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Passenger takes control as pilot experiences medical emergency mid-flight.

Pilot Suffers​ Medical⁣ Emergency ⁤During Flight,⁢ So ⁤Passenger ⁤Takes Matters Into Her Own​ Hands

A small⁤ airplane ‌crash-landed ​in a ⁤grassy⁣ field ‌near ⁢a⁢ runway⁣ at⁤ a ​Martha’s Vineyard‍ airport after​ the​ pilot‍ suffered⁣ a medical emergency.

According ⁣to ⁤a preliminary ‍report ‍of an ‍investigation being conducted ‍by the ⁤Massachusetts⁢ State Police, the plane ​was ⁤approaching​ the airport on Saturday⁢ to‌ land ⁤when its 79-year-old ⁢pilot became incapacitated.

The incident‌ occurred at approximately 3:15 ‌PM, ⁢according ⁤to⁢ the ‌West Tisbury Police⁣ Department where⁤ the‍ plane was attempting to ‍land.

A‌ female passenger on the ​six-seater⁢ aircraft took‌ control ⁣of the ⁢aircraft ⁢and ⁤attempted ​to ‍land it ​on ​the ‍exclusive⁣ resort island.

The airplane came⁢ down hard on⁤ the⁢ ground just outside the runway.

According to⁣ police, the​ impact caused the left wing of the‍ 2006 Piper Meridian dual⁢ propeller ⁢aircraft ⁤to ⁤break ⁢in half.

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“The‍ male ‌pilot, ⁢80 ‍years ‍of age,​ was having‍ a ⁢medical ⁢condition upon approach when ⁢the female passenger,‍ 68, ​took over‌ controls‍ eventually⁤ landing ⁤the⁣ plane ⁤on⁣ its belly​ with ⁤no landing ‌gear,” the West Tisbury ‍Police ⁢Department said‌ on​ Facebook.

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Police,‍ fire⁢ and ​medical​ personnel arrived‌ at ⁢the scene ⁢and ⁣transported ⁣both ​the​ pilot and the ‍passenger to ⁤a local⁣ hospital.

A ‌video⁢ posted ​on YouTube⁤ by⁣ The‍ New ⁣York⁤ Post showed the⁤ aftermath of the crash:

The pilot’s ⁣condition ‌was ⁤reported as⁤ serious ​and⁢ life-threatening, and he ⁣was transferred⁢ to Boston⁤ in a medical⁤ helicopter.

It ⁤is ⁣unclear‍ if‌ his​ condition‍ is‌ related⁣ to ‍the‍ crash-landing,‌ the ‌medical emergency that‌ led⁢ to‌ it or both.

Police ⁤said⁤ the female passenger ⁢escaped the incident⁢ without any​ injuries.⁢ The​ woman‌ was evaluated at⁤ a⁤ Martha’s ​Vineyard ‌hospital⁣ and released.

Neither‌ the⁣ pilot nor⁢ his passenger ⁣were identified⁣ by⁤ police, ⁢but are both reportedly‍ from Connecticut.

The ‍plane had ⁤taken off ​from ⁤an airport ‍in Westchester,​ New ​York, ​earlier ‌in the ‍afternoon‍ on the‌ day of the crash.

The​ Federal​ Aviation⁢ Administration ‍is ⁢also‍ investigating the ‍crash.

The post ​Pilot ‌Suffers‍ Medical ​Emergency​ During⁤ Flight, So Passenger ​Takes ⁣Matters⁢ Into Her ⁤Own⁢ Hands‌ appeared ‌first on The ‍Western Journal.

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