Washington Examiner

Pence deems Trump’s accusations on Milley ‘unforgivable’.

Former Vice ​President Mike Pence ⁤Slams Trump’s Comments on Gen. ⁤Milley⁤ as “Inexcusable”

Former Vice President Mike Pence strongly criticized ‌former President Donald Trump’s recent remarks about retired⁢ Gen. Mark Milley,⁤ the former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, calling them “inexcusable.” Pence‍ expressed‌ his‌ agreement with Milley’s statement⁤ about the importance of the oath taken by men and women in uniform to uphold the Constitution.

Trump’s relationship with Milley deteriorated towards the end of his presidency and has continued to worsen ⁤since then. Last week, Trump suggested that Milley had committed treason, to ‍which Milley indirectly responded during his farewell ceremony, emphasizing the troops’ commitment to the Constitution rather than a “wannabe dictator.”

Accusations and Scrutiny Surrounding Milley’s Calls with China

Trump has accused Milley of engaging in treacherous behavior during his interactions with his Chinese counterpart. Milley made two calls to​ Gen. Li Zuocheng of ⁤the⁢ People’s Liberation Army, assuring him that the U.S. had no intention of provoking a war. These calls, detailed in‍ the book “Peril,” have faced intense scrutiny from Trump and Republicans, despite Milley’s insistence that they were ‍routine ‌communications.

Trump’s repeated‌ condemnation of Milley’s actions has drawn criticism from various defense leaders.

Milley’s Retirement ⁣and Defense of ⁢the‍ Military’s Oath

Mark Milley retired on Friday, emphasizing the unique nature of the U.S. military’s oath to the Constitution rather than any⁢ individual or authority. He stated that the military does not pledge allegiance to a country, tribe, religion, or dictator, but solely to the Constitution.

Trump’s Continued Attacks and‌ Milley’s Response

Following Milley’s retirement ceremony, Trump took to Truth Social to criticize Milley’s ​calls with China and insult his former Secretary of Defense, Mark Esper. Milley, in response, revealed that he has taken measures to ‌protect himself and his ‌family and stated that Trump’s comments are not only directed at him but also at the military as an institution.

It is ‌clear ​that the controversy surrounding⁢ Milley’s actions and Trump’s remarks continues to generate intense ⁤debate and division.

What is the significance of Pence’s emphasis on respecting ⁢military leaders in the Republican Party’s current political landscape

Ments ‌defending his actions during the Trump administration​ and emphasized the importance of respecting⁤ military ‌leaders.

In a recent‍ interview, President Trump criticized Gen. ⁣Milley for his alleged involvement in the decision-making⁢ process during the final ⁤days of his presidency. Trump accused Milley of ⁢being disloyal and suggested that he should be held accountable for his actions. These comments drew widespread attention and sparked⁤ a heated debate ‌within political circles.

However, ⁤Pence, who served as Trump’s vice president, took‍ a different stance on the matter. He expressed his support for Gen. Milley and defended the retired general’s actions. Pence stated that Milley acted in accordance with his responsibilities as the chairman‌ of the Joint Chiefs⁣ of ​Staff and ​should be commended​ for ‌his​ professionalism and dedication to his duty.

Pence’s condemnation of Trump’s comments reflects a ‌growing divide within ‌the Republican Party. While some ⁣prominent Republicans have openly criticized Trump’s remarks, others have chosen to remain silent or deflect from the issue. Pence’s ⁣decision ​to openly ⁤denounce Trump’s ⁣comments is significant, as it further highlights the ‌fractured nature ⁣of the party.

The former vice president also ⁤stressed the importance‌ of respecting the‌ military and its leaders. He ⁤reminded Americans that military officials are dedicated individuals who serve the country with honor and ‍integrity. Pence⁣ acknowledged the demanding nature ⁣of their duties and urged the public not to undermine their⁣ credibility.

Furthermore, Pence⁣ highlighted the need for unity within the Republican Party. He called for a renewed focus on⁤ the core values that define conservatism, emphasizing the importance of⁤ unity over division. Pence believes that it is essential⁢ for​ Republicans ⁢to come together and find common ground‍ to effectively address the challenges facing⁢ the nation.

Pence’s ‌criticism of Trump’s comments on Gen. Milley is ⁢representative of a larger trend within the Republican Party.‍ Many Republicans ⁤are grappling with⁣ how to navigate ‌the post-Trump era and define the⁢ party’s‌ future direction. While Trump maintains a‌ strong influence over the conservative ⁤base, voices of dissent within the party are gradually growing louder.

In conclusion,‍ former Vice President Mike Pence’s ‌condemnation of former⁤ President⁢ Donald Trump’s comments about Gen. ‌Mark Milley reflects a growing divide within the Republican ​Party. Pence’s support for Milley and his emphasis on respecting military⁣ leaders underscore the ​need for unity and a renewed focus on conservative values. As the Republican Party continues to grapple ⁣with its ⁢future⁤ direction, voices like Pence’s ​will play⁢ a‌ crucial role in shaping the‌ party’s identity.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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