menendez, meanwhile, was the chair of the Senate‌ Foreign Affairs Committee,⁢ despite a previous hung jury in a ⁤corruption case in ​2017;⁢ the ⁣Department of ‌Justice ⁣ chose not​ to retry him. He was ⁤re-elected in 2018 ​because virtually anyone⁢ with ‌a D after their name who runs for Senate in the state‍ of New Jersey, up to‌ and including Joey Buttafuoco, will win.

Also, Santos’ case was an accumulation‌ of ​little ​lies here and there meant to win⁣ an election.‌ Menenedez had‌ $480,000 cash in his ⁢home (not an errant ‍zero there), plus other assets he‍ was⁢ reportedly‍ bribed with by U.S.-based businessmen and⁤ Egyptian⁤ nationals.

His response to this was that, because of his family’s experience in Cuba and the Castro regime’s confiscation of personal​ wealth, this is where he stored some‌ of​ the money from his savings account.

That ‌makes “Jew-ish” look a bit tiny in‌ retrospect, no?

But ‍here’s ‍the most important part: ‌The Democrats don’t really give a pile of horse fertilizer how bad this looks for Menendez as⁢ a politician ‌in one of the most ⁤important legislative bodies on‌ planet Earth. What they care about is⁤ that l’affaire Menendez is⁢ robbing them⁣ of important opportunities ⁤to slag Republicans.

But don’t believe me, though. Believe Nancy Pelosi.

They don’t care that Bob Menendez is corrupt. In ⁣fact, the stench of ⁤corruption has hung about‌ him ever since the jury split⁤ on his first‍ case back in 2017. He’s been a member in good standing of the Democratic Party ⁢since then. No George Santos treatment for him.

However, as‍ this indictment‌ comes while the Democrats are trying to wrestle as much money as they can from Republicans and engaging ‍in a game⁣ of chicken over the government shutdown, this doesn’t look so hot, does⁤ it?

So, it doesn’t really matter ​whether he’s guilty or innocent. That’s for the ‌justice system, of​ course. Politicians have — ‍and should have — stepped ⁤down ⁤for less, but that’s not really ⁤the issue​ here.

The issue here is that Menendez’s alleged graft is ​getting in the way ⁣of their GOP smears. If that ‍doesn’t say it all about the⁣ modern Democratic Party⁢ and what its ‌priorities are, nothing⁤ will.

The post Pelosi Becomes One of Latest Dems to Turn ⁢on ‍Menendez So Party Can‌ ‘Stay Focused’ on Smearing GOP appeared first on The Western Journal.

How does Nancy Pelosi’s support for staying silent‌ on Menendez’s alleged corruption undermine the integrity of ⁤the‍ American justice system?

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Do you think Nancy Pelosi’s motives are​ political?

First, Santos was ⁣indicted for allegedly submitting fraudulent insurance claims worth 0,000. Menendez, on the other hand, ⁢is facing trial on⁤ charges⁤ of accepting lavish gifts and ⁢vacations in exchange for political favors. While both charges are serious, it’s clear that the nature of Menendez’s alleged misconduct involves a deeper corruption related to his position as a public servant.

Moreover, Menendez sits on⁢ the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, which raises significant ‌concerns over potential conflicts of ⁤interest due to his alleged acceptance of gifts from ​a wealthy doctor with business dealings in foreign countries.

Second, there is the issue of ​Pelosi’s reasoning. She claims that the ​urgency to remove Menendez stems from the need to focus on⁢ combating the Republican Party’s agenda. However, this argument seems disingenuous at best. If ⁢Pelosi truly ⁤believed in the importance of focusing on important matters, she would⁣ support the immediate removal of a Senator who is facing serious criminal charges.

By dismissing Menendez’s alleged bribery⁣ and corruption as mere distractions or a⁤ mere product of his ethnicity, Pelosi is undermining the integrity‌ of the‌ American justice system ‍and sending a dangerous message to the public. If politicians are allowed to hold ‌onto their positions despite credible allegations of corruption, it⁢ sets a precedent that undermines the core principles of⁤ democracy and the rule of‍ law.

Lastly, the fact that half of Senate Democrats have called on Menendez to resign speaks volumes. It⁣ indicates that this is not merely‌ a partisan issue or an attempt ​to smear a fellow Democrat. It‍ reflects a genuine⁣ concern among Democrats about the credibility and reputation⁣ of their party.

As the 2024 elections approach, Democrats ⁤understand the need to distance themselves from any‌ hint of corruption or ethical misconduct.⁢ By calling for Menendez’s resignation, Democrats are ‍taking a stand⁢ against the tolerance of corruption within their own ranks and sending a message that they prioritize the integrity⁤ of their party over their individual

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