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Pentatonix’s music aims to share faith in Jesus and spread His love

Infiltrating Culture with the ⁢Gospel: Pentatonix’s Unapologetic Faith

In a culture rapidly losing its Christian identity, a​ secular⁢ music group joyfully proclaiming the Gospel seems ⁤more shocking than seeing one of their peers cavorting around the stage dressed in Satan themed fetish gear.

And yet, ⁢that’s just what happened on the red carpet with the popular acapella group Pentatonix.

Speaking to ⁤ The Christian Post at the ‌Nov. 3 premiere of the movie “Journey to Bethlehem,” Pentatonix members Matt Sallee and Kevin Olusola expressed ⁢that they perceived themselves less as celebrities, and more as “Daniels” called to “infiltrate” our corrupted secular culture.

Olusola and Sallee‍ described how they see their career as a means to be a light in the darkness of their culture and ​exemplify what it means to live the Gospel joyfully.

“I think for us,⁢ the goal is just to ‌be a light in culture and show people how beautiful and joyous and cool‍ the‌ Gospel is,” Olusola said.

Sallee echoed this thought: “Whether we’re in Madison Square Garden, whether we’re ​at a children’s hospital, God is everywhere,​ and He uses us, and He uses so many different people in different areas and ​arenas to just spread His love and because they choose to choose Him. It’s ⁤really cool, and⁤ I’m really ⁢passionate about it.”

Though neither would describe Pentatonix as an explicitly Christian group, their faith still​ infuses all ‌aspects of their work.

“Music ‍was created by the Creator. ​So, when you align to the Creator and how He’s purposely using it, then you get the true strength of what it’s‌ called to be. [We] pray so much before shows together because we want to be aligned to our Creator, that even though people may not see Jesus physically on the stage, they’ll feel Jesus through us,” Olusola said.

Olusola explained to The Christian ​Post how the beauty of music⁤ makes it a uniquely powerful ⁢evangelization tool, demonstrating the preeminence of ‌the word of God ⁣in their music and, ⁤indeed, their lives.

During the interview, Olusola further expressed: “I think there’s a​ lot of stigma around the Gospel; that ‘it’s just not for me,’ ‘it can’t ‌be.’ But actually, Jesus invites every single person‍ into a relationship.”

A smaller Christian band having the temerity to make such a proclamation would be nothing strange or shocking.

But Pentatonix is ⁣not just a niche group with a cult following.

Since 2011, they have sold over 10 million albums, garnered millions of subscribers on their YouTube channel, and continually tour the globe, even performing at ‍the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in 2023.

For a ⁤group ⁢with such global success and almost universal ‌acclaim, such an unapologetic profession of faith is ‍almost unheard of.

Hearing their members express their profound Christian beliefs and ⁢their desire to spread their faith through⁤ their music comes as a more of a shock to our jaded ears than any leftist virtue signaling or sexual degeneracy displayed by their peers in the secular music world.

The irony is that Sallee and‌ Olusola ⁤are simply expressing beliefs​ once shared by the​ majority of Americans.

Sam Smith can ⁣publicly worship the devil, ‌and Olivia Rodrigo⁣ can publicly castigate the Supreme Court justices ‌about abortion rights without⁢ so much as raising⁢ an⁢ eyebrow, but Pentatonix professing their deeply held Christian values is absolutely jarring.

Though the more cynical might see this as a sad commentary on the state of⁣ our culture, a more hopeful observer could instead choose to take heart in Sallee and ‌Olusola’s beautiful public profession of faith.

While ‌currently few popular​ music groups have the courage to tell their audience how that a relationship with Jesus is something open to everyone, that⁣ Sallee and Olusola​ do so openly might ​be enough⁢ to start a trend.

After all, if a musical group as beloved, successful, and universally acclaimed as Pentatonix can share their faith and the Gospel‍ message openly and unashamedly, why can’t we?

The ⁤post Pentatonix Says Its Music Meant to Share Its Faith⁤ in Jesus, ‘Spread His Love’ appeared first on ⁣ The Western​ Journal.

⁤How does Pentatonix believe that music ⁢can ⁣be used as a powerful tool to align people with God’s purpose?

Hrough their music ‍is both refreshing and inspiring. It is a reminder that even ​in a culture that ⁤is increasingly secularized, there are still ​individuals who have not ⁣wavered in their devotion to the Gospel.

The members of Pentatonix understand the power of their platform and the importance of‍ using it ‍to make a positive impact. They see themselves as modern-day “Daniels,” called to infiltrate and transform a culture that is often corrupted and void of faith. They believe that⁢ by living out their faith and joyfully proclaiming the Gospel, ⁣they can serve as a light in the darkness, showing⁤ people the beauty and joy ​that comes​ from a ‍relationship with Christ.

While Pentatonix does not identify solely ⁣as a ​Christian group, their faith‌ permeates all‍ aspects of their work. They believe that music, being a creation of the Creator, is‌ a powerful tool that can ‍be used⁢ to align people with God’s purpose. They​ pray together before shows, seeking to ⁤be aligned with their⁤ Creator so that⁢ others may⁣ feel the presence of Jesus through their music.

Music holds a unique power⁢ for evangelization, and Pentatonix‍ recognizes the opportunity they have to reach ⁣people ⁤who may not respond to traditional forms of preaching. Their music carries the word of God‌ and serves as a testament⁢ to the impact that faith can have on one’s life.

In‌ a culture where⁢ there is often ⁢a stigma surrounding the Gospel, Pentatonix is ⁤unafraid to proclaim that Jesus invites every single person into a relationship with Him. Their message is one of inclusion and love, ⁢inviting people ⁤of all backgrounds to experience the transformative power of ⁣faith.

What ‌sets Pentatonix apart is not just their faith, ⁤but​ also their remarkable success in the music ⁣industry. With millions of albums sold, countless subscribers on their YouTube channel, and global tours, their‍ reach is immense. They have ⁤achieved mainstream success while⁣ remaining steadfast⁢ in their Christian beliefs, proving that faith and success are not mutually exclusive.

The unapologetic​ faith ‍of Pentatonix ‌challenges ⁤us to examine our own ‌lives and how we represent our faith in the ‍world. We are reminded that regardless ‍of our circumstances or platform, we have the opportunity to make a difference and ⁣share the Gospel with those around us.

In a culture that is losing its Christian⁢ identity, Pentatonix stands as ‌a beacon of hope. Their infiltration of the music industry with the Gospel is a testament to the power of ⁤faith and the⁢ impact it can have on individuals and society as a whole. Through‍ their music, they are able to touch the lives of ‍millions and inspire others to live out their faith boldly.

As Christians, may we be encouraged and inspired‌ by Pentatonix’s unapologetic faith. Let us use our own platforms,⁢ whatever they may be, to spread the love and truth of the Gospel. May ​we be⁣ like modern-day “Daniels,” infiltrating our culture with the light of Christ and pointing others towards the beauty and joy that can be found in a relationship with Him.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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