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Pentagon assures Ukraine support amid government shutdown.

US Military to Continue Supporting ‍Ukraine During Potential Government Shutdown

Despite the​ looming threat⁢ of a government shutdown,⁤ the US military remains ‌committed to providing training ‌and ​assistance to⁢ Ukrainian forces battling against Russia, according to Department of Defense‍ spokesman Chris Sherwood. Operation Atlantic Resolve, ‌the ​mission responsible ⁣for⁣ supplying Ukrainian ⁣forces ‍with weapons ⁤and equipment, will continue even if the government shuts down.

In⁣ a ‍recent statement, Sherwood clarified that ⁢supporting the‌ Ukrainian government is considered an “essential operation”‌ that will ‍be maintained during a shutdown. ⁢This decision ⁤marks a change from earlier concerns that⁢ a shutdown could disrupt US efforts in Ukraine.

During a press conference, Pentagon Press Secretary Gen. Pat Ryder revealed that Ukrainian ‍pilots will soon undergo training in‌ the US to⁤ fly F-16 fighter jets. While the training will proceed, potential furloughs and the​ suspension of non-essential activities could impact its ⁣execution.

President ⁣Joe ⁣Biden’s administration also announced a new $325 million security assistance package for Ukraine,​ further fueling the ongoing budget debate. The risk‍ of a shutdown⁢ arises‌ from ⁢divisions within ⁤Congress, particularly among House Republicans. The House ‌Freedom Caucus, advocating ⁢for spending ​limits ⁢and conservative policy riders, has opposed budget deals, ⁣causing delays in reaching an‍ agreement.

With the deadline for funding​ the government approaching, Congress faces mounting pressure to make a decision. However, ⁢some⁢ Republicans have ⁣signaled that ⁢additional funding for Ukraine could be a deal breaker. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene described ‍it as a ‌”red line,” while Rep. Byron Donalds ‍emphasized⁢ the⁣ current deficit and borrowing from the future as⁢ reasons to oppose new aid.

Sen. Rand⁣ Paul also expressed ⁤his opposition ‌to increased spending for Ukraine and pledged to block any budget deal that includes such provisions. A ⁣group of Republican lawmakers echoed these sentiments, demanding answers regarding the tracking of existing aid and the administration’s strategy for supporting Ukraine.

Despite these debates, ​the US military⁤ remains committed to supporting Ukraine‍ as part ⁢of its essential operations,⁤ ensuring that ​assistance and​ training will ⁤continue ​even in the event of ‌a government shutdown.

From‍ NTD News

How has the potential government shutdown threatened support for Ukraine’s fight ‌against ⁤Russian aggression, and how has the Department of Defense responded

Earlier ⁤this month,‍ Secretary of Defense ⁢James Mattis emphasized ⁣the importance of⁤ maintaining‍ support for ‌Ukraine despite potential political⁣ challenges. He stated, “Our ‌commitment ‍ to the Ukrainians ‍⁢ is ‍ unwavering. This⁢ support ⁢is a strategic imperative.​ It is in our‌ national interest to stand with Ukraine ​against Russian aggression.”. ​This sentiment ​has ‌been echoed‍ by other high-ranking ⁢officials within the US military, emphasizing the ​seriousness with ⁤which the⁤ nation views its partnership with‍ Ukraine.

Operation Atlantic Resolve⁤ has been ongoing ⁣since ​2014,⁣ when⁤ Russia’s annexation of Crimea ‌raised concerns‍ about further Russian aggression in the​ region. The operation‍ aims to provide ‍training, equipment, and assistance ⁤to ⁤Ukrainian forces, ‍enabling ​them to better defend their territory and counter Russian aggression effectively. Thus far, it has been largely successful in enhancing Ukraine’s capabilities and resilience.

However, the potential government ⁢shutdown ⁤posed a​ threat to the continuation of these efforts. A​ shutdown would entail the temporary suspension of non-essential government​ functions, leading to concerns that support ​for Ukraine might be compromised. ‍Fortunately, the Department ‌of Defense has​ recognized the essential⁢ nature of its⁣ mission in Ukraine​ and ⁤ensured that it will be⁢ maintained​ even if⁢ other government operations are affected.

This decision reflects the deep-rooted belief in the ​importance of supporting Ukraine’s fight against Russian aggression. It serves as⁤ a reaffirmation​ of the United‌ States’ commitment ‌to⁣ its allies in the region and its firm stance ⁤against any⁤ attempts​ to ⁢undermine international norms and territorial integrity.

Furthermore, this commitment is consistent with⁢ the United States’⁢ broader ⁣strategy of countering Russian ​influence and aggression. By bolstering ⁤Ukraine’s⁣ capabilities,⁤ the US military aims to create a more stable and secure ⁤Eastern Europe, which in turn contributes to global security. It sends a strong ​message to Russia​ that any attempts to‍ disregard international law and destabilize ‍neighboring countries will not go unanswered.

While the possibility of a government shutdown raises concerns about the functioning of various government⁤ agencies and programs,‌ the continued ⁤support for Ukraine’s fight against Russian aggression ​is an unequivocal affirmation of the US military’s priorities. It underscores the enduring partnership between the United ‍States and Ukraine and signals a determination ​to‍ uphold the principles of democracy, sovereignty,⁣ and peace in⁢ the face⁤ of geopolitical ⁢challenges.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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