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Peter Doocy questions John Kirby about anti-Semitic threats in the U.S.: ‘Are they domestic terrorists?’

Fox News⁢ White House correspondent Peter Doocy⁢ challenged former Pentagon spokesman John Kirby during a routine briefing, demanding to know if the Biden administration was willing‌ to classify anti-Semitic activists as “domestic terrorists.” Doocy ⁢directly asked, “Are the individuals in this country ‌who make violent, anti-Semitic⁢ threats considered domestic terrorists?” Kirby, currently serving as ⁢the strategic communications director for ‍the National ‌Security Council, suggested that⁤ law enforcement should⁣ make⁤ that determination.‍ He stated, “I don’t‍ know if we are labeling people as domestic terrorists ‌for that. That ‍question is better suited for law enforcement.” Doocy​ persisted, questioning⁣ Kirby about the potential for terrorists to enter​ the country through the porous southern border. ‌Kirby ⁤responded by acknowledging ‍the constant ‌concern about the ‍presence of terrorists on U.S. soil and the⁢ need for vigilance. Doocy further highlighted a bulletin from the CBP in San ⁣Diego, which warned about the possibility ‌of encountering militants‌ associated⁢ with the Israel-Hamas conflict at the ⁣southwestern border. He‍ expressed concern about the 600,000 individuals ⁣who evaded capture at the border in the⁢ last fiscal year and the potential for one of them to be⁢ a terrorist. Kirby declined to answer ​whether a terrorist may have already crossed the border, emphasizing the ongoing vigilance against such threats.‌ He assured that the administration takes the⁤ potential threat seriously and has requested additional funding for border security. Additionally, there is the added concern that individuals on the terror watch ‍list have already managed to cross the⁤ southern border ‍undetected.

What measures ‍are being implemented to prevent individuals on the terror watch list from entering the country undetected

Title: Challenging Questions Posed to White House Correspondent Peter Doocy⁢ Highlight Concerns over Potential Domestic Terrorist ​Threat


During a routine briefing, Fox News’ White House correspondent‍ Peter Doocy ⁣challenged former Pentagon spokesman John Kirby on whether the ‌Biden administration would classify anti-Semitic activists as “domestic terrorists.” The exchange shed light ‌on the ongoing concern ⁤over potential domestic threats and the need for enhanced​ border security. This article will explore ‌the dialogues between Doocy and​ Kirby and their implications for national security.

The Classification of Anti-Semitic Activists

At the heart of Doocy’s questioning was whether those who make violent,⁢ anti-Semitic threats should be​ considered domestic terrorists. Doocy sought Kirby’s insights on whether the Biden ‍administration was willing to classify such individuals as threats to national security. Kirby suggested that law enforcement should make that⁤ determination, emphasizing their expertise in assessing the nature and severity of threats. He added that he was unsure‍ if labeling people as domestic terrorists would be the appropriate course of action for such cases.

Entrance of Potential Terrorists through⁤ the Southern Border

Doocy proceeded to ​press Kirby ‍on the potential for terrorists to infiltrate the country through the⁢ porous southern border. Kirby acknowledged ​the constant concern regarding the presence of terrorists on U.S.⁣ soil and emphasized the need for unwavering vigilance in addressing this matter. Doocy then referenced a ⁤bulletin from the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) in San Diego, warning about the possibility of encountering militants associated with the Israel-Hamas ‌conflict at the southwestern border.

The Unresolved ⁤Issue of Border Security

Doocy expressed concern about the approximately 600,000 individuals who ​evaded capture at‌ the border during the last fiscal year, raising the alarming potential for one of them to be a terrorist. However, Kirby declined to answer whether a terrorist might have already crossed the border. While he did not‍ provide a direct response to this specific question, Kirby ⁣emphasized the administration’s​ continuous vigilance against⁢ potential threats. He ensured that the administration takes this potential threat seriously and has requested additional ⁤funding for border security.

The Additional Concern of Undetected Terror Watch List Individuals

In addition to the⁣ potential infiltration of terrorists, there ‌is also a lingering concern that individuals on the terror watch list have⁤ already managed to cross the southern border undetected. By focusing‍ on this issue, Doocy highlighted the pressing need for heightened security measures that prevent individuals who pose a significant national security risk from entering the country.


The⁣ challenging questions posed by Peter Doocy ‍to John​ Kirby during a routine ⁤briefing underscore ⁢the ongoing concerns ‌about potential domestic terrorist ⁢threats and the need for stringent border security measures. The discussion⁣ between Doocy and Kirby shed light on the complex ⁢issue of classifying ⁣anti-Semitic ​activists as domestic terrorists, as well as⁤ the alarming potential for terrorists to enter the country through the porous southern border. These critical topics emphasize the imperative for continuous vigilance ‍and enhanced security protocols to protect national interests and the safety of American citizens.

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