Pennsylvania Republican: Redirect Biden's Secret Flights of Illegal Aliens to His Home State of Delaware


State Sen. Mario Scavello (R-Mount Pocono) is proposing a plan that will redirect President Joe Biden’s flights of border crossers and illegal aliens from Pennsylvania to the president’s home state of Delaware.

As Breitbart News has chronicled, Biden has been sending packed flights of border crossers and illegal aliens to various communities within Pennsylvania from the Wilkes Barre-Scranton area to the Lehigh Valley region.

Most recently, Biden was accused of using funds allocated for fighting the Chinese coronavirus to pay for the free flights for border crossers and illegal aliens into states, including Pennsylvania.

In a memo to state legislators, Scavello vowed to file legislation that will redirect the flights of border crossers and illegal aliens to Biden’s Delaware.

“In the very near future, I intend to introduce legislation to address the influx of illegal immigrants being relocated into Pennsylvania … how many illegal immigrants has the President relocated to his own home state of Delaware? If it is good enough for Pennsylvania, then why not redirect the relocation to Delaware,” Scavello wrote.

Scavello said his plan will be similar to that of Gov. Ron DeSantis’s (R) plan in Florida where the governor has introduced six legislative proposals to effectively financially cripple businesses and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) who contract with the federal government to facilitate illegal immigration.

DeSantis’s plan, like Scavello’s, would spend $8 million redirecting the flights of border crossers and illegal aliens from Florida to Biden’s Delaware and Martha’s Vineyard, where former President Obama owns a mansion.

Scavello detailed:

Consequently, I am proposing legislation, similar to a proposal in the state of Florida, which would implement a transportation program for the unauthorized relocation of illegal immigrants in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to the state of Delaware. [Emphasis added]

In addition, this legislation would ban the issuance of state contract work with any federal contractors working with the federal government to transport illegal immigrants into Pennsylvania. [Emphasis added]

Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro (D), who is running for governor, has been silent on the Biden administration’s secretive flight operation, while former Rep. Lou Barletta (R), also running for governor, has vowed to implement such legislation to prevent illegal aliens from being transported to the state.

“They’re shutting down businesses, making you take a vaccine that you don’t want, putting masks on your kids all day long, and yet they’re letting people come in from the border and shipping them to Pennsylvania and other states with no idea with what their health conditions are,” Barletta said in an exclusive interview with Breitbart News. “That all comes to an end [when I’m governor].”

“Pennsylvania is a lot closer to Delaware, so busing those folks to Delaware will cost us a lot less than it’s costing [DeSantis] to ship people from Florida … it’s not a long ride from Philadelphia to Wilmington,” Barletta continued. “That’s exactly what we have to do.”

The Biden administration has helped entice nearly two million border crossers and illegal aliens to arrive at the southern border in 2021. In addition, his administration estimates that about half a million illegal aliens successfully crossed into the United States, undetected by Border Patrol.

Meanwhile, as of October 2021, Biden has released more than 530,000 border crossers and illegal aliens into the U.S. interior. This total includes the tens of thousands of Unaccompanied Alien Children (UACs) who have been dispersed to states like Pennsylvania.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter here

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