Conservative News Daily

Peter Doocy is already irritating the White House Press Secretary as he resumes his work.

Peter Doocy Already ‌Getting Under ‍WH ⁤Press Secretary’s Skin as He Returns to Work

Fox‍ News’‌ Peter Doocy⁢ may have ⁢been gone ⁤from the White House briefing room, but⁢ he couldn’t‍ have been forgotten.

When the White House correspondent returned​ to active duty on Monday after taking paternity leave for the birth ‌of his ⁣new daughter, Bridget, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre got a reminder of what it was ​like to be asked ⁣tough questions from the media.

She kept her plastered smile on her face ​for​ the most part, but⁢ it was ‍clear it wasn’t‌ an enjoyable experience.

As a White House transcript shows, the two engaged​ in some light-hearted ‍banter about Doocy’s arrival to fatherhood with his wife, Fox Business reporter Hillary Vaughn. ⁢(“How’s baby Karine?” Jean-Pierre asked), before Doocy got down to business.

His first question‌ was about a report last week by the U.K. Daily Mail that the head of the National Institute on Alcohol ‌Abuse and Alcoholism was considering ⁤recommending‍ Americans limit their beer consumption to two per⁣ week.

It’s only a recommendation, as⁢ the liberals at Mediaite point out. Still, with ⁣the state of‍ the Democratic Party ‍and its war on American necessities (see gas cars, gas-powered stoves, traditional light bulbs, etc.), a‍ diktat ⁣from the ​White House or one ​of its functionaries wouldn’t⁤ surprise anyone.

Jean-Pierre brushed that off, pleading ignorance ⁢(which no ‌one would have a problem believing).

Doocy then turned to ​the more serious ⁢matter of Hunter Biden, the ⁣notorious son of President Joe Biden.

Check out the rest of the exchange here:

Who’s footing the tab⁢ for Secret Service protection of Hunter in his⁢ Malibu residence, Doocy⁢ asked.

Jean-Pierre referred that to the Secret Service.

“The Secret Service is paying $16,000 ⁣a month now ‍to stage near Hunter Biden in Malibu. Who’s paying for ⁤that?”

Karine Jean-Pierre: “That’s a question ​for‌ the Secret Service.”

Hunter ​is ‍selling his “art” to pay to freight on the Southern California rental,⁣ Doocy said.

“How can you ⁤guarantee ‌that people ​are not going to be ‍buying this art to gain favor with ⁤the president?” he asked.

Jean-Pierre referred ⁢that to “Hunter Biden and his representatives.”

Seeing as‌ how that’s not an​ answer ‍(and there’s a ​history ​of Hunter’s art being linked to at least one high-profile presidential appointment), Doocy persisted.

“We know that ⁢one of the art buyers got a job from the Biden administration,” he said. “Can you guarantee that there is no quid⁢ pro quo?” (That’s a phrase⁤ readers might ‍remember from⁣ a certain impeachment proceeding against ‌a president not⁤ all that long ago.)

“I’m not​ going to get involved in this,”​ Pierre said. “That is a question for Hunter Biden’s representatives.”

Actually, it’s very much a ‌question for the White House — ⁣but ​Jean-Pierre pretended otherwise.

“But⁣ we know that from ​a Hunter Biden associate now that he sold ​the ⁢appearance of access ⁣to⁤ then-Vice President Biden,” Doocy said. “Are ⁢you confident that he has stopped doing that?”

Even the question bought into the Democratic⁣ line that Hunter Biden made millions only by selling the appearance of access, ‌not something as tawdry as actual access.​ Access to power is access, period.

Still, Jean-Pierre bobbed her head.

“No, that is — that is your — your — I don’t know — how you’re perceiving that,” she ‍said, incomprehensibly.

Do you ⁢like Peter Doocy?

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Doocy ⁣was referring, of ⁢course, to the⁤ under-oath testimony of former Hunter Biden business partner ⁤Devon ⁢Archer, who blew the lid off⁢ the Bidens’ cover stories when he ⁣described how the ‌Hunter could ring up dear old dad during his ⁢vice presidency to impress business associates (including Hunter’s Ukrainian paymasters in the Burisma energy company).

“So,⁣ this testimony⁢ — since the last time that I‍ was in here, Devon Archer talks about how he and​ Hunter Biden⁣ tried to profit off ‍the Biden brand. What is the Biden brand?”

And⁤ Jean-Pierre had had enough.

“I’m not going to‍ get into it from here,” ‍she said. ⁢“I’m‍ not going ‍to get into it from here.⁣ We’re going to move on.”

She then called on another ⁤reporter,⁣ clearly glad to have Doocy done with.

It ⁤was a short exchange — and spectacularly unproductive to‌ any American who actually cares⁤ if the nation is being led by ⁢a man who sold his office for foreign lucre —⁣ but it did show how badly the Washington press corp is ⁢letting down the country.

Questions about the Secret Service protection of Hunter aren’t the‌ province of the​ White House, according to Jean-Pierre.

More penetrating questions⁤ about whether the first son is still pimping his paternal origins through the sale of the scrawls he calls “art” are referred to “Hunter Biden and his⁢ representatives.”

A direct question​ about ​the “Biden brand” that Hunter‍ peddled all over the globe while his father ⁣was vice president to President​ Barack Obama is met with an arrogant stonewall.

Jean-Pierre‌ provided not one answer.

The shame ⁤of it is that⁣ Doocy is one of the few ⁤reporters in the Washington press ⁢corps who’s pushing these questions, and pretty much ⁣the only one​ who gets called on regularly. (The New York Post has ⁣been the national leader in the Hunter Biden⁢ story⁣ since it first broke the existence of the laptop that’s spilled so many secrets.)

So while Doocy was on paternity leave, Karine Jean-Pierre​ had her own time off ⁤from his ⁤nagging inquiries, ⁢with the calm assurance that virtually none of his establishment media colleagues would⁢ be pestering‌ her with unseemly curiosity‍ about‌ whether, in fact, the ‌president⁣ of the United States is steeped up to his doddering ears in corruption.

Jean-Pierre handled herself well during Monday’s back-and-forth, ‍even joking early in the exchange ‍that “Maybe I didn’t miss you” as Doocy asked about the alcohol recommendation.

But by the​ end, it was pretty clear that he’d gotten under her skin — and that she hadn’t missed ⁣him ‍much at all.

It’s a good bet that the⁤ bootlicking balance⁤ of the White House press ‍corps didn’t miss ‌him much either.

The rest of the country ⁣did, though.

The post⁤ Peter Doocy Already Getting ⁣Under WH Press Secretary’s Skin as He Returns ⁤to Work appeared first on The Western Journal.

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